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Seeker, where are my January NPD's?

PostPosted:Fri Feb 15, 2008 11:43 pm
by Blotus

01. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (Xbox 360) - 330,900
02. Wii Play (Wii) - 298,100
03. Guitar Hero III (Wii) - 239,600
04. Rock Band (Xbox 360) - 183,800
05. Guitar Hero III (Xbox 360) - 182,700
06. Super Mario Galaxy (Wii) - 172,000
07. Burnout Paradise (Xbox 360) - 144,100
08. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (PS3) - 140,000
09. Mario Party DS (DS) - 138,500
10. Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games (DS) - 133,000

Our UAV is online.


Wii - 274,000
PlayStation 3 - 269,000
PlayStation 2 - 264,000
Nintendo DS - 251,000
PlayStation Portable - 230,000
Xbox 360 - 230,000

Way to go, PS3. Must say, this was an incredibly close month in console sales.

PostPosted:Fri Feb 15, 2008 11:48 pm
by Eric
I'm still shocked the PS2 sells how it sells.

I guess it's still the best DVD player out there. :)

PostPosted:Sat Feb 16, 2008 12:09 am
by Chris
That news makes me feel like dancing.....

PostPosted:Sat Feb 16, 2008 12:14 am
by SineSwiper
360 is still winning out in sheer number of top selling games.

PostPosted:Sat Feb 16, 2008 12:17 am
by Blotus
Manfarb wrote:That news makes me feel like dancing.....
Where's my admin powers so I can ban your fruity ass?

BTW, Megaman rocks. He doesn't dance.


PostPosted:Sat Feb 16, 2008 6:40 am
by Julius Seeker
I think PS3 and PSP are the only systems in January not suffering from massive shortages though.

PostPosted:Sat Feb 16, 2008 9:05 am
by SineSwiper
Massive shortages? Are people having a hard time getting a 360 now? Then again, XBL was hit hard because of massive x-mas sales.

The Wii has ALWAYS had massive shortages, and I'm pretty convinced that they are too lazy or frugal to create another plant for making them.

PostPosted:Sat Feb 16, 2008 12:44 pm
by Blotus
SineSwiper wrote:Massive shortages? Are people having a hard time getting a 360 now? Then again, XBL was hit hard because of massive x-mas sales.

The Wii has ALWAYS had massive shortages, and I'm pretty convinced that they are too lazy or frugal to create another plant for making them.
Microsoft has said they're experiencing a shortage due to bigger-than-expected holiday sales.

PostPosted:Sat Feb 16, 2008 3:36 pm
by Zeus
Black Lotus wrote:
SineSwiper wrote:Massive shortages? Are people having a hard time getting a 360 now? Then again, XBL was hit hard because of massive x-mas sales.

The Wii has ALWAYS had massive shortages, and I'm pretty convinced that they are too lazy or frugal to create another plant for making them.
Microsoft has said they're experiencing a shortage due to bigger-than-expected holiday sales.
The massive December demolished Microsoft's buildup and put a strain on Nintendo's supply. M$ probably ramped down production for January not expecting as much sales as it got. I don't know about you guys, but the 360s were a bit scarce around here last month.

I just hope the industry realizes that you can sell games throughout the year and don't release EVERYTHING between October and December. It's fucking irritating

PostPosted:Sat Feb 16, 2008 4:41 pm
by Blotus
I still see 360's almost everywhere here... but the vast majority of them are the unwanted Arcade and Halo packs.

PostPosted:Sat Feb 16, 2008 5:30 pm
by Flip
PSP and PS3 are in it for the long haul. I see so many dusty Wii's at my non-gamer friend's houses... I guess Nintendo did their job, they got one in a lot of homes, but isnt it the subsequent software sales that makes or breaks the system? In the course of the next few years, the PS3 should remain solid with gamers. That has been the tried and true model, sell to gamers, not non-gamers.

PostPosted:Sat Feb 16, 2008 10:41 pm
by Zeus
Black Lotus wrote:I still see 360's almost everywhere here... but the vast majority of them are the unwanted Arcade and Halo packs.
The Halo pack's GREAT. It comes with a plug & play kit as well, not to mention it's easily the best looking one

PostPosted:Sun Feb 17, 2008 12:36 am
by Blotus
I don't think the play and charge is worth an extra, what, $100?

