The Other Worlds Shrine

Your place for discussion about RPGs, gaming, music, movies, anime, computers, sports, and any other stuff we care to talk about... 

  • Square's take on the Harvest Moon genre, impressions inside:

  • Because playing them is not enough, we have to bitch about them daily, too. We had a Gameplay forum, but it got replaced by GameFAQs.
Because playing them is not enough, we have to bitch about them daily, too. We had a Gameplay forum, but it got replaced by GameFAQs.
 #119589  by Julius Seeker
 Tue Mar 25, 2008 11:15 am
IGN wrote:Hands On: Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles
The WiiWare launch title has us hooked.
by John Tanaka

March 25, 2008 - Given the space constraints Nintendo has imposed on WiiWare developers, we were a bit concerned that games for the service would be quick experiences that you play in between the real Wii games. That may not be the case, though, judging by our first couple of hours with Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles, which launched with the service in Japan today.

As we've noted in past previews, this new installment in the Crystal Chronicles series, subtitled My Life as a King and not to be confused with the full Wii Crystal Chronicles game, is a major change of pace for the series. While Square Enix calls it an RPG, it's actually more of a simulation game, where you attempt to build a city, constructing houses and shops and luring residents (also known as tax payers) to your growing kingdom.

The game begins when you and your party arrive in an abandoned, barren town. You stumble upon a large crystal, which gives you "Architecture Power," or the power to construct things. You decide to use this ability to build this new town into the image of your old home town, which was destroyed in the original GameCube Crystal Chronicles.

With your new powers, you're able to build your first home, selecting its positioning in your town, and its facing direction. After that, you simply press a button, and a few seconds later, you'll have a fully constructed home, and a couple of new residents inside, one of whom becomes your town's first soldier.

On its own, the architecture skill isn't enough to build up your town. To actually use the skill, you need spirit power, which can only be found in the dungeons and caves surrounding your town. You don't actually go out into these dungeons, though, instead entrusting hired soldiers to do the dirty work. Hiring these soldiers and sending them out on quests takes cash, which you get through taxes collected from your residents. To get more residents, and thus more taxes for hiring soldiers, you need to build new homes and shops.

It's all a big cycle, but the Crystal Chronicles experience can be broken down into two parts: building up your town and managing your soldiers.

At the start of each day, you choose the quests you'd like your soldiers to perform that day. Doing this is as simple as selecting dungeons and caves from a map, which grows throughout the course of the game to include new, tougher locations. Initially, you're limited to assigning a single quest per day, but this limit is cleared as you advance.

Once you've selected a set of quests, these get posted to message boards around town. Your first bit of activity after leaving the castle is usually to head to these message boards and assign the quests to individual soldiers. When determining which soldier goes on which quest, you need to consider the soldier's level, class and weapon set, as some dungeons may be impossible or difficult for some characters to clear.

We were able to send all our soldiers out on any given quest, although only one character actually manages to get through to the end of the dungeon and clear it. That may not take place within the limits of one day, though. Some dungeons take multiple days to clear, forcing you to reselect the same dungeon each day until the job is complete.

While you're not in direct control of them, the game does keep you in touch with your soldiers throughout the day. You receive notices when your warriors arrive at their intended locations, when they begin engaging in a fight with a tough enemy, and when they reach their goal. It's actually quite satisfying to learn of an soldier's impending arrival back home following a quest, and waiting to greet them at the town entrance. This meeting is actually recorded in the soldier's report that you get to read at the end of the day.

Your party of adventurers grows as you advance through the game. Each time you build a new home, one of the residents is sure to be a young warrior in training. This character will eventually approach you near the castle gates and ask that you take him or her into your employ, something that requires a hefty amount of cash.

As your soldiers are off fighting, you run around town interacting with your citizens and taking part in your building duties. Your big concerns with creating new structures is building up your town's population, keeping your townfolk happy and, keeping your adventurers well equipped. You start off with the ability to build nothing but houses, which takes care of your need for tax payer and adventurers. A bakery is added rather quickly to this, and seems to be used to keep your citizens happy One character whose house happened to be next to the bakery came up to our king and said how happy he was to be living next to a bakery.

Eventually, you learn how to build a weapons shop, which takes care of your need for weapons for your soldiers. However, even if you've built the weapon shop, you'll find it stocked with exactly zero items. To get some items, you have to hand over cash for weapons research.

All this has made for some compelling strategy so far. There's plenty to consider when deciding on new buildings and quests, and a growing list of options that should make things even more interesting for those who get far enough.

