The Other Worlds Shrine

Your place for discussion about RPGs, gaming, music, movies, anime, computers, sports, and any other stuff we care to talk about... 

  • I don't understand.... (yes, it's my natural state of being)

  • Because playing them is not enough, we have to bitch about them daily, too. We had a Gameplay forum, but it got replaced by GameFAQs.
Because playing them is not enough, we have to bitch about them daily, too. We had a Gameplay forum, but it got replaced by GameFAQs.
 #96270  by Zeus
 Thu Mar 09, 2006 4:28 pm
How is it that these crazies get a voice? Oo Are the gaming press so sensitive towards ANY news regarding possible laws against the games industry, regardless of the stature of those involved, that they make EVERYTHING into a big deal? :huh:

How is it that the CDC gets involved in this? I don't get it.......

Let's hope these small-time political wackos don't get any real power in politics, right Sine? :bully:

 #96275  by Nev
 Thu Mar 09, 2006 7:57 pm
Hillary's shooting to gain "family values" credit by going after something. Lieberman just has an excess of principle.

 #96289  by Zeus
 Fri Mar 10, 2006 9:31 am
Mental wrote:Hillary's shooting to gain "family values" credit by going after something. Lieberman just has an excess of principle.
Lieberman started all this crap with the whole Mortal Kombat / Night Trap thing back in the early 90's. Having Hilary behind him is like a wet dream for him...

 #96292  by Nev
 Fri Mar 10, 2006 10:19 am
Here's the thing - I actually think it would be better for everyone if the industry just caved and allowed regulation of sales to minors, provided that it was done legally in a way that does not allow for censorship to adults in any way, shape, or form.

I really don't think it would be that bad if kids had to do a little more work to be able to play GTA. I'm one of the few that actually does think it has a small, but very perceptible, effect on kids' psyches (I know *I've* gotten worked up before playing games).

The industry, however, as with all industries, is absolutely not keen on anything that will reduce sales, which it will.


 #96294  by Julius Seeker
 Fri Mar 10, 2006 11:19 am
Game sales have actually gone up consisentently in Canada for the last 9 years (since 1997), but laws are in place which enforce ESRB ratings, so I don't think it is an accurate statement to say that enforced ratings will cause game sales to go down.

I am for censoreship to minors simply because I still remember how stupid and impressionable a significant portion of kids were back when I was one myself. There are kids who are mature enough to play these games, but those are almost always the same kids who aren't going to try to undermine the rules by buying them behind their parents back. Personally, from working at Futureshop, I really get pissed off at the assholes who will sell restricted games and videos to anyone just to get their extra buck in commision. Even back then, if you were caught doing that, you would get fired. Nowadays, you get caught, you get fined up to $1000. It's the same deal if you sell cigarettes to minors. This is just my opinion on the matter, I could be wrong, in fact, I know I am not right because there is a LOT of stuff I left out which; I don't think those who oppose everything about my opinion are right either though{/rant}

 #96298  by Imakeholesinu
 Fri Mar 10, 2006 7:10 pm
Mental wrote:Hillary's shooting to gain "family values" credit by going after something. Lieberman just has an excess of principle.
Fuck that. She's saying "Police Our Children since we can't do it for ourselves." The CDC needs to look into Movies and Music too. Fuck these politicans.

I'm voting for me, myself and I in the next election since no one else seems to be able to run a country much less a family these days.

 #96300  by Julius Seeker
 Sat Mar 11, 2006 10:44 am
Barret wrote:Fuck that. She's saying "Police Our Children since we can't do it for ourselves." The CDC needs to look into Movies and Music too. Fuck these politicans.

I'm voting for me, myself and I in the next election since no one else seems to be able to run a country much less a family these days.
What is wrong with that statement ("Police Our Children since we can't do it for ourselves.")? It's clearly not possible for parents to "police" their children after they reach a certain age.

I also strongly disagree that policing children is a proper way to run a "family these days." Wouldn't you think that a child would develop some sort of negative social issue if they were policed all the time by their parents? What does your vote have anything to do with this?

I somehow doubt that your vote will effect Hillary Clinton in any way since you are from St. Louis and she's from Chicago (according to Wikipedia), will any of the candidates that you are voting for mirror her opinion? Probably not, except perhaps the Republican one, and Hillary Clinton isn't even part of the republican party (according to Wikipedia).

Was it so bad when they banned cigarette sales to minors?