PostPosted:Sun Feb 17, 2008 5:31 pm
by Zeus
Black Lotus wrote:I don't think the play and charge is worth an extra, what, $100?
$50 extra. If you wanna go by pure MSRP, you're payin' an additional $20 for the "limited" part.

I'd pay that for the great look of it myself, but that's just me. It really is a far better looking system than the white one

PostPosted:Sun Feb 17, 2008 7:06 pm
by bovine
word is that the elite and the halo edition also have quieter dvd drives. This may be standard for all the models now, but that's the word.

PostPosted:Mon Feb 18, 2008 12:47 am
by Zeus
bovine wrote:word is that the elite and the halo edition also have quieter dvd drives. This may be standard for all the models now, but that's the word.
I definitely did notice that my Halo DVD drive was FAR quieter than my Pro drive. Mind you, I had the Pro without the HDMI port, but I'm pretty sure they changed my DVD drive last year when I sent it in for repairs.

PostPosted:Mon Feb 18, 2008 1:12 pm
by Broken Carcass
Total software sales, Xbox 360 isn't that far ahead of Wii anymore:

$159 million for Xbox 360 games
$131 million on Wii games
$80 million for PS3 games

In December, Wii actually sold more software than the 360 did.

PostPosted:Tue Feb 19, 2008 8:06 am
by SineSwiper
Flip wrote:I see so many dusty Wii's at my non-gamer friend's houses... I guess Nintendo did their job, they got one in a lot of homes, but isnt it the subsequent software sales that makes or breaks the system?
Yeah, I've given away my Wii to my parents, and they've yet to buy a game for it, but still played the hell out of the WiiSport/WiiPlay pack.

It's like in 1984 where Winston says "the hope lies in the proles", but in the end, he gets fucked over, and the proles aren't really helping him at all because they don't care about things like that. In this case, Nintendo is Winston, and the proles are the "casual gamers".
Flip wrote:In the course of the next few years, the PS3 should remain solid with gamers. That has been the tried and true model, sell to gamers, not non-gamers.
Every PS3 owner has been holding out for the next few years for that set of exclusive games that will never come out. It was going to be DMC4 and Assassin's Creed, but both of the software developers smarted up and made it available for the 360. MGS4 -might- be an exclusive, but even if they do that, they'll just release a 360 version with better shit in six months (like they usually do).

The only games that have a chance are Final Fantasy and Rachet & Clank. R&C was basically more of the same (according to reviews), and I'm still holding out that they may get some more money with a 360 version. (Though, the reviews may have been mediocre enough to kill that.) Square is still sucking Sony's dick for their exclusive PSP and PS3 deals, but even Square is smart enough to know that some of their games need to be on the 360.

Meanwhile, the 360 has been sprouting exclusive after exclusive (at least in the console world): Bioshock, Mass Effect, Orange Box, Dead Rising, etc., etc. (I'm sure you've seen the list in enough threads.) And they still offer the non-exclusives that the PS3 curses at. Then there's the superior XBL and achievement system.

I don't understand why I keep having this argument when it's the same discussion and same answer. XBox 360 has exclusives; the PS3 doesn't. End of story.

PostPosted:Tue Feb 19, 2008 8:09 am
by SineSwiper
Dutch wrote:In December, Wii actually sold more software than the 360 did.
How much you want to bet that WiiPlay was still a big player in those sales?
Zeus wrote:I definitely did notice that my Halo DVD drive was FAR quieter than my Pro drive. Mind you, I had the Pro without the HDMI port, but I'm pretty sure they changed my DVD drive last year when I sent it in for repairs.
Really? I have an Elite, and I don't notice anything at all with noise.

PostPosted:Tue Feb 19, 2008 10:34 am
by Zeus
Wiiplay was third or something in sales. The pack-in controller makes it a no-brainer for those who just buy the system.

Sine, that's what I meant. With my older Premium, the DVD drive was LOUD, sounded like a jet engine. When I sent it in for repairs the first time (8 weeks after I got it....) I noticed that the drive was quieter. With the Halo edition, I notice it's FAR quieter