And for those who get really into it, the game could expand even further. Square Enix has provided some provisional details at its website on upcoming downloads for the game. Examples of content include additional houses which, when combined with clearing a special dungeon, unlock new character classes for your soldiers. Also planned are clothing downloads for your king. Pricing is expected to range between 100 and 300 points.

It may take up just 200 blocks of space, but Crystal Chronicles doesn't seem like a marginalized experience in any way. The simulation portion has kept us hooked for our couple hours of play time, signaling a good start for Nintendo's new downloadable games initiative.

It looks like the type of game I like. I am very much looking forward to this one. Now if only Nintendo would hurry up and make something along these lines in the Earthbound series.

 #119591  by Don
 Tue Mar 25, 2008 12:55 pm
Sounds more like Sim City than Harvest Moon.

 #119592  by Lox
 Tue Mar 25, 2008 1:48 pm
It sounds like a combo of SimCity and Harvest Moon. You have the managing of buildings and such from SimCity with the interaction from HM. It sounds really cool. I can't wait to see some more about it.

 #119595  by RentCavalier
 Tue Mar 25, 2008 5:01 pm
I'm relatively intrigued by Wiiware.

of due note, did anyone check out the new Wii Store update? They gave us a paltry two freakin' NES games, and no Earthbound! Grrrrr!

 #119609  by Julius Seeker
 Tue Mar 25, 2008 9:45 pm
Yeah, I am really angry that we haven't got Earthbound or Mario RPG yet, both of which were supposed to come out last year. I don't think it will be any time soon either considering the release schedule until May. I am guessing now that the next best chance to get them will be in June.

On the Square game, yeah, a more accurate description would be Harvest Moon/ Sim City. Two games I really likeed in the past. I am playing the original Harvest Moon from time to time now, it's quite a lot of fun.

 #119853  by Julius Seeker
 Tue Apr 01, 2008 1:10 pm
I think I would be fine with the core game on its own, for 15 bucks it's a steal, but for those willing to pay a few bucks more to add onto the game:
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Paid Downloads Start
Eight items hit the Japanese WiiWare service.
by John Tanaka

April 1, 2008 - Square Enix certainly didn't wait long to get the downloadable content train running following its first foray into downloadable gaming last week with the start of the Japanese WiiWare service. First stop: Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King.

The company made available today the first wave of paid download content for the simulation/RPG, which launched with the service last week. Owners of the game (which, we'll remind you, is only available in Japan at the moment) now have access to eight items.

The main attractions for this first content update are three new character races: Lilty, Yuke, and Selkie. The original title shipped with just one class, Clavat. Each new race costs 300 Wii Points a piece, or you can get all three together for 800 Wii Points.

The new content also includes a couple of new buildings, each 200 Wii Points. With the Seinaru Hokora building, you can raise your adventurer's stats temporarily by having your king pray at the building. The change apparently occurs in real time, as your king prays (which we presume will keep you busy when your adventurers are out during the day). Also available is the Mansion, a large house that's populated by a family of 8. As usual, only one of these is an adventurer, but because the family is so big, you'll get a boost in taxes over a standard house.

The above items initially appear in the game in the form of dungeons. Once you've cleared the dungeons, you gain the ability to build the new building types and the homes that will house adventurers of the new race types. You're limited to making five of each of the race houses. The other two houses are limited to three each.

Other updates include new clothing for your King and for your support character, Chime. Each of these items cost 100 Wii Points. Unlike the other items, you're able to use these immediately upon making your download. Simply head to your castle and go into your closet to change.

Items, at least for Crystal Chronicles, are purchased exclusively from the game's title screen or your in-game castle menu. They cannot be purchased from the Wii Shopping Channel.

Before getting access to the downloads, though, players will have to update their copy of the game by re-downloading it through the Wii Shopping Channel. This update is, of course, free. This whole re-download business will presumably not be needed for the international versions of the games.

The downloadable content doesn't end here. Square Enix made mention today of future download content that includes a library, which will let you learn the unique abilities of the various races; the Unlimited Tower, a dungeon that can be played through over and over again; and the ability to change your adventurer's names. Specifics for these future downloads were not revealed.
If I end up really liking the game and want to play more, I might get a few of the additions that look interesting. It really depends on how much is added. I am not sure adding other races or dungeons would really be interesting, it really depends. When more info is available on the game it'll be more clear as to the actual value of this additional content.