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Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix Last Boss(Enigmatic Soldier)
PostPosted:Wed Oct 31, 2007 4:37 am
by Eric
It really does kind of piss me off that I play through KH2, and a ridiculously better version gets released in Japan after the fact with brand new features and that version is never released or mentioned over here >_<
This fight looks like a blast. 17 Health bars apparently, and this is in the insane difficulty.
Oh, and Sora vs Roxas:
Looking over youtube annoys me, lots of great stuff added....sigh.
PostPosted:Wed Oct 31, 2007 7:41 am
by Lox
I'd replay the whole game just to use the card system from KH:CoM. I loved that system.

Re: Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix Last Boss(Enigmatic Soldier)
PostPosted:Wed Oct 31, 2007 8:45 am
by SineSwiper
Eric wrote:It really does kind of piss me off that I play through KH2, and a ridiculously better version gets released in Japan after the fact with brand new features and that version is never released or mentioned over here >_<
Didn't I just bitch about these "International" versions?
PostPosted:Wed Oct 31, 2007 2:47 pm
by Don
I fail to see why you guys are enamored with the ability to pay for the same game twice for one or two extra things. The reason why these international versions don't make it here is probably because they figure there are less suckers here that'd be buying the same thing twice.
PostPosted:Wed Oct 31, 2007 3:48 pm
by bovine
while I agree there may be a lesser percentage of the population being suckers, I am one of them, so I would like to see some of these tiny game alterations end up here.
PostPosted:Wed Oct 31, 2007 5:10 pm
by Julius Seeker
I'll buy an improved version of a game if I already know I like the game. Skies of Arcadia Legends, for example, fixed up the battle system, improved graphics, and added a whole lot of fanservice story stuff, giving characters like Ramirez and Vyse a lot more development. Replaying the game was quite a joy. If they remade it again with even further additions, I would probably buy it a third time =)
Though some times, like Soul Calibur 2 and 3, aren't worth it. Though both games had a lot more to them, the original did everything that it did do better, except graphics. Music, setting, and characters of the first one were all better. The overall fighting system hadn't really improved, and in the third one the balance was terrible (though balancing all of those characters would be a nightmare).
PostPosted:Wed Oct 31, 2007 6:32 pm
by Don
You could just buy 10 copies of Skies of Arcadia and hand 9 of them out to friends. It'd support the parent company the same way as buying 10 versions of Skies of Arcadia that is essentially the same as any other, and they wouldn't have to waste time/money coming up with a way to make more money by selling the same thing and move to something new. If for whatever reason I believe Typemoon needs another $60 from me to survive, I'd go buy their magical girl figurines before I'm going to spend another $60 to buy their Fate Stay Night remix that is exactly the same as the original except Saber appears in a robe.
At any rate, I think they actually tried to fix some stuff in the Skies remix like overhauling the atrocious load times. A lot of these remixes have less difference between them than the difference between Street Fighter 2 and Street Fighter 2 Turbo. If it looks like the game maker genuinely tried to improve the game I'm all for that, but 99% of the time it looks like they're just trying to find another way to make a buck.
PostPosted:Thu Nov 01, 2007 8:56 am
by SineSwiper
There's also people like me, who are late to buying some video games, and could end up with a bonus by getting the 2nd game first. It's like that with the Orange Box, since I really haven't played any of the games on the list, so it truly is a bargain.
PostPosted:Thu Nov 01, 2007 12:22 pm
by Don
I'm sure some people have never seen Star Wars either so the re-re-re-re-re-mastered version that comes out would be new to them, but I'd think most of the time they're really just trying to sell it to the people who already bought one. Note that these 'newer' versions of the game aren't exactly cheap, often costing exactly as much as the original, so it's not like some easy way to get something you missed. KH2 should be a greatest hit for$14.99 but the remix version will definitely be the standard $50 or $60 if it came out here. If they offer the new KH2 at $20 I can see it as a legitmate way to reach out people who never bought it, but at the full price that pretty much means it's only trying to ripoff the diehard fans.
PostPosted:Thu Nov 01, 2007 1:02 pm
by Lox
You might not think the game would be worth another $50, but I would because you get Chain of Memories with PS2 graphics and KH2 with the card system from CoM. I love both of those ideas and KH2 is a game I would like to replay anyway. It just means that I sell my copy of KH2 to someone for $30 and suck it up.
Why is it hard for you to understand that not everyone enjoys the same things as you?
PostPosted:Thu Nov 01, 2007 4:51 pm
by Julius Seeker
Depends on the company, Capcom brought out the Wii version of RE4 for $29.99 and the game is essentially a large step up in terms of control (you can compare it to the Gamecube controller controls by plugging in the Gamecube controller) as well as containing the best elements of all worlds from the PS2, PC, and Gamecube versions; no slowdown, all PC and PS2 extras, etc...
Hard to say if Square Enix is as cool as Capcom though.
PostPosted:Fri Nov 02, 2007 5:32 am
by Eric
I'm surprised Seeker hasn't posted sales numbers yet, it sells better in North America then Japan, so what's the deal, sheesh.