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M-rated games sell better..

PostPosted:Tue Sep 11, 2007 12:45 pm
by Zeus
Duh? ... top;more;5

In that article, they also state that the Wii had more than twice as many titles ship as either the 360 or the PS3 during the same period (first 8 or 9 months) during the same time period. Guess that Nintendo-lull ain't as bad as it used to be.

We're talking about quantity, not quality. It's been an anti-Nintendo point since the SNES days

PostPosted:Tue Sep 11, 2007 4:51 pm
by SineSwiper
Mature games generally take longer to make, because they is more focus on realism, story, and graphics. They are mature because reality is mature, not E-rated.

Just apply the same logic to movies. How many of your favorite movies were PG? How many were R?

PostPosted:Wed Sep 12, 2007 6:58 am
by Julius Seeker
The article doesn't examine the data very well. Most M-rated games have a much higher budget. They sell better on average to non-M rated titles, but there are also a lot fewer budget titles (if any) targeting below 75K sales.

If you look at the top selling titles in North America for this year so far, they are not M-rated: Pokemon games, Wii Play, Madden, and Mario Party; these titles have all sold in the millions whereas the highest selling M-rated title is Bioshock which is just over half a million. Though the lowest selling titles like World of Mana, Carnaval Games, the latest Dynasty Warrior spin off, those are plentiful, and also non-M rated.