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I've decided to wait a while, a long while...

PostPosted:Wed Sep 27, 2006 2:40 am
by Eric
Before I choose which Next Gen system to buy first. Honestly at this point I can't tell, rumors floating around RE5 is heading to X-Box 360 exclusive. PS3 has it's odd line-up of games, but Kingdom Hearts 3 might not land on it. The Wii still has me at a watch and see approach because I don't know if I'm ready to look goofy while I play a video game just yet. =o

How are you all feeling?

PostPosted:Wed Sep 27, 2006 6:40 am
by Julius Seeker
I am buying a Wii at launch, and I am sure I'll get one since more than 1 million will be launched in North America. I can't resist the line-up they have for it: a Zelda, Smash Brothers, Metroid, and Mario game all out within the first few months. I don't think a system has had that many top games out in that amount of time in the history of videogames. I am also very interested in several others, particularly some of the more obscure titles, Trauma Center is a good one to note. There is also a Resident Evil game coming out, but I am not interested in the genre anymore (this generation, only Eternal Darkness seemed to really do much for me), I just thought I'd note it since you were wondering about Resident Evil.

Other than that, PS2 has games still coming, and I am VERY much enjoying Xenosaga 3. DS, of course, has loads of stuff coming out all the time, the Dragon Quest Heroes game is out, and I am currently playing Starfox. There is also the new Final Fantasy III DS game, which looks to be a very good upgrade. I just hope they don't pussify the gameplay, and make it one of the easiest games in the series instead of the most difficult. Also, I am very interested to see what games Bioware is now developing for the DS since they recently made their announcement that they will now be developing for the DS as well as the Xbox 360 and PC.

Xbox 360 is a future purchase, depending on how my PC can hold up with some of the releases coming to it. I would purchase it now if I wasn't so sure I wouldn't be buying games for it for a long while yet.

PostPosted:Wed Sep 27, 2006 10:14 am
by Oracle
Wii at launch, hands down. At this point in time, I dont give a damn about PS3 or Xbox360. I don't have as much time to play games as I used to, so the Wii appeals to me perfectly. Lots of "pick up and play" games.

PostPosted:Wed Sep 27, 2006 10:15 am
by Zeus
Wii is the first launch system for me in a while. I doubted them on the DS as I thought it wasn't more than a gimmick when I played it at E3 2004. But, like a lot of the developers, I'm genuinely excited at the possibilities and the stuff that's already been announced (Madden actually sounds neat and I REALLY want to play Zelda, but who doesn't?). Also, at $280 Cdn with a game, it's priced right as well. Heck, taking into account inflation, my N64 was more expensive (bought it a couple months after launch SOLELY based on Mario 64, which I had rented in Japanese 5 months earlier and was hooked) when I bought it at $200 US.

Seek, don't expect to see Mario until Summer of 2007 at the earliest, maybe even Xmas period (October-December). Metroid and Wario Ware, if we're lucky, we'll see by March (I say Metroid gets delayed). This is going by my expectations, not what they're saying (remember, Zelda 64 was coming out for 2 years). But there's enough 3rd party support with this one early on that it shouldn't (hopefully) see the delays of the 'Cube, which took a few months to really get going after the 15 titles at launch (over half of which were ports, like the EA stuff for the Wii).

I'm hopeful on getting a 360 shortly as well, but I am ONLY interested in the premium edition (the core is freakin' ridiculous) and I think by waiting 'til next summer, we're going to see a significant price drop. I don't really want to pay much more than about $200 Cdn for a used one as there's no real "MUST PLAY NOW" game for it (ie. Zelda or MGS 4) and right now they're about $320 Cdn used (Microshaft is screwing the Canadians with their 50% exchange rate on the systems). I really like the XBLA (I'll be getting a used arcade collection disc with the system) but that may also be surpassed by the Wii one as long as there's original content, which is the main appeal of the XBLA for me.

As for the PS3, it's WAAAAYYY to expensive and no real reason to get it IMO. I don't care for the Blue-Ray/HD-DVD thing as I'm not about to replace my entire DVD collection when component video into a plasma is fine for me. And I don't really care much for using my console as a set-top box, I have a PC for a lot of that. So, it's down to basically games and I ain't payin' $660 (again, won't bother with the cheaper version) Cdn to play MGS4, regardless of how much a$$ it kicks (I'll just rent the damned thing for a couple of days). So, I'll wait for a few years and get one for $200 or so, like with the 360.

My expected price for next-gen systems, not taking into account games I want NOW, is about $200 Cdn. So far, the Wii is the only one that's close enough to make me say "I'll get it now rather than wait for used". Halo 3 MAY change my mind on the 360, but I expect it to be in my range by the time that comes out. Although with MGS4, I may have to wait an additional 2 years before the system is down to a decent price.

PostPosted:Wed Sep 27, 2006 10:46 am
by Lox
I'm getting a Wii at launch. With a $250 price and some must-have games (for me at least), there's no reason to wait.

I'm basically in the same mindset as Seek. The Wii will be my next system for a while. I'm happy playing all the PS2 games I missed along with the DS games being released and the ones I missed.

I may get a 360 down the line if some awesome games are released for it. I hear that KH3 isn't a definite for the PS3 so if the 360 got it, I'd probably get one.

PostPosted:Wed Sep 27, 2006 10:49 am
by Torgo
Wii at launch.

I might invest in a PS3 though, just to sell on eBay.

