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Wiinovelty over?

PostPosted:Sun Jul 08, 2007 3:39 pm
by Tessian
If I'm not mistaken most of you guys have Wii' my question is based off of the big "good time to buy a 360" thread than anything.

Many of you were commenting on disdain for what the Wii stands for, that being fewer big titles and more with the gimmicky remote. Does that mean the honeymoon with the Wii is over, and you guys are starting to get sick of it? Has it lost its luster and now it's just a substandard console with cute features and a novelty remote?

Wii's still aren't very easy to find in stores...but it's more a matter of them selling out in days instead of hours. I was even starting to contemplate throwing down on one for me and the gf (she's a gamer too, has her own f'ing 360) but I'd REALLY rather not spend the money on it to find out it gets boring and tired after half a year.

What do you guys think? Regret the purchase, or is it more a matter of waiting for the right games to start appearing? Haven't heard anything big come out on the Wii since Paper Mario...

PostPosted:Sun Jul 08, 2007 4:23 pm
by Nev
I don't own one. Happy enough with my 360.

PostPosted:Sun Jul 08, 2007 4:40 pm
by Chris
I enjoy it fr what it is. I'm finding it like the gamecube will be more a system for party games because it is that. it's a gimmick. it's a good and fun gimmick but it's definitely far more of a party game system than anything as hell with a group but s far the single player experience just isn't there for me outside of zeda ad paper maaaaaario

PostPosted:Sun Jul 08, 2007 7:27 pm
by Julius Seeker
I'm having tons of fun with Scarface and Resident Evil 4 which just came out. They'll hold me over until Metroid Prime 3 next month. I don't know how you can call the remote gimmicky when it very obviously enhances the controls on these two games big time and makes games like Wii Sports and Wario Ware Smooth Moves possible.

As for the sales, it has the strongest line-up this fall and is currently by far outselling PS3 and Xbox 360, there isn't a question of which console will dominate the holiday season.

PostPosted:Sun Jul 08, 2007 7:56 pm
by bovine
WAY too early to tell at this point. When 3rd party developers get the hang of the controller, it'll be more like a DS/PS2 situation where the system gets saturated with games. Right now we are just seeing people trying to jump on the casual gamers, just like those retarded games that first came out the the DS (sprung.... anyone?). After christmas passes, I think everyone will be happy. PS3 will get some nice 1st party exclusives out there (and come down in price so I can buy one on boxing day), the 360 will get halo 3, and the wii will finally get some non-minigame games and games that haven't already been released on the gamecube and everyone will be happy.

How was owning a launch 360 this time last year? with only GRAW, Oblivion, and *cough* Dead Rising as the significant games, 360 owners were probably not so happy. Early 2008 will be the time to ask if the wii/360/ps3 has lost its luster.

PostPosted:Sun Jul 08, 2007 9:58 pm
by M'k'n'zy
I still play mine quite a bit acutally. Betwen Super Paper Mario and Resident Evil 4 Wii Edit, I am having quite a good time so far. I also picked up Blazing Angels, and have had quite a bit of fun with that as well.

PostPosted:Sun Jul 08, 2007 10:16 pm
by Zeus
When it comes to playing games, other than say a few nights with Gears, I still regularly hit my DS or Wii more than anything. It's just the games I want to play more often than not are on there. The PS2 has been getting lots of love as well and I turn the 360 on more than anything although that's more 'cause of Tversity than anything now (just watched both Sicko and Transformers this weekend using it).

I just don't have too much time to play games anymore, too busy in my adult life. I wish I can and am trying to, but I can't sacrifice work or things like going on trips or camping for games. So yeah, Wii is still great, but I just don't get to game much in general anymore

PostPosted:Sun Jul 08, 2007 11:48 pm
by Tessian
Zeus wrote:just watched both Sicko and Transformers this weekend using it
You watched the movie??? I thought it was going to rape your childhood, murder your family and run over your dog! Not surprised you pirated it though...heaven forbid we pay for a movie that is actually worth admission.

