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Game suggestions for a picky gamer

PostPosted:Thu Dec 14, 2006 5:28 pm
by Zeus
Need a little help on this one guys. I have a workmate who owns a PS2 and is looking for more games. He's rather picky, but it more of a weird way. He loves graphics and is a self-admitted graphics whore. He likes action games with some puzzle elements. And he really likes story. BUT, he hates the FPS perspective. He got Killzone and just didn't like it mostly 'cause of the perspective but also 'cause it's purely mission based (he prefers the story driving what you do and not just having a bunch of missions connected by some story elements). Forget things like RPGs or GTA, he's just not into them. He's a Sony man through and through, so other systems are out.

His favourite game of all time is Resident Evil 4. He was an enormous RE fan before and RE4 is like the perfect game to him. He likes the Silent Hills a lot and he loves God of War. He also liked Fatal Frame, but not quite as much as it was a bit more slow moving and he didn't like the use of the camera. He very much disliked Beyond Good and Evil and Shadow of the Colossus (to me, arguably the two best games on the PS2 besides Guitar Hero). Yet, he thought Ico was one of the best games he's played, which is why he got Colossus to begin with. Basically, he's a very picky casual gamer who likes survival horror and story driven games with nice graphics. And he's picky about the controls being good, as long as they're not FPSs :-)

I've been trying to figure out what to recommend but I just don't know. He's oddly picky and it makes it hard to recommend something. Any suggestions would be helpful.

PostPosted:Thu Dec 14, 2006 6:06 pm
by Kupek
Has he tried Devil May Cry? That's easy to get into and surprisingly fun. And how about Katamari? That's a harder sell because of the cutesy Japanese theme, but the gameplay is rock solid.

PostPosted:Fri Dec 15, 2006 12:20 am
by Flip
Cant believe a guy of that description hated Shadow of the Colossus, that was the first game i thought of. Tell him he is a freaking LOSER!

PostPosted:Fri Dec 15, 2006 1:39 am
by Eric
Flip wrote:Cant believe a guy of that description hated Shadow of the Colossus, that was the first game i thought of. Tell him he is a freaking LOSER!
Who are you to judge him Flip?! HUH? WHO ARE YOU!?!?!....are...are you my father? hmmmm....where is he....

*Stares for a second thinking then looks up*

Hello, and you are? ^_^

PostPosted:Fri Dec 15, 2006 8:58 am
by Zeus
Yeah, he hated Devil May Cry and MGS as well. Too slow moving, which is odd 'cause he loved Ico. He doesn't like the sneaking or just straight action. And Katamari is out, not his type.

I'm telling you guys, it's very hard to find a game for someone picky like that. It's almost a crapshoot

PostPosted:Fri Dec 15, 2006 9:40 am
by Oracle
Zeus wrote:Yeah, he hated Devil May Cry and MGS as well. Too slow moving, which is odd 'cause he loved Ico. He doesn't like the sneaking or just straight action. And Katamari is out, not his type.

I'm telling you guys, it's very hard to find a game for someone picky like that. It's almost a crapshoot
If this guy didnt like DMC and MGS but like friggin Ico (not knockin Ico, but compared to the other two...) I really don't know what to suggest. Get him Katamari Damacy perhaps?

PostPosted:Fri Dec 15, 2006 9:46 am
by Julius Seeker
I loved Ico. I am not too fond of DMC or MGS 3 (though I did like the first 2); but I really like the new Splinter Cell.

PostPosted:Fri Dec 15, 2006 12:27 pm
by Zeus
Katamari is out, Oracle. He doesn't like cutesy stuff....

I should mention he played and enjoy the first two PoP games, but by the end of the second, he thought it was wearing thing being all the same stuff, so he never picked up the third. He loved the first Jak and Rachet and they wore down as the series progessed as well.

I did forget to mention he has a 'Cube that he got to play RE4 and the other RE remakes. I actually suggested Zelda (Twighlight; he didn't like Wind Waker much) and he seems very, very intrigued but he's a little weary of the fact that it's got no voices to flush out the story, which he knows will bug him. He's trying to determine whether or not this will be big enough of an issue he can't get past. This is the type of pickiness I'm dealing with, someone who's very picky about good gameplay, good design, and good controls but at the same time is very superficial with the gaming.

PostPosted:Fri Dec 15, 2006 12:54 pm
by Oracle
I dont (and I assume most dont) play Katamari because it's "cutesy." I play it because it is ridiculously fun. Anyone, picky or not, should be able to appreciate a game like that.

PostPosted:Fri Dec 15, 2006 1:02 pm
by Zeus
Oracle wrote:I dont (and I assume most dont) play Katamari because it's "cutesy." I play it because it is ridiculously fun. Anyone, picky or not, should be able to appreciate a game like that.
See, I would agree, except when the person says to me "I hate cartoony, cutesy graphics" and I know he's a self-admitted graphics whore, I can't recommend something like that. I think he knows about it, but it doesn't matter, he just won't play it. This is what's making it difficult to find him something

PostPosted:Fri Dec 15, 2006 1:11 pm
by Julius Seeker
Sounds like someone I wouldn't bother helping out =P

PostPosted:Fri Dec 15, 2006 1:18 pm
by Zeus
The Seeker wrote:Sounds like someone I wouldn't bother helping out =P
He's my manager's manager. There's a bit of an incentive there :-)