<a href="http://wii.ign.com/articles/857/857003p1.html">So after three months Mario and Sonic Olympics sells 5 million copies</a> Probably Sega's most successful title in years. This could mean some VERY interesting things for the future. The next step is Super Smash Brother's Brawl; and that will undoubtedly be a HUGELY successful title; it already slaughtered Melee's sales in Japan.
Success means the probability of more goes up.
The game I would really like to see is a Mario and Sonic platformer or an RPG in the vein of the original Mario RPG. Hopefully this will help speed those along.
Success means the probability of more goes up.
The game I would really like to see is a Mario and Sonic platformer or an RPG in the vein of the original Mario RPG. Hopefully this will help speed those along.
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