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Penny Arcade Ep 2 to drop $5 off the price
PostPosted:Thu Oct 02, 2008 12:21 pm
by Zeus
Down to $15 instead of the $20 they were asking for before
PostPosted:Thu Oct 02, 2008 7:15 pm
by SineSwiper
Of course, since $10 is the cutoff for XBL games, nobody will buy it.
PostPosted:Thu Oct 02, 2008 11:59 pm
by Zeus
SineSwiper wrote:Of course, since $10 is the cutoff for XBL games, nobody will buy it.
You bought Braid, didn't you? And tons bought Castle Crashers. It's only my cut-off not everyone else's.
C'mon, man, the first one was a 5-6 hour game and it was $20 freaking dollars. BC:RA has much more value for half the price. It was severely overpriced and I'm willing to be it sold like ass which is why they dropped it. It seems that $15 is the cutoff for even the most obsessive nerd for that type of value.
PostPosted:Fri Oct 03, 2008 12:06 am
by bovine
I enjoyed the first one, and wouldn't mind paying less than the second. I'm not holding my breath for this latest episode, but I'll get it eventually.
PostPosted:Fri Oct 03, 2008 8:25 am
by SineSwiper
Zeus wrote:You bought Braid, didn't you? And tons bought Castle Crashers. It's only my cut-off not everyone else's.
Not true. So many morons like you bitched about the price of Braid and turned around and bought something stupid for $15, like a t-shirt or a movie ticket or dinner for two. It was enough to cause a gaming controversy about the whole thing.
Zeus wrote:C'mon, man, the first one was a 5-6 hour game and it was $20 freaking dollars. BC:RA has much more value for half the price. It was severely overpriced and I'm willing to be it sold like ass which is why they dropped it. It seems that $15 is the cutoff for even the most obsessive nerd for that type of value.
So, you're willing to pay $20 for a 5-6 hour game with little to no replay value, but you're not willing to pay $15 for a 5-6 hour game with enough replay value to get you to play it over again?
PostPosted:Fri Oct 03, 2008 9:04 am
by Zeus
I don't go to too many movies anymore (because they suck not because of downloads) and I HATE eating out.
SineSwiper wrote:Zeus wrote:C'mon, man, the first one was a 5-6 hour game and it was $20 freaking dollars. BC:RA has much more value for half the price. It was severely overpriced and I'm willing to be it sold like ass which is why they dropped it. It seems that $15 is the cutoff for even the most obsessive nerd for that type of value.
So, you're willing to pay $20 for a 5-6 hour game with little to no replay value, but you're not willing to pay $15 for a 5-6 hour game with enough replay value to get you to play it over again?
No, not at all. I'm saying at $20 for the same length is even worse than the $15 for Braid. I actually considered Braid, Penny Arcade was a basically a no-no before I even downloaded the demo. It had to prove to me it was worth double the price of Pac-Man CE.....and it doesn't even have the value of Pac-Man IMO which, BTW, as much as I love it, I still don't think is worth $10
PostPosted:Fri Oct 03, 2008 9:18 am
by Kupek
Know how to enjoy life just a little bit more? Stop worrying about the "value" of things that cost less than $20.
PostPosted:Fri Oct 03, 2008 12:34 pm
by Zeus
Kupek wrote:Know how to enjoy life just a little bit more? Stop worrying about the "value" of things that cost less than $20.
Yes I do know how to enjoy my life. Our discussions about these things may paint me to be a cheapskate but I actually do what I want (within reason), I don't deny myself what I really want to do in life (such as my yearly baseball trips). You are talking to a guy who's a degenerate games and movie collector after all. I'm not an angry man going around bitching about things and never doing anything. It's actually quite the opposite I'm a pretty easy-going, relatively upbeat guy for the most part.
