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7-11 selling Video Games now??

PostPosted:Mon Sep 08, 2008 6:05 pm
by Tessian
It's more likely than you think... ... ves-gamers

Makes sense given the article... and only bothering to sell the most anticipated games of the year is like only broadcasting the playoffs and superbowl... no worries about losing money on the idea. I wonder if my 7-Eleven does it... normally I keep away from the place but it IS within walking distance. Would be kinda nice to pick up Fallout 3 at midnight, assuming it came out on a day I didn't work the next.

And yes, I DID shamelessly pull this from PA

PostPosted:Mon Sep 08, 2008 6:42 pm
by Kupek
Makes sense. Many of the non-chain gaming stores I've been in have a small selection of sodas for the same reason. If something is likely to sell, hey, profit is profit.

PostPosted:Mon Sep 08, 2008 8:08 pm
by Don
I assume this is like the opposite of how Best Buy/Fry's sells candy even though they have nothing to do with selling food. I don't know if it works in reverse because candy and soda is cheap enough that you might pick one up while buying some electronics, but the other way around seems to be questionable.