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PSN gold and silver accounts now open

PostPosted:Thu Jun 05, 2008 8:00 pm
by bovine

apparently they are releasing exclusive content to paying subscribers now on the PSN. Awesome? Oh, the pay accounts are called "qore" accounts, so you can be cool and stuff.

PostPosted:Fri Jun 06, 2008 12:02 am
by Eric
As long as I don't have to play to pay online they can add whatever they want.

PostPosted:Fri Jun 06, 2008 11:34 am
by Zeus
Eric wrote:As long as I don't have to play to pay online they can add whatever they want.
I'm sort of along those lines. If they wanna offer exclusive things to paying customers that are not a part of the core gaming experience and doesn't constitute the majority of the "extras" available (ie. themes, videos, mp3s, wallpaper, etc), I'm coo with that. I mean, IGN has had their Insider stuff for a while. It only became a problem when they decided to feature exclusive interviews/articles only to Insiders (they stopped that quickly after being shat on by their readers) that were a part of their core content. Now it's just certain guides or special types of features, but it isn't insane. But if all of a sudden ALL of the extra shit including interviews, behind-the-scenes stuff, and all of the themes and wallpapers are the exclusive domain of the "Qore" people, then it becomes a problem.

Even Microshaft has had tons of exclusive themes, gamer pics, and contests for their Gold customers. Whatever, if you're getting goosed to play a game your already paid for, they should at least have the common courtesy to give you a reach around. It's the paying to play online and, to a lesser extent, the timed demos (that's really just silly, IMO; it's more of a vindictive move that does nothing but hurt the game) that is "wrong" IMO.

PostPosted:Mon Jun 09, 2008 6:24 am
by Andrew, Killer Bee
Damn. I was certain Microsoft would make Live free before Sony would start really monetizing PSN.

PostPosted:Mon Jun 09, 2008 11:03 am
by Zeus
Andrew, Killer Bee wrote:Damn. I was certain Microsoft would make Live free before Sony would start really monetizing PSN.
You can still play online for free on PSN. That's a huge advantage over Live

PostPosted:Thu Jul 03, 2008 10:32 pm
by bovine
wanna play the only demo released this week? Well, you've gotta buy that stupid Qore thing then.

PostPosted:Fri Jul 04, 2008 9:11 am
by Zeus
bovine wrote:wanna play the only demo released this week? Well, you've gotta buy that stupid Qore thing then.
That's like Microshaft making the Canada Day theme available only to Gold members on Canada Day. That's ridiculous

PostPosted:Fri Jul 04, 2008 10:13 am
by Julius Seeker
Every hard-c word is automatically more cool when you replace the c with a q or a k.