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Sony says PS3 controller NOT influenced by the Wii
PostPosted:Thu Jun 01, 2006 2:48 pm
by Zeus
No, seriously, they're claiming that "it's not unusual for two companies to development similar technology concurrently":
Yeah, OK, just like the Playstation controller wasn't influenced by the SNES controller in design or by the N64 controller (inclusion of sticks and rumble).
PostPosted:Thu Jun 01, 2006 3:45 pm
by Eric
Dude Sony's word is law. Now go out and buy a PS3 like they told you to do.
PostPosted:Thu Jun 01, 2006 4:02 pm
by Julius Seeker
Sony rips off everyone; they rip off Sega, they rip off Nintendo, and they rip off Microsoft. This isn't anything new, nothing on Sony's controller, from analog, to the button configuration, to rumble, to the tilt function are at all original. The PS3 takes a lot from the Xbox as well. Perhaps its true that this is just natural technological advancement, but I find it difficult to believe that Sony came up with all these ideas by themselves, particularly when they seem to begin developing these features as soon as another company displays them.
In the full interview he claims as much that the PSX was the one that first brought out 3D games (certainly wasn't ID Software or Sega which had 3D titles years before). He also claimed that the PS3 will replace PCs in the full interview (because I suppose there's going to be all sorts of companies jumping at releasing printer/scanners, and all sorts of other little accessories for the PS3).
PostPosted:Thu Jun 01, 2006 4:34 pm
by Flip
I can believe it because the PSP was supposed to have tilt, but they eventually scrapped it. That means, though, that they had tilt and controller movement on their minds for a long long time before this years E3 or the Wii controller announcements.
EDIT: That mercury game in my now playing is like a marble madness, was a launch title, and was supposed to used with tilt... but since they decided not to use it the game developer changed the controls to the analog stick.
PostPosted:Thu Jun 01, 2006 5:12 pm
by Julius Seeker
Well, tilt function is not new. GBC first used it 6-7 years ago; and I am sure that other handhelds used it as well (though I am not sure on this). The Wii controller is different from the PS3 controller, it uses a pointer. Think of it more like a pen light which interacts with the screen; though tilt functions are a part of the controller; as well as a mic and a speaker.
PostPosted:Fri Jun 02, 2006 8:38 am
by Flip
The Seeker wrote:Well, tilt function is not new. GBC first used it 6-7 years ago; and I am sure that other handhelds used it as well (though I am not sure on this). The Wii controller is different from the PS3 controller, it uses a pointer. Think of it more like a pen light which interacts with the screen; though tilt functions are a part of the controller; as well as a mic and a speaker.
So then they are nothing alike and nothing was ripped off. Confirmed.
PostPosted:Fri Jun 02, 2006 9:39 am
by Zeus
Flip wrote:The Seeker wrote:Well, tilt function is not new. GBC first used it 6-7 years ago; and I am sure that other handhelds used it as well (though I am not sure on this). The Wii controller is different from the PS3 controller, it uses a pointer. Think of it more like a pen light which interacts with the screen; though tilt functions are a part of the controller; as well as a mic and a speaker.
So then they are nothing alike and nothing was ripped off. Confirmed.
Yes it is. Motion sensitivity in a standard controller was new to the Wii. Did you notice that there was NOTHING in terms of rumours or ANYTHING regarding any motion sensitivity whatsoever before E3? Also, there was only one game that used it (Warhawk) and a lot of developers were even surprised by it as it seems that it was only added in a few weeks before E3 (see Gamespot's E3 coverage).
So, if their developers knew nothing about it and there was no word whatsoever on it before E3, it appears to be a late addition. Considering the buzz last August that the Wii received from developers regarding their sensitivity and the reaction by Sony when they revealed it at E3 (Kenny said "Don't you just love surprises?" and indicated that this was their big bomb to be dropped) and the fact that no one, not even the close developers, had anything prepared for it (or even knew about it) says it was a reactionary hardware alteration to me.
PostPosted:Fri Jun 02, 2006 2:24 pm
by Julius Seeker
Flip wrote:The Seeker wrote:Well, tilt function is not new. GBC first used it 6-7 years ago; and I am sure that other handhelds used it as well (though I am not sure on this). The Wii controller is different from the PS3 controller, it uses a pointer. Think of it more like a pen light which interacts with the screen; though tilt functions are a part of the controller; as well as a mic and a speaker.
So then they are nothing alike and nothing was ripped off. Confirmed.
Well, it is very obvious they tacked it in because of Wii.
PostPosted:Fri Jun 02, 2006 5:24 pm
by Nev
Sony spews bullshit like fountains spew water. End of story. Nothing more to see here, you may return to your homes.
PostPosted:Sun Jun 04, 2006 10:14 pm
by SineSwiper
That's alright. Sony invented the rumble function, and Nintendo ripped off the GC controller design from PS2 (and then added some other things). N64 Halfstick still sucks...
PostPosted:Sun Jun 04, 2006 10:26 pm
by Zeus
SineSwiper wrote:That's alright. Sony invented the rumble function, and Nintendo ripped off the GC controller design from PS2 (and then added some other things). N64 Halfstick still sucks...
You're actually serious.......and I always took you for a logical man, Sine
PostPosted:Wed Jun 07, 2006 9:58 pm
by Julius Seeker
SineSwiper wrote:That's alright. Sony invented the rumble function, and Nintendo ripped off the GC controller design from PS2 (and then added some other things).
Whoah! I think there is a LITTTLE bit of confusion here, unless you are joking:
1) Nintendo used force feedback in April 1997, Sony didn't use it until May 1998, over a year later; and got sued 91 million dollars for patent infringement (Sony is also not able to use force feedback within their new controller design).
2) The PS2 controller design is based off of the SNES controller (developed before 1991) with an analog stick, something else Nintendo used back in 1996, whereas Sony didn't use it until 1998.
PostPosted:Wed Jun 07, 2006 11:31 pm
by SineSwiper
Well, whatever. I won't miss the rumble function either way. It was cool the first hundred times I felt it.
PostPosted:Thu Jun 08, 2006 8:20 am
by Lox
SineSwiper wrote:Well, whatever. I won't miss the rumble function either way. It was cool the first hundred times I felt it.
So you weren't kidding about that???

PostPosted:Thu Jun 08, 2006 10:14 am
by Zeus
And Sine, just to clear up any confusion....
PostPosted:Fri Jun 09, 2006 4:26 am
by SineSwiper
Lox wrote:So you weren't kidding about that??? :)
Hey, the first rumble game I played was Metal Gear Solid on the PSX. I thought Sony invented the technology. And Sony's had too many lawsuits to keep up with.
PostPosted:Fri Jun 09, 2006 1:10 pm
by Zeus
SineSwiper wrote:Lox wrote:So you weren't kidding about that???

Hey, the first rumble game I played was Metal Gear Solid on the PSX. I thought Sony invented the technology. And Sony's had too many lawsuits to keep up with.
That's because you didn't own a 64. Starfox 64 was the game that introduced rumble in regular console controllers and it was a big deal at the time
Re: huge!
PostPosted:Fri Jun 09, 2006 4:07 pm
by Zeus
bovine wrote:That rumble attachment for the n64 controller was HUGE! It made the controller weigh twice as much, it took 2 AAA batteries, and it increased the depth of the controller by 2x as well..... I still use it when I dust off the N64 though.
Exactly. We used to fight over who would get it for Goldeneye 'til I broke down and finally bought 3 more.
As silly as it was when you think about it now, it was the bomb back then