God damnit, look what you made me do-- gone and threadjacked my own thread.

PostPosted:Mon Jul 09, 2007 5:15 am
by Chris
Tessian wrote:
Zeus wrote:just watched both Sicko and Transformers this weekend using it
You watched the movie??? I thought it was going to rape your childhood, murder your family and run over your dog! Not surprised you pirated it though...heaven forbid we pay for a movie that is actually worth admission.

God damnit, look what you made me do-- gone and threadjacked my own thread.
of course he did. he pirates everything......especially butt.

PostPosted:Mon Jul 09, 2007 1:34 pm
by Zeus
I said multiple times that I would watch the movie, I just wouldn't pay for it. I downloaded it on Saturday and watched it yesterday with my wife and bud.

PostPosted:Mon Jul 09, 2007 1:38 pm
by Zeus
Chris Hansbrough wrote:
Tessian wrote:
Zeus wrote:just watched both Sicko and Transformers this weekend using it
You watched the movie??? I thought it was going to rape your childhood, murder your family and run over your dog! Not surprised you pirated it though...heaven forbid we pay for a movie that is actually worth admission.

God damnit, look what you made me do-- gone and threadjacked my own thread.
of course he did. he pirates everything......especially butt.
FYI, I actually had Sicko on my comp for 3 weeks before I watched it at home. I insisted on seeing it in theatres first. I give my money to movies that deserve it.

PostPosted:Mon Jul 09, 2007 6:42 pm
by Tessian
Zeus wrote: FYI, I actually had Sicko on my comp for 3 weeks before I watched it at home. I insisted on seeing it in theatres first. I give my money to movies that deserve it.
This was definitely a movie that deserved it...and if you can't admit that even after watching it then you sir are a pathetic ignorant man.

You still believe it was a bastardization of your precious childhood, or did you come to terms with the fact that your childhood memories are as biased as the man you actually paid to watch his docudrama?

PostPosted:Mon Jul 09, 2007 9:03 pm
by Zeus
Tessian wrote:
Zeus wrote: FYI, I actually had Sicko on my comp for 3 weeks before I watched it at home. I insisted on seeing it in theatres first. I give my money to movies that deserve it.
This was definitely a movie that deserved it...and if you can't admit that even after watching it then you sir are a pathetic ignorant man.

You still believe it was a bastardization of your precious childhood, or did you come to terms with the fact that your childhood memories are as biased as the man you actually paid to watch his docudrama?
I have not given my opinion of the film yet.....and I won't here. If I say I loved it or hated it, I'd get chastised and/or ridiculed regardless and anything I say will be completely ignored. Just like with other films. I really have no incentive to discuss my opinion on movies anymore unless asked directly

PostPosted:Mon Jul 09, 2007 9:25 pm
by bovine
OMG seriously? why do you care what other people think of what you think of a movie? The build up to your review of this movie is epic..... it's like I MUST know what you think of it, maybe you liked prime but had some reservations about how the entire movie was pro-army and pro-american cars and made you want to vomit a little bit..... at least say that you didn't like it.

PostPosted:Mon Jul 09, 2007 9:32 pm
by Tessian
Now why would ANYONE ridicule you, Zeus? Maybe it's because you acted like a total fucking douche before the movie even came out and wrote it off as the worst thing to happen to the 80's since Vanilla Ice...

You had no problem giving reviews and opinions on movies before they've even been released, so why stop now that said movie is out?

PostPosted:Mon Jul 09, 2007 9:56 pm
by Julius Seeker
Tessian wrote:Now why would ANYONE ridicule you, Zeus? Maybe it's because you acted like a total fucking douche before the movie even came out and wrote it off as the worst thing to happen to the 80's since Vanilla Ice...

You had no problem giving reviews and opinions on movies before they've even been released, so why stop now that said movie is out?
Vanilla Ice was 80's?

