Don Wang wrote:On the subject of authentic craziness, the whole point of Cid is that even though it looks like his insanity was due to supernatural force, it was not. When Balthier warned Ashe that she better not become another Cid he didn't mean if Ashe start inhaling Nethicite she might become the next Cid.
I thought the entire point of Balthier attempting to draw a parallel between Cid and Ashe was the fact that they all witnessed in some way or another the power that the nethicite had over Ashe (how the shard tried to represent itself as her lost husband Rasler). Nethicite undeniably helped to drive Cid into the crazy bastard he turned out to be, whether it was through the lust he had for the power the nethicite held, the power the nethicite directly held over Cid himself, or both.
Every character that had strong ties to nethicite and the willingness to use it tended to be a bit off their rocker (Cid, Judge Bergan, the viera Mjrn).
So, when Balthier warned Ashe about not becoming another Cid, I think he did indeed believe that if she gave into the power lust that the nethicite instilled in her, that she would become another Cid. She tried to justify needing the nethicite by saying it was necessary to combat the Empire, but it looked like it held a supernatural power over her as well, whether it was from something the nethicite possessed itself (i.e. sentience and free will), or by design of the Occuria.
Then again, I could have misinterpreted your post :p