Alright, I don't actually have one myself yet, but a few of my friends have bought them; it's actually surprising who the people I know who are getting them are, one of them has only ever owned a PS2 as a videogame system before, and another is hardcore into PC gaming.
Anyways, the popular games seem to be Mario and Brain Age. These are two games that appeal to an older audience, younger generations might be able to enjoy them too; but the Mario Brothers game, this is a game that was created for the fans of the series 15+ years ago; and that's who's buying them. Brain Age is fairly self-explanatory.
Onto the actual system: The white DS Lite actually looks a lot better than it does in screenshots and other such things. The control pad is MUCH better than the original, it is perhaps the most comfortable control pad included in any videogame system. It is a much more comfortable system to hold, it's smaller, that's for certain (and people wondering if it is too small for large hands, I'm nearly six foot four, I have huge hands). It is definately lighter, but it is more dense.
The screen, now, this is probably because I am used to the GBA and original DS, but I find that only the lowest setting is watchable, anything brighter causes me to squint. The brightness on the brightest setting is probably too bright for standard room lighting, however, if outside, it might be a good way to counter-act the sun's brightness. I am not sure, the screen on its brightest setting is not fit for human eyes to look into.
I am highly tempted to get a white one myself, they seem to be quite popular. Though I already have my eye set on enamel blue.
Anyways, the popular games seem to be Mario and Brain Age. These are two games that appeal to an older audience, younger generations might be able to enjoy them too; but the Mario Brothers game, this is a game that was created for the fans of the series 15+ years ago; and that's who's buying them. Brain Age is fairly self-explanatory.
Onto the actual system: The white DS Lite actually looks a lot better than it does in screenshots and other such things. The control pad is MUCH better than the original, it is perhaps the most comfortable control pad included in any videogame system. It is a much more comfortable system to hold, it's smaller, that's for certain (and people wondering if it is too small for large hands, I'm nearly six foot four, I have huge hands). It is definately lighter, but it is more dense.
The screen, now, this is probably because I am used to the GBA and original DS, but I find that only the lowest setting is watchable, anything brighter causes me to squint. The brightness on the brightest setting is probably too bright for standard room lighting, however, if outside, it might be a good way to counter-act the sun's brightness. I am not sure, the screen on its brightest setting is not fit for human eyes to look into.
I am highly tempted to get a white one myself, they seem to be quite popular. Though I already have my eye set on enamel blue.
-Insert Inspiring Quote-