PostPosted:Mon Jul 09, 2007 10:13 pm
by Tessian
The Seeker wrote: Vanilla Ice was 80's?
I thought he was... I only remember him being in the 2nd TMNT movie in 1991 at the tail end of his short maybe he was 1990...

You get my point :P

PostPosted:Mon Jul 09, 2007 11:38 pm
by Zeus
Tessian wrote:Now why would ANYONE ridicule you, Zeus? Maybe it's because you acted like a total fucking douche before the movie even came out and wrote it off as the worst thing to happen to the 80's since Vanilla Ice...

You had no problem giving reviews and opinions on movies before they've even been released, so why stop now that said movie is out?
If you spent as much time actually reading what I wrote rather than verbally attacking me, maybe you'd actually have a leg to stand on. As it stands now, all you're doing is attacking without even knowing what you're attacking.

I actually went through the effort of downloading this film three times before I got a decent copy that wasn't complete shit. I was still curious and wanted to see if I was wrong. I made a point of watching it soon after release regardless of what I may have thought of it ahead of time. I just couldn't in good conscious pay for it based on principle.

Yes, I had a very strong opinion about the film's direction mostly because it was what I considered a travesty of something I very much enjoy even to this day. I stated my case, repeatedly. Rather than someone, say, attempting to arguing the points with me, all I encountered, particularly from you, was baseless, malicious responses. And it's just not this film, it's a lot of them, but even more so in the last couple of years than before.

I actually haven't been giving my opinion on movies for about a year now other than when there were specific requests, like Sine's documentary one last month because of this. The vast majority of films you guys talk about I've seen I just haven't said anything, I have no reason to.

All you did above was prove my point. I love arguing points as long as it's a constructive argument, particularly against people that have the exact opposite view that I do. I find it fun and educational all at the same time. But turning things into name calling and a slam-fest is juvenile and a waste of my time. Strong opinions are great, attacks are fucking stupid.

So here I've found that I'm not going to be able to get into constructive arguments about films. So I just don't say anything and I won't about movies. I'll just consider that topic off-limits and have fun with the other threads. We still seem to have fun, constructive arguments on other topics all the time. But it's obvious that with movies it just ain't gonna happen. So be it.

PostPosted:Mon Jul 09, 2007 11:40 pm
by Zeus
bovine wrote:OMG seriously? why do you care what other people think of what you think of a movie? The build up to your review of this movie is epic..... it's like I MUST know what you think of it, maybe you liked prime but had some reservations about how the entire movie was pro-army and pro-american cars and made you want to vomit a little bit..... at least say that you didn't like it.
Saying "I liked it" or "I didn't like it" wouldn't be enough. Even you would have to know why. But like I said in my post to Tess above, no real reason to. I'd want it to lead to an argument but it'll just turn into a slam-fest. Not really something I wanna get into

PostPosted:Tue Jul 10, 2007 1:24 am
by Chris
seriously dude. I really do want to know what you thought. Either way...good or bad. I'm not goin to give you shit for your opinion. I'm actually interested to hear what you thought and I won't give you shit for anything other than you having downloaded it which is a dick move

PostPosted:Tue Jul 10, 2007 8:12 am
by Tessian
Zeus, the only shit I'm giving you is: a) you wrote the movie off as offensive and degrading before seeing more than a trailer, and b) that today you actually think any cartoon out of the 80's was any good. Sure they were entertaining at a young age, and I'm not saying the 90's / 00's were any better for children cartoon's...but looking at them now as an adult you have to admit they are pretty shitty. Plot lines that have massive holes then them and half the time are forgotten during the episode, dialogue that bests only Teletubbies and Pokemon, little character development, etc.

I LOVED my cartoons as a kid-- I was fiercely loyal to TMNT, Ghostbusters, Thundercats, and Transformers... but even I know by now that those shows were pretty damn crappy to anyone outside their target audience. The Transformers movie alone, which I re-watched a few years ago, might have given me cancer.

