No, alright? I haven't played Blue Dragon, so I can only go on Lost Odyssey, but let me say this right now:
No, I am not upset about the bland, but workable turn-based combat.
No, I am not upset about the robotic character animations.
Hell, I'm only mildly upset that the game makes me READ A FUCKING BOOK every twenty minutes.
No, actually, I'm upset because the little books are actually the BEST FUCKING PART.
You know what pisses me off about LO? I'll give you two good reasons:
You have played this game before. LIterally, it is the exact same fucking thing we have done since Final fucking Fantasy 4. You fight the exact same bosses. You go to the exact same places. You deal with the EXACT SAME BULLSHIT.
Hey guys, we have to travel through the CRIMSON FOREST! After that, we have to travel through the BLACK CAVES! After that, we have to go through the BORING ICE AREA in order to get to the TOTALLY ORIGINAL STEEL CITY to have a pointlessly over complicated conversation with some king guy we've never heard of till now.
How about epic boss battles? You can take your fucking pick--you want to right that same dragon boss again? Or how about that one boss who knocks your party into the back row? You want that boss who takes a character hostage and drains their HP throughout the fight? Or how about that weird undead monster boss? Hey, remember that hostage boss? Let's FIGHT HIM AGAIN, but in a different area and now, instead of a bunch of ancient forest tentacles, he's just a ghost. Of an old woman. Whose actually not old.
After that, hey, let's go fight three battles in a row against big mechanical train/robot/laser cannon things. Why are we fighting them? NOBODY KNOWS!
That's right folks, nobody fucking knows, because the game's attempt at a "plot" spirals into a descent of illogicality so great and so huge that fucking Salvador Dali couldn't make sense of this fucking game. The biggest and most profound chunk of bullshit this game throws at you is the fact that Gongora's character suffers from a terrible case of CONTAGIOUS RETARDATION that is so very potent, it can affect an entire fucking kingdom.
Literally, the man takes over an entire kingdom just by telling a single unsubstantiated lie.
Oh, and then we have the adorable children, who do the exact same thing over and over and over and over and over again. Seriously, the only particularly important thing that has ever happened to them in this story is the death of their mother, because they just keep bringing that up over and over and over and over again--which is a REAL fucking shame, because the only truly good part of this game's sack-of-shit story is the part where their fucking mother kicks the bloody can, because that's the only time they ever do anything that makes fucking SENSE.
I looked at Mistwalker with a great, great deal of hope. Every interview, Sakaguchi kept talking about how he wanted to make RPGs that truly immersed people and make worlds that you actually want to explore.
I'm sorry, Sakaguchi. I truly am, but I'm simply far too busy to take the Black Caves on the long, winding road to Shitsville--which is precisely where your game ends up.
There, or the Gamestop bargain bin.
Your fucking choice.