Numbers in millions:
GameCube Hardware
Japan - 4.04
America - 12.94
Europe - 4.77
Total - 21.74
GameCube Software
Japan - 27.52
America - 138.42
Europe - 42.53
Total - 208.47
Wii Hardware
Japan - 5.9
America - 10.61
Europe - 7.94
Total - 24.45
Wii Software
Japan - 21.06
America - 79.37
Europe - 48.01
Total - 148.44
GBA Hardware
Japan - 16.88
America - 41.64
Europe - 22.53
Total - 81.06
GBA Software
Japan - 72.72
America - 216.9
Europe - 87.04
Total - 376.66
DS Hardware
Japan - 22.38
America - 22.39
Europe - 25.82
Total - 70.6
DS Software
Japan - 115
America - 123.2
Europe - 131.41
Total - 369.61
Nintendo is forecasting 25 million more Wiis and 28 million more DSs to sell within the next year. Nintendo also expects 177 million more Wii software sales, and 187 more DS software sales before March 2009.
Nintendo also notes some of its own software sales success to March: Brain Age 1 and 2 have sold 23.81 million. Pokemon Diamond Pearl has sold 14.77 million. Smash Brothers Brawl has sold 4.85 million as of March 31st. DS has 57 million selling games (last year there were 30), and the Wii has 26 million sellers.
GameCube Hardware
Japan - 4.04
America - 12.94
Europe - 4.77
Total - 21.74
GameCube Software
Japan - 27.52
America - 138.42
Europe - 42.53
Total - 208.47
Wii Hardware
Japan - 5.9
America - 10.61
Europe - 7.94
Total - 24.45
Wii Software
Japan - 21.06
America - 79.37
Europe - 48.01
Total - 148.44
GBA Hardware
Japan - 16.88
America - 41.64
Europe - 22.53
Total - 81.06
GBA Software
Japan - 72.72
America - 216.9
Europe - 87.04
Total - 376.66
DS Hardware
Japan - 22.38
America - 22.39
Europe - 25.82
Total - 70.6
DS Software
Japan - 115
America - 123.2
Europe - 131.41
Total - 369.61
Nintendo is forecasting 25 million more Wiis and 28 million more DSs to sell within the next year. Nintendo also expects 177 million more Wii software sales, and 187 more DS software sales before March 2009.
Nintendo also notes some of its own software sales success to March: Brain Age 1 and 2 have sold 23.81 million. Pokemon Diamond Pearl has sold 14.77 million. Smash Brothers Brawl has sold 4.85 million as of March 31st. DS has 57 million selling games (last year there were 30), and the Wii has 26 million sellers.
-Insert Inspiring Quote-