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Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

PostPosted:Wed Dec 26, 2007 1:28 am
by bovine
Another ps3 game you can beat in one sitting. Well, as I have beaten it, I'll just tell you that it is my favourite ps3 game so far. I didn't beat it out of spite like I did with Heavenly Sword, I beat it because it was freaking amazing! Amazing story, graphics, gameplay, and I just couldn't stop playing it. It's like Tomb Raider and Prince of Persia had a child, but it has an awesome story (unlike both of the previously mentioned games). One of my favourite games of the year so far. Overall about 7-9 hours. No sidequests or anything as it's strictly linear.

PostPosted:Wed Dec 26, 2007 8:21 am
by Zeus
That is one of the few PS3 games that I would get should I get a PS3. Not yet, though, still a little too much just to play Uncharted and Time Crisis. I would go for Ratchet and Clank and Resistance used for decent prices too, but other than those four games, there's just some of the PSN games (flow, Everyday Shooter, Super Stardust) that look interesting. The releases of Little Big Planet and MGS4 might change that though......

PostPosted:Wed Dec 26, 2007 9:16 am
by SineSwiper
Still not enough for me. I'm perfectly happy with my 360. Even during in-between periods of games, there is still a wealth of good games on XBL.