 #96304  by Zeus
 Sat Mar 11, 2006 6:50 pm
Barret wrote:
I'm voting for me, myself and I in the next election since no one else seems to be able to run a country much less a family these days.
I don't understand how voting is going to solve the issue since no one in politics seems to know how to run the country. If you vote, aren't you voting for someone who doesn't know how to run a country?

 #96307  by Nev
 Sat Mar 11, 2006 7:39 pm
The Seeker wrote:
Barret wrote:Fuck that. She's saying "Police Our Children since we can't do it for ourselves." The CDC needs to look into Movies and Music too. Fuck these politicans.

I'm voting for me, myself and I in the next election since no one else seems to be able to run a country much less a family these days.
What is wrong with that statement ("Police Our Children since we can't do it for ourselves.")? It's clearly not possible for parents to "police" their children after they reach a certain age.

I also strongly disagree that policing children is a proper way to run a "family these days." Wouldn't you think that a child would develop some sort of negative social issue if they were policed all the time by their parents? What does your vote have anything to do with this?

I somehow doubt that your vote will effect Hillary Clinton in any way since you are from St. Louis and she's from Chicago (according to Wikipedia), will any of the candidates that you are voting for mirror her opinion? Probably not, except perhaps the Republican one, and Hillary Clinton isn't even part of the republican party (according to Wikipedia).

Was it so bad when they banned cigarette sales to minors?
Much as I hate to agree with Seek, there is a related point I would like to make, which is that a lot of parents *don't* really parent their kids well. A lot do, but a lot don't, too. I've seen teenagers from the ghetto playing GTA and Tekken and etc. and going "this shit is tight", and I've seen ten-year-olds playing MMOs with graphic player-killing and a reputation for cybersex.

Are they going to shoot somebody up someday? There's a small chance. If they do, would they have done it even without videogames? Probably. But I do think that young children lack the experience with reality to understand some of the things they see in these games, and some teenagers lack the sense of moral responsibility (which again usually comes with age) to realize the consequences of the real-life versions of the glorified violence they see in games.

However, censorship is a slippery slope - what justifies a government to judge something as "harmful" or "obscene", and how does one make sure that legislation does not prevent free speech while it attempts to "protect" a certain part of the population? How does one account for differences of cultural taste and opinion in choosing what to censor - for instance, in the Midwest and South, which are heavily Christian, things might be considered harmful which would be largely ignored in California (for instance, references to cannabis or a certain threshold level of overt sexuality).

So I honestly don't know what the right answer is, but I am all right with a government passing legislation to prevent certain media from being in the hands of minors, PROVIDED THAT no legislation is ever passed which prevents media from being sold to adults because of content - which I don't think could ever happen anyway, because of the First Amendment.

However, seeing as how things are getting awfully right-wing around the world all of a sudden, I like to keep an eye on these things...because there are governments that will take away your liberty if you let them.

 #96501  by Zeus
 Mon Mar 20, 2006 7:14 pm
These fucking crazies are just making life difficult for sane people, aren't they?

 #96506  by Nev
 Mon Mar 20, 2006 8:49 pm
Dear sweet Jeebus.

The problem with that Oklahoma bill is that, like so many others, it seems like it's doomed to failure. Because it treats games differently than movies or other media, the games industry will challenge it (and probably rightfully) on Constitutional grounds, and I don't think it has a prayer. Things like that are inherently discriminatory.

I do wish the industry would wake up and realize that it needs to self-regulate better, though. One bill is one thing, but there are enough attempts to pass something along these lines that I have to think it actually does represent a significant number of angry people.

Jesus, I'd rather *we* slap retailers with fines for selling certain games to kids than that the government does. I really, really don't trust the government to be competent at much anymore.

 #96866  by Nev
 Fri Mar 31, 2006 11:40 am

Well, I have no power whatsoever in the industry at present. I'd say the vast, vast majority of it has no idea I even exist, while the rest of it doesn't really care all that much. Nothing I can do about it.

Dumb, though. We really, really ought to be doing a better job of regulating ourselves, because otherwise the government will do it for us, and they will come in in typically ignorant and blockheaded bureaucratic fashion and make it ten times worse than if we'd done it ourselves. However, as much as I hate to say it, most of the industry veterans I know have this retarded mental block about things, and if the entire Senate's having a hearing about it today, I doubt the "it's unconstitutional" thing will fly forever. Who knows...maybe...