This is the only stuff I was giving you "shit" for... you put the cartoon show on this pedestal it doesn't deserve to be on, and then automatically wrote the movie off as an affront to said idolized cartoon. I'd still be interested to hear how much you liked the movie, unless you're one of those sad people who bitches that soundwave couldn't transform from a 1 foot high boombox into a 30ft robot ;)

PostPosted:Tue Jul 10, 2007 1:33 pm
by Zeus
I watched Robotech a couple years ago and still loved it. I watched the first season of Transformers again last year and still enjoyed it. And it was more than just nostalgia, I just like what they are. Yes, they are dated, but they are still very enjoyable. Robotech in particular holds up pretty well compared to so many animated shows nowadays that are focused on style over substance.

Sorry, guys, my movie reviews will no longer be heard here for the reasons stated above. My bitching and complaining about Transformers was more about the process of flimmaking that was going on made more intense by the fact that I still very much enjoyed the source material. It really was no different than Eric going off on RE when it came out (and my subsequent unending teasing :-). That won't happen anymore either, I don't think you guys want it.

PostPosted:Tue Jul 10, 2007 2:26 pm
by Chris
Zeus wrote:I watched Robotech a couple years ago and still loved it. I watched the first season of Transformers again last year and still enjoyed it. And it was more than just nostalgia, I just like what they are. Yes, they are dated, but they are still very enjoyable. Robotech in particular holds up pretty well compared to so many animated shows nowadays that are focused on style over substance.

Sorry, guys, my movie reviews will no longer be heard here for the reasons stated above. My bitching and complaining about Transformers was more about the process of flimmaking that was going on made more intense by the fact that I still very much enjoyed the source material. It really was no different than Eric going off on RE when it came out (and my subsequent unending teasing :-). That won't happen anymore either, I don't think you guys want it.
good god man....if you think you not posting reviews is going to curtail us making jkes about you having shitty taste in movies think again. it's the same reason we will always keep calling Nev a wasted stoner nutbar, Seek a complete DOuchebag, Don an elitist gaming nerd and Lox being locked in ISh's think you not posting is going to make it stop? It's teasing. we've been making the same joes about everyone for like 10 years now.

PostPosted:Tue Jul 10, 2007 3:54 pm
by Nev
Chris Hansbrough wrote:it's the same reason we will always keep calling Nev a wasted stoner nutbar
"Nutbar" is highly disputed!

...the rest of it, less highly disputed.

PostPosted:Tue Jul 10, 2007 8:04 pm
by Zeus
Chris Hansbrough wrote:
Zeus wrote:I watched Robotech a couple years ago and still loved it. I watched the first season of Transformers again last year and still enjoyed it. And it was more than just nostalgia, I just like what they are. Yes, they are dated, but they are still very enjoyable. Robotech in particular holds up pretty well compared to so many animated shows nowadays that are focused on style over substance.

Sorry, guys, my movie reviews will no longer be heard here for the reasons stated above. My bitching and complaining about Transformers was more about the process of flimmaking that was going on made more intense by the fact that I still very much enjoyed the source material. It really was no different than Eric going off on RE when it came out (and my subsequent unending teasing :-). That won't happen anymore either, I don't think you guys want it.
good god man....if you think you not posting reviews is going to curtail us making jkes about you having shitty taste in movies think again. it's the same reason we will always keep calling Nev a wasted stoner nutbar, Seek a complete DOuchebag, Don an elitist gaming nerd and Lox being locked in ISh's think you not posting is going to make it stop? It's teasing. we've been making the same joes about everyone for like 10 years now.
The jokes won't die and I'm OK with that. Heck, I've been keeping a lot of older jokes alive, like Lotus and Ish. I love that shit, it's fun.

It's the destructive criticism that is a waste of my time. I love it when people disagree with me, it makes for fun conversation......if it's not destructive. When it comes to the movies, it's become destructive. So I just don't add fuel to the fire anymore, that's all

PostPosted:Tue Jul 10, 2007 11:22 pm
by kali o.
It's clear nurse Zeus's mangina is a little sore from the unconstructive criticism here guys, so let's pull it back a little...



