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Dead Fantasy II
PostPosted:Mon Mar 24, 2008 9:11 pm
by Blotus
More insane girl-on-girl action, now featuring FF8's Rinoa, NG's Rachel, and some bitch from Kingdom Hearts.
Like the last one, I think it's a little too long for it's own good. It is still incredibly well coreographed. ... t=featured
PostPosted:Mon Mar 24, 2008 9:55 pm
by Tessian
Haha seriously... 11 minutes is a bit long to go through, but damn it was nice.
PostPosted:Mon Mar 24, 2008 10:51 pm
by Don
This reminds me of Advent Children where it's hard to figure out where people are on the screen and you need one of these DBZ super perception because a normal human's eyes can't follow the speed.
One of Jiang Yong's book has one of the martial artist teaching his students, and he was like "plenty of people can be so fast you can't see, but only true masters can be so fast that you can see." I think there's a lot of CG who seems to be just trying to cram as much action and speed to the point you can't actually tell what's going on.
PostPosted:Mon Mar 24, 2008 11:13 pm
by Eric
Oh please Don, it wasn't that fast, the only time I had trouble following was during the fall when all the ground was exploding all over the place. You can easily see what's happening throughout the rest of the movie.
PostPosted:Tue Mar 25, 2008 12:02 am
by Don
I don't see how that's anything more than a bunch of hyper spastic things moving across the screen because obviously whoever did this might have a talent for the technical but not the artistic.
Go look at a game that is actually presentable as art in its fighting, like Soul Calibur, and look at the pace of Soul Calibur, including what are supposed to be cutscenes (like say Siegfried vs Nightmare in SC3). You'll notice that they're all SLOW.
I can obviously keep up with the action but it's basically like
A punches B really fast
B punches A really fast
C punches D really fast
D punches C really fast
E punches F really fast
F punches E really fast
repeat until some special effect kicks in.
PostPosted:Tue Mar 25, 2008 1:11 am
by Eric
Don Wang wrote:I don't see how that's anything more than a bunch of hyper spastic things moving across the screen because obviously whoever did this might have a talent for the technical but not the artistic.
Go look at a game that is actually presentable as art in its fighting, like Soul Calibur, and look at the pace of Soul Calibur, including what are supposed to be cutscenes (like say Siegfried vs Nightmare in SC3). You'll notice that they're all SLOW.
I can obviously keep up with the action but it's basically like
A punches B really fast
B punches A really fast
C punches D really fast
D punches C really fast
E punches F really fast
F punches E really fast
repeat until some special effect kicks in.
Omg, you're so negative over every little thing. Even aside from really fast you can SEE Tifa as she roles over and whacks the crap out of the Dead or Alive ladies. Watch Tifa's movements, they're very easy to keep up with unless you're old and Ancient like G-man Joe.
PostPosted:Tue Mar 25, 2008 1:45 am
by Don
Looks more like something you might find in a WWE or whatever. Yes I can see what they're doing. They've been bouncing around pointlessly the whole time and then things magically happen at the end. It's like okay A's turn to attack, do a bunch of meaningless attack that connects to each other for no reason whatsoever, and then after that switch to the other side or whatever the script called for. At best you can call it like a battle museum like Soul Calibur's demonstration except it's not even meant to be watched.
Stuff like this is like a colossal waste of talent, because obviously whoever did this had some pretty decent skills, but he ended up cranking something any random game studio can pump out forever.
The trailer, non gameplay trailer of Street Fighter 4 is another good example of fighting done right.
PostPosted:Tue Mar 25, 2008 7:53 am
by Tessian
What Don is trying to say is he holds it to a higher standard than the rest of us because he has done better. Don is the master of cinematography; he decides who gets it at the Oscar's. Don't question Don's judgment, I mean it's definitely not like he doesn't have any experience in the field, right?
PostPosted:Tue Mar 25, 2008 9:09 am
by Flip
Tessian wrote:What Don is trying to say is he holds it to a higher standard than the rest of us because he has done better. Don is the master of cinematography; he decides who gets it at the Oscar's. Don't question Don's judgment, I mean it's definitely not like he doesn't have any experience in the field, right?
