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Super Mario RPG

PostPosted:Fri Aug 22, 2008 9:08 am
by Julius Seeker
For Virtual Console fans: Super Mario RPG was just released in Europe for the virtual console. That means it is coming over to our own continent very soon =)

If it comes Monday, that's two weeks in a row that there's actually GOOD classic titles coming out, but sorry Zeus, I think this one beats Mega Man into the dust =P

PostPosted:Fri Aug 22, 2008 9:33 am
by Kupek
I think this is the first Square RPG to hit the VC. Of course, it was made with Nintendo and published by them, so I doubt this is a trend.

PostPosted:Fri Aug 22, 2008 10:58 am
by Julius Seeker
The thing about Square RPGs is that they're still too valuable to be released on VC, and Square knows it. Enix did release ActRaiser though, which has me hopeful.

PostPosted:Fri Aug 22, 2008 1:07 pm
by Zeus
Oh, there are plenty of games that would beat MM1 down, including MM2. Mario RPG, CT, FF4, FF6 are all the very top of my list.

Like Kup said, it ain't a trend. This one was only developed by Square, Nintendo owns it all. Squeenix makes WAAAAY too much off of re-releasing their RPGs (we're on #4 of FF4 in North America alone; Japan's had more) to cannibalize their sales on the VC.

Actraiser is a game they probably don't see too much prospects with as a re-release, so it'll get released. But I severly doubt we'll ever see any RPG, not even Soul Blazer. This ain't good for those of us hoping for a Terranigma release. It'll be solely their secondary titles they have no plans to re-release or remake otherwise

PostPosted:Fri Aug 22, 2008 1:21 pm
by Julius Seeker
Soul Blazer, Illusion of Gaia, and Terranigma are all near the top of my want list. Terranigma is probably tied for first or a close second to Earthbound on my list =)

I don't expect to ever see any of Square's classics, I am hopeful about the Quintet ones though.

PostPosted:Mon Aug 25, 2008 4:10 pm
by Julius Seeker
No Mario RPG, but there was a very interesting release in the form of Ys Book I & II

PostPosted:Mon Aug 25, 2008 4:20 pm
by Flip
Where are the good 'ol days when Europe used to get things last?

PostPosted:Tue Sep 02, 2008 9:46 am
by Julius Seeker
They were saving it for the 250th Virtual Console release in North America. It is out today.

This is the first VC game I will have downloaded in quite a while (since DKC3? Though I have Ys1&2 in mind for downloading as well). The main thing holding me back is the storage issue on the Wii. I know some people try to argue that SD memory cards are fine, but I find them too inconvenient to be worth it, I just want all my games ready on the front page to click.