Hmm, Mega Man action in a Metroid-like world? That sound very cool. And if there's the variety with being able to switch armors and stuff, giving you a pseudo-RPG feel, it'll be great if they can pull it off. Having it follow the excellent storyline of the Zero series is a big plus to me. I loved the Zero series and thought it was an excellent progression of the X story and gameplay.
Since you two are the only Mega Man fans here, I'll post this within this thread. During my last couple of trips to New York and Scotland, I played and beat through all of Mega Man Maverick Hunter X. This game isn't a remake of Mega Man X (the original), it's a re-invention of it. And it's a damned good one at that. The anime cutscenes are very well done (even though I'm not a fan of that particular style) and I love the audio talking back and forth between Mega and the bosses. Also, I was surprised at how well it played as a 2 1/2 D version. It's just as smooth and fast as the original with much nicer graphics and backgrounds. The fact they made it play as well as the 2D is the best compliment I can give. X8 played like Mega Man was running through molassas the entire time, but this one was great. And the fact that they changed around the boss order and the location of a lot of the power-ups (it was harder than expected to find the dash, dammit!) was great for those of us who played through the originals.
The next part is spoilers for what happens near the end and after you beat the game. I'll hide it in case you don't want the spoiler
I loved the ending sequence with Sigma. Having him sit there in background while you fight the dog was great. And they did a great job of mimicking his annoying attacks in his two forms. Not overly difficult, but very well done.
Also, the anime episode you get when you beat the game, The Day of Sigma, was awesome. Gives you the whole background on Sigma turning maverick in a great way. Really helps build the world of Mega Man X and, with the rest of the cutscenes throughout the game, does a great job of setting up the rest of the series.
Also, being able to play through as Vile once you're done with completely different storyline, including opening, middle, and closing cutscenes, different dialogue with the bosses, and that great ending where you only make it to the third level of Sigma's castle while having to fight X and Zero at the same time was just awesome. It was an excellent secondary storyline and an awesome way to give you more gameplay, especially since it's completely different to play through with Vile and his different weapons. If I'm not mistaken, he appears throughout the third X game, so I hope to hell they do the same thing for the next two remakes. They're supposed to be doing the first six X games and first 8 regular Mega Man games.
This is easily my favourite game for the PSP. It's an awesome game and may be my fav Mega Man game. I thought it was going to be just a fun remake, but the way they reinvented it was amazing.
I also just dabbled in Mega Man Powered Up a bit after I beat Maverick Hunter X. It seems like a pretty neat remake as well. I think the cutsey, anime large-head graphical style and Disney-like treatment of the storyline actually suits the series very well. The X series is much more of teen-level storyline and graphical style, so the original series really didn't need to copy that. Again, it plays just as well if not better than its 2D counterpart and I love the fact you can play through as the bosses you beat. In case you haven't played it yet, you don't actually destroy the bosses, you disable them and Dr. Light removes the reprogramming Dr. Wily put on them (if you don't recall the storyline, Dr. Wily steals all the robots from Dr. Light and reprograms them for his own good, so he turns to his helper robot Mega and equips him to fight, making him Mega Man), so they basically turn good again. A neat twist on the series and could turn out well. But I want to see how they explain/treat the teleportation rooms, which are essential IMO.
I only dabbled lightly in the make your own level thing. Not really sure how it works yet. I'm not so sure I like how they limit your selection of enemies to "groups" but I haven't done enough in it to have a complete opinion yet. But the fact that they even allow you to do it is neat IMO. It's just a bonus and a neat one at that. Same with being able to play the original game as it was. Not really necessary, particularly since they have the Anniversary Collection, but fun to have as an extra bonus so you can see the contrast. I hope they continue that for the other games in the series as well (and for the X games too, even though they didn't do it for the first one).
I was there on that fateful day, were you?