I always have and always will hate this argument in a debate. I feel very strongly that even though one cant do certain things, they sure as hell can enjoy it, dislike it, and critique it.
So what if i dont have the capabilities to shoot a movie, i know what a powerful scene should look like and is why i know Six Feet Under is an amazing show while The Hills is absolute crap. Oh no, The Hills has sooo many viewers and gets crazy ratings, i must be an idiot because i dont work in television...
Its a weak weak weak argument, Tess.
PostPosted:Tue Mar 25, 2008 9:11 am
by Eric
Flip wrote:Tessian wrote:What Don is trying to say is he holds it to a higher standard than the rest of us because he has done better. Don is the master of cinematography; he decides who gets it at the Oscar's. Don't question Don's judgment, I mean it's definitely not like he doesn't have any experience in the field, right?
I always have and always will hate this argument in a debate. I feel very strongly that even though one cant do certain things, they sure as hell can enjoy it, dislike it, and critique it.
So what if i dont have the capabilities to shoot a movie, i know what a powerful scene should look like and is why i know Six Feet Under is an amazing show while The Hills is absolute crap. Oh no, The Hills has sooo many viewers and gets crazy ratings, i must be an idiot because i dont work in television...
Its a weak weak weak argument, Tess.
Yes Flip is right. We cannot go down that route.
But since I like Don, I'll just say O-M-G, and call him a negative nancy! You got that Don! Negative Nancy! You're labeled now buddy!

PostPosted:Tue Mar 25, 2008 9:42 am
by Kupek
Actually, I agree with Don. Technically, it's impressive for a single person to put together, but I'm not impressed by it as a short film. There's no narrative, and spastic, over-the-top movements don't make up for simple fight choreography. It's basically an 11-minute Smash Brothers clip with FF and DoA ladies.
PostPosted:Tue Mar 25, 2008 5:14 pm
by Tessian
Eh, that'll teach me for replying to posts when I just woke up
Kupek wrote:It's basically an 11-minute Smash Brothers clip with FF and DoA ladies.
Did you expect any more? That's all I was planning on seeing when I watched it and I got just that.
PostPosted:Wed Mar 26, 2008 10:47 pm
by SineSwiper
Don Wang wrote:This reminds me of Advent Children where it's hard to figure out where people are on the screen and you need one of these DBZ super perception because a normal human's eyes can't follow the speed.
You know, I really thought that when I saw the sub, but after watching the dub, the action was a lot easier to follow. It pays to not have ACTION AND TALKING AT THE SAME TIME! Geesh.
PostPosted:Thu Mar 27, 2008 12:33 am
by Don
SineSwiper wrote:Don Wang wrote:This reminds me of Advent Children where it's hard to figure out where people are on the screen and you need one of these DBZ super perception because a normal human's eyes can't follow the speed.
You know, I really thought that when I saw the sub, but after watching the dub, the action was a lot easier to follow. It pays to not have ACTION AND TALKING AT THE SAME TIME! Geesh.
I had it in raw Japanese I think because it's not like what they say is of any significance. I mean you could follow the action if you watch very hard, but it's scripted like wrestling would be. They always fall into a pattern of my turn your turn probably because if you're moving in that kind of hyperspastic speed, you run out of 'rounds' pretty fast so there's got to be a unified structure. There's only so many creative ways you can show a round of A attack B or a B attack A, and faster speed means you get a lot more rounds, and after they're done attacking each other for the 20th time there is no flow left to the battle anymore.
If you look at say SF4 trialer, there's basically only 2-3 major action... it's like couple punches, Ken does hurricane kick, Ken does dragon punch, more punches, Ryu does hadoken, the end. Now imagine if the speed was cranked up to 3 times, what additional content could you possibly show in the same frame of time without repeating?
PostPosted:Thu Mar 27, 2008 12:35 am
by Chris
they need t throw in tony jaa.....needs more arm breaking......