I knew about the BoF rip off of CT, but I had no idea that CT was borrowing from Pink Floyd. I think in the latter, it was an intentional homage. Or Rick Ashley? WTF?
I think the thing they were talking about with FF7's One-Winged Angel and Jimi Hendrix is stretching it. Those kind of similarities are how lawsuits are founded, and unjustly so. One did not borrow from another. It was merely a music pattern that just so happened to be repeated elsewhere.
However, you can't really tell by the clip, but there are indeed lyrics from Carmina Burana put into OWA. It's not in the same order, but they lifted from different places as the exact lines. I didn't believe it until I actually looked it up.
TFA wrote:You can hardly blame Nintendo for this particular connection, though. Everyone rips off "Mars." Seriously. Everyone.
Duh. That and the Requiem for a Dream theme.