Final Impressions:
Well I finished the Dragon's Den and finished the game. It feels really good to be able to steal an Ultima Weapon and a Ragnarok Sword during the last battle, and be able to hold onto them for later. For those unsure, the Ultima Weapon (sword) is an awesome weapon for the later game when characters have higher levels as there is nothing which is strong against it. Ragnarok can be exchanged for Illumina at the Colleseum, an even better sword; so, in this game, don't take the Ragnarok sword over the magicite when given the opportunity. I forgot how excellent the ending of this game was, it was probably the best or second best (Earthbound allows you to go throughout the world to see everything that occurs after the defeat of the final boss; and that is just too unique and too cool =P) ending of any SNES game.
The Dragon's Den is an excellently crafted dungeon which utilizes elements from throughout the game to create something quite challenging (well, if you didn't do like I did and arm characters up with the best armour available, and everyone with Ultima, Quick, and high level heal spells, Celestriads, miracle shoes, genji gloves, soul of thamasa, master scroll, and experience eggs). Essentially you have three teams working together to get through the dungeon, there is experimentation and puzzle solving involved here. The dungeon took me a very long time, several hours to complete. It is shorter than Final Fantasy 4 Advance's final dungeon, and also lacks story elements (save for a short bit surrounding the final dungeon boss) and human settlement and towns within. It is a mix of caves and underground temples and castles, similar in idea to the Ancient Castle area you can reach with Figaro Castle. I felt that it would have been a nice addition if they would have tacked on some story to the dungeon as they did with Final Fantasy 4 Advance, but otherwise it is quite a good play. Though I certainly rank Final Fantasy 4 Advance's above due to the greater variety, the final dungeon of Final Fantasy 4 is probably the best dungeon ever created in an RPG.
As for the game overall, most of us already know the game well. It begins as a struggle between a variety of different characters who come from various portions of an extremely well crafted world to fight against the growing strength of the Gestahlian Empire (as it is titled in the game). The Empire represents technological progress and domination over the traditional ways; at its core, it is an empire which represents exploitation. So a psychopathic character such as Kefka would easily find his place in this Empire. The Empire is in pursuit of an ancient and near forgotten power called the Espers, each one source which in turn has a source with three stone Godesses sealed away from the world. The Empire is using Espers, which it has captured, to drain their life and energy away to infuse into their own technology: Magitech. So not only do they exploit the people of the world, but they exploit the forces of the Holy figures of the game, the Goddesses, as well. Similar to a previous game, Final Fantasy Legend 2, it is conceivable that one could become a God using these powers; which was the goal of Emperor Gestahl, to become a God ruling over the world. Well most of us know how that turned out =P
The game incorporates many of the elements of classic fantasy tales such as Lord of the Rings. There is a struggle between those who wish to exploit and destroy the natural world and the beautiful life in it, and those who oppose that. There are themes of loss, of death, of sacrifice, and of struggle against forces larger and more powerful. The end of the game really drives that point home. This really is a very beautifully crafted fantasy game, and to this day represents a pinacle in the genre.
For me, it was a very nice re-visit to the land and story I loved so much as a kid. I had played a lot of RPGs before, and some of them I quite loved (such as Phatnasy Star, Final Fantasy, and Final Fantasy Legend 1-2) though this one just completely stole me. Playing it today hasn't lessened my enjoyment of it much from when it was first launched, the game holds up great by todays standards; which this game set 13 years ago.
I have yet to see what this "Soul Shrine" is all about. Also, I do know that going back through Dragon's Den will lead to the fight with the Omega Weapon.
-Insert Inspiring Quote-