PostPosted:Tue Jul 10, 2007 11:29 pm
by Tessian
For Zeus:


PostPosted:Wed Jul 11, 2007 12:04 am
by Zeus
kali o. wrote:It's clear nurse Zeus's mangina is a little sore from the unconstructive criticism here guys, so let's pull it back a little...


Finally, the cream can actually work. Thanks Kali :-)

PostPosted:Wed Jul 11, 2007 2:49 am
by Eric
Zeus wrote:
Chris Hansbrough wrote:
Zeus wrote:I watched Robotech a couple years ago and still loved it. I watched the first season of Transformers again last year and still enjoyed it. And it was more than just nostalgia, I just like what they are. Yes, they are dated, but they are still very enjoyable. Robotech in particular holds up pretty well compared to so many animated shows nowadays that are focused on style over substance.

Sorry, guys, my movie reviews will no longer be heard here for the reasons stated above. My bitching and complaining about Transformers was more about the process of flimmaking that was going on made more intense by the fact that I still very much enjoyed the source material. It really was no different than Eric going off on RE when it came out (and my subsequent unending teasing :-). That won't happen anymore either, I don't think you guys want it.
good god man....if you think you not posting reviews is going to curtail us making jkes about you having shitty taste in movies think again. it's the same reason we will always keep calling Nev a wasted stoner nutbar, Seek a complete DOuchebag, Don an elitist gaming nerd and Lox being locked in ISh's think you not posting is going to make it stop? It's teasing. we've been making the same joes about everyone for like 10 years now.
The jokes won't die and I'm OK with that. Heck, I've been keeping a lot of older jokes alive, like Lotus and Ish. I love that shit, it's fun.

It's the destructive criticism that is a waste of my time. I love it when people disagree with me, it makes for fun conversation......if it's not destructive. When it comes to the movies, it's become destructive. So I just don't add fuel to the fire anymore, that's all
Yeah I'm gonna assume you didn't like it. =o

PostPosted:Wed Jul 11, 2007 5:35 am
by Chris
Zeus wrote:
Chris Hansbrough wrote:
Zeus wrote:I watched Robotech a couple years ago and still loved it. I watched the first season of Transformers again last year and still enjoyed it. And it was more than just nostalgia, I just like what they are. Yes, they are dated, but they are still very enjoyable. Robotech in particular holds up pretty well compared to so many animated shows nowadays that are focused on style over substance.

Sorry, guys, my movie reviews will no longer be heard here for the reasons stated above. My bitching and complaining about Transformers was more about the process of flimmaking that was going on made more intense by the fact that I still very much enjoyed the source material. It really was no different than Eric going off on RE when it came out (and my subsequent unending teasing :-). That won't happen anymore either, I don't think you guys want it.
good god man....if you think you not posting reviews is going to curtail us making jkes about you having shitty taste in movies think again. it's the same reason we will always keep calling Nev a wasted stoner nutbar, Seek a complete DOuchebag, Don an elitist gaming nerd and Lox being locked in ISh's think you not posting is going to make it stop? It's teasing. we've been making the same joes about everyone for like 10 years now.
The jokes won't die and I'm OK with that. Heck, I've been keeping a lot of older jokes alive, like Lotus and Ish. I love that shit, it's fun.

