Great game. It started off slowly (the Cobra unit was just dull and stupid outside of The Boss and The Sorrow; and what's with those stupid names, anyways?) but finished hella cool. Even though you could see the double-cross of EVA coming miles away, who the hell woulda thought she worked for China? And that bike chase sequence(s) at the end were tons of fun. The Shagohod was a pretty cool pre-Metal Gear as well and thought of quite well. I loved how they worked in history with the storyline, much better than the others, I thought. Storyline was top-notch and, unlike MGS2, was right up there, if not better, than MGS. And they tied it in with the original MGS so well. The Boss was a hella cool character and the fight with The Sorrow ruled all ass. Very, very cool idea, probably the best of all the games so far. I really liked how they did the stamina vs health thing as well. And Ocelot kicked a severe amount of ass, as always.
Quabbles are minor, but I need to mention them. Man, they need to allow you to move around in FP mode. It was annoying having to constantly switch back and forth with that steady camera. You just plain can't see far enough. Most of my being seen and issues came from the fact I couldn't see anything. The first four Cobra characters you found I thought were a little ridiculous. Hornet Boy (The Pain, if I'm not mistaken) was just silly. Spider boy (The Fear, I think) was particularly easy and not that great IMO. The End WOULD have been a kick-ass fight if he wasn't so impossible to spot. Just made the fight too damned long. If they had kept it in one of the areas rather than having to go back and forth across 3, it would have been an amazing fight. It just became boring over such a large area. And The Fury was just blow-torch boy from The Running Man. Been there, done that. All those bosses were dull and really slowed the game down in the beginning. It's when they were killed that it really took off. The way you could so easily heal yourself made the healing more of a chore than anything. By the time I was done, Snake shouldn't have been able to walk with all the splints and bandages. And I have no idea why they got rid of the moving faces in the codec. I always liked that. But that's a minor complaint in the group of minor complaints.
Overall, the game was excellent and everyone should wait until November to buy Subsistence, since you'll be getting twice the game for half the price. It's right up there with the original, which MGS2 definetely was not.
Quabbles are minor, but I need to mention them. Man, they need to allow you to move around in FP mode. It was annoying having to constantly switch back and forth with that steady camera. You just plain can't see far enough. Most of my being seen and issues came from the fact I couldn't see anything. The first four Cobra characters you found I thought were a little ridiculous. Hornet Boy (The Pain, if I'm not mistaken) was just silly. Spider boy (The Fear, I think) was particularly easy and not that great IMO. The End WOULD have been a kick-ass fight if he wasn't so impossible to spot. Just made the fight too damned long. If they had kept it in one of the areas rather than having to go back and forth across 3, it would have been an amazing fight. It just became boring over such a large area. And The Fury was just blow-torch boy from The Running Man. Been there, done that. All those bosses were dull and really slowed the game down in the beginning. It's when they were killed that it really took off. The way you could so easily heal yourself made the healing more of a chore than anything. By the time I was done, Snake shouldn't have been able to walk with all the splints and bandages. And I have no idea why they got rid of the moving faces in the codec. I always liked that. But that's a minor complaint in the group of minor complaints.
Overall, the game was excellent and everyone should wait until November to buy Subsistence, since you'll be getting twice the game for half the price. It's right up there with the original, which MGS2 definetely was not.