PostPosted:Wed Sep 27, 2006 11:10 am
by Kupek
I'll probably eventually get a Wii. Not at launch; I haven't played a videogame in about two months. But I doubt I'll ever get a 360 or a PS3.

PostPosted:Wed Sep 27, 2006 11:39 am
by Zeus
Torgo wrote:Wii at launch.

I might invest in a PS3 though, just to sell on eBay.
Yeah, I was thinking about that myself. I have a couple of opportunities to get one but damned, $660 + tax is over $700 here, which is a helluva lot to invest

PostPosted:Wed Sep 27, 2006 1:04 pm
by Julius Seeker
Kupek wrote:I'll probably eventually get a Wii. Not at launch; I haven't played a videogame in about two months. But I doubt I'll ever get a 360 or a PS3.
You might want to try a handheld system, they're considerably cheaper, and they're easier to play since you can play them anywhere.
Zeus wrote:
Torgo wrote:Wii at launch.

I might invest in a PS3 though, just to sell on eBay.
Yeah, I was thinking about that myself. I have a couple of opportunities to get one but damned, $660 + tax is over $700 here, which is a helluva lot to invest
Particularly in case no one actually wants one.

PostPosted:Wed Sep 27, 2006 1:55 pm
by Kupek
I want to get a DS, but I don't because I don't think I'd use it much right now.

PostPosted:Wed Sep 27, 2006 3:27 pm
by Zeus
Seek: I guarantee the first 3-5 million PS3s sell easy, so it's not an issue of whether or not I sell it, it's whether or not I get enough for it. I'd want at least $1000 Cdn to make it worth while and considering the price of it normally, there's an outside chance that won't happen as even though they'll sell. People just may not pay that much of a premium on it like they did on the PS2.

Kupek: You may be surprised how often you can get use out of a handheld if you haven't had one for a while. Half an hour here or there at lunch or on the bus/train is pretty easy to do if you're lookin' for something to do while you're waiting/commuting. And there are some kick-ass games for the DS and PSP now. Personally, I like reading the free paper that you can get when you commute (it's called the Metro up here) and catch up on the world, but when I'm beat or just don't feel like reading, listen to music on the PSP (which helps me sleep in the mornings during my commmute) or playing a little bit of a game on the PSP or the DS does wonders.

PostPosted:Wed Sep 27, 2006 5:31 pm
by Flip
I've had the same thoughs, i'm not going to get anything at launch. With FF12 coming soon, that will keep me busy enough for quite a while since i play games so slowly nowadays (and i still love my PSP).

PostPosted:Wed Sep 27, 2006 10:02 pm
by kali o.
I bought the 360 near launch, and it has satisfied me quite nicely up till now (and the Bioware games I really wanted haven't even hit yet).

The Wii I will pass on. I have no interest in Nintendo games really and I can't see the Wiimote encouraging anything more than gimmicky gameplay. If it was cheaper, I might've picked it up on an impulse buy - now I'll wait till it dips under $100, if at all.

The PS3 I'd buy for ebay alone, but it's not worth the hassle. Since I already have a 360, it all comes down to exclusives and BluRay. The PS3 doesn't have any exclusives that interest me at the moment (though White Knight Story looks neat) and I'm in no hurry for a BR player (my DVD collection is still new ffs). If BR slams HDDVD or PS3 snags some must-have exclusives for me, I'll probably grab one on the first or second price drop.

Handhelds. If I'm out and about, I'd rather read if anything. Handhelds aren't my thing at all.

PostPosted:Thu Sep 28, 2006 12:23 am
by Manshoon
Wii at launch, no question. Zelda and Metroid are must-haves, and I have faith it's going to surpass the GC in quantity and quality of titles in the long-term. The 360 I have no interest in (I'll wait until my friend picks up Halo 3 to play it on his system), and while I'll eventually get a PS3 for the Square-Enix titles it won't be anytime soon, maybe after a price drop or two.

PostPosted:Thu Sep 28, 2006 8:35 am
by Julius Seeker
Square, for me, is probably the only development company that could convince me to get a PS3, however, I do not really have much faith in the people remaining with the company. There are a few good ones left, but Square has lost nearly all of its top staff in the last few years: Sakaguchi, Matsuno, Nojima, Uematsu, Mitsuda, Sakimoto, Tetsuya Takahashi, Shinji Kameoka, and Masato Katou.

A lot of other companies have emerged as a result of Squares decay, but it remains to be seen how effective these will be. So far, Brownie Brown (which still deals with Square, developing some of their Seiken Densetsu games, also works with Nintendo in developing games such as Mother 3, and does their own work like Magical Vacation), and Monolithsoft (Within Namco, develops Xenosaga, Disaster: Day of Crisis, and Baten Kaitos) have been somewhat successful. Easily the largest concentration of developers rests in Mistwalker, but they have yet to make any impact outside of the names of the people involved with the company. The thing is, one thing all of these developers have in common is that they have yet to announce a single game for PS3. At this point in time Mistwalker is 360/DS exclusive, Monolithsoft and Brownie Brown are both Wii/DS exclusive.

PostPosted:Sat Oct 07, 2006 8:45 pm
by SineSwiper
Kupek wrote:I'll probably eventually get a Wii. Not at launch; I haven't played a videogame in about two months. But I doubt I'll ever get a 360 or a PS3.
My views exactly. I think when the price of a console exceeds the price of a computer, it kinda defeats the damn purpose.