It's the destructive criticism that is a waste of my time. I love it when people disagree with me, it makes for fun conversation......if it's not destructive. When it comes to the movies, it's become destructive. So I just don't add fuel to the fire anymore, that's all
dude.....what was destructive criticism was every time you opened your mouth about the were suffering from ddelusional amounts of fanboy are worse than I am when someone contradicts the history of a comic character...and now you don't have the balls to give a review....even one had the balls to tear the shit out of it when it was in were unreasonable to an since you won't give a review I'm guessing you either liked it or at least thought it was decent because otherwise you wuld be rubbing peoples faces in the I told you so.

oh and on te topic......just got RE4 and Godfather.....yep....awesome on the seems tat some of the third parties are finally starting to get a hang on this hole wiimote thing

PostPosted:Wed Jul 11, 2007 7:54 am
by Zeus
Eric wrote:
Zeus wrote:
Chris Hansbrough wrote:good god man....if you think you not posting reviews is going to curtail us making jkes about you having shitty taste in movies think again. it's the same reason we will always keep calling Nev a wasted stoner nutbar, Seek a complete DOuchebag, Don an elitist gaming nerd and Lox being locked in ISh's think you not posting is going to make it stop? It's teasing. we've been making the same joes about everyone for like 10 years now.
The jokes won't die and I'm OK with that. Heck, I've been keeping a lot of older jokes alive, like Lotus and Ish. I love that shit, it's fun.

It's the destructive criticism that is a waste of my time. I love it when people disagree with me, it makes for fun conversation......if it's not destructive. When it comes to the movies, it's become destructive. So I just don't add fuel to the fire anymore, that's all
Yeah I'm gonna assume you didn't like it. =o
Whatever works for ya :-)

PostPosted:Wed Jul 11, 2007 9:57 pm
by Torgo
I have no regrets with the Wii at all. I've been playing it more than any other console in the past few months, including the DS. And although it's true that the Wii definitely more of a party system, I never felt shortchanged with single player content. Twillight Princess, Super Paper Mario, and RE4(which I am willing to play to have occupied hours upon hours of my time. And whenever I feel like I need break from those, the VC/Internet does a nice job of filling the void.

PostPosted:Sun Jul 22, 2007 12:41 pm
by Sephy
The only game I really feel gets any benefit from the remote right now is Wii Sports. It is very fun, and uses the controller very well. FWIW, I don't count Wario Ware in this category because its barely a game, just a collection of ADD minigames. I'm happy with just my 360 thus far.

PostPosted:Sun Jul 22, 2007 1:44 pm
by Zeus
Wario Ware, like all of the others from the series, does a great job of using the special interface in inventive ways and keeping it very fun. But I do agree, it's really more of a great time waster rather than a full-fledged game, kinda like Wii Sports.

And I do agree with Sephy that there really hasn't been specatular use of the Wiimote....yet. There's been some neat and fun stuff and Madden sounded neat (haven't played it) but so far, it seems to be other games with Wiimote controls tossed in. Mario Party 8 felt like it was a little more added in. Zelda and Paper Mario really feel like the converted 'Cube games they are in terms of controls. Great games, yes, but not games that feel like they were made with the Wiimote in mind.

That's where things will change this Xmas IMO. You have Mario, Metroid, WiiFit, and Smash Bros all coming out within a 4 month span all created from the beginning with the control scheme in mind (well, Wiifit with it's own special controller but still with a special interface in mind). And that's just first party stuff. It was really the same with the DS where it really took about a year for the touch screen to be used properly.

And as a gamer, you don't really want to be without the 360 this Xmas either. Too much good-lookin' stuff comin' for it. IMO you really want both of those systems now if you want to take advantage of all the great stuff comin'.

PostPosted:Sun Jul 22, 2007 2:40 pm
by Lox
I'm still playing it.

I'm actually not done Zelda yet because I got sidetracked with some other stuff. :)

One of those games that sidetracked me was The Godfather. I played it on the PC and enjoyed it. Playing it on the Wii is so much better though. I think they definitely used the Wiimote and motion stuff in a good way. I was highly impressed.

I want to get Wario Ware still and I want Mario Party 8 (just so my wife and I can play with 2 of our friends...we played some MP7 last night. heh)

I don't think the fun has worn off at all. I still enjoy some Wii Sports every now and then. And there looks to be a ton of awesome stuff coming out soon. I definitely want MP3, Mario Galaxy, SSBB, and other stuff. I'm even going to take a look at WiiFitness when it comes out. :)