How do I fund these enjoyments? Well, what I found was it's actually the small things that get you overall. If you cut out the unnecessary $1 or $2 here and there you can get much more "enjoyment" out of life (since you have much more money to spend), particularly when it comes to entertainment. I would spend a SHITLOAD more on my collections and hobbies if I didn't watch it. But putting values to stuff I'm able to limit myself while still keeping my goal of early retirement on par. There is quite a bit of the feeling of us as consumers being charged too much as well.
PostPosted:Fri Oct 03, 2008 12:35 pm
by Julius Seeker
I still remember when games that were about an hour or 90 minutes long, like Ninja Turtles games, cost 60-80 bucks.
PostPosted:Fri Oct 03, 2008 12:36 pm
by Zeus
The Seeker wrote:I still remember when games that were about an hour or 90 minutes long, like Ninja Turtles games, cost 60-80 bucks.
Thank the Lord for competition and mass market expansion
PostPosted:Fri Oct 03, 2008 2:34 pm
by Don
For the most part I'm willing to spend a lot of money on stuff I really like, but if it's just in the 'maybe' range I care a lot about the price, not so much as on affordability as opposed to principle. I do expect a game that charges $20 to be better than one that goes for $15 in some meaningful way, for example. I also expect the game costing $15 to be entertaining in a meaningful way even if it only costs $15.
I guess that's why I haven't bought a game in quite a while. In fact a lot of the stuff that sells for $50 or whatever, isn't even worth the trouble to pirate them because there's still a cost to pirating (the time for pirate stuff and the time it takes to play a game that isn't worth playing)
PostPosted:Fri Oct 03, 2008 6:19 pm
by Zeus
Don wrote:For the most part I'm willing to spend a lot of money on stuff I really like, but if it's just in the 'maybe' range I care a lot about the price, not so much as on affordability as opposed to principle. I do expect a game that charges $20 to be better than one that goes for $15 in some meaningful way, for example. I also expect the game costing $15 to be entertaining in a meaningful way even if it only costs $15.
Pretty much the way I think except that I have my own "minimum value" as well. Hours is one of the ways I try to determine that "value". I had ZERO issues dropping the money on Rock Band because I wanted it badly. Whereas Braid seems like a neat game (I played the demo) that just wasn't worth the $15. And it didn't have nearly the volume of gameplay as BC:RA did for $5 less.
PostPosted:Fri Oct 03, 2008 6:26 pm
by Tessian
I really enjoyed the PA game and had no problem paying the $20 cause I viewed it as not just paying for the game, but also as a way of showing my support for all the great shit they do like the Kids Play and PAX.
Now I have the opposite problem... I can't justify spending up to $190 (which is what Rock Band 2 with the instruments will be) for a game and a bunch of plastic instruments. I want to play it, but not for anywhere near that price. GH3 is $80 for the game and a guitar and that's more in line with the cost... you can't tell me that a drumset and a mic cost another $90.
PostPosted:Fri Oct 03, 2008 6:30 pm
by Lox
Well, based on the price of the drums alone, yes they are $90.

Should they be? Probably not. The plastic instrument prices have gone up way too much all around. I actually decided today that I am going to postpone getting the RB2 bundle until December or January because it comes out too close to Gears 2 to be worth it.
PostPosted:Fri Oct 03, 2008 6:38 pm
by Tessian
Yeah after I posted this I went and looked up individual instrument prices on $90 for the official drumset (there's also a third party one for $200!) and $70 for the official guitar! Both instruments cost more than the game itself, it's sick. GH: World Tour is no better. That's ridiculous, forget that shit.
PostPosted:Fri Oct 03, 2008 7:17 pm
by SineSwiper
I can't say that I disagree with the expensive instruments for Rock Band, but keep in mind that they could have made some really cheap piece of shit that broken in a few months, but overall, the instruments have been pretty well made. Especially with drums; it's easy to make shitty drums and you need something that will survive repeated hits with the drumsticks and feet. With the $190 price tag, you get basically a $50 game, $90 for drums, and $50 for guitar and mic ($35/15 probably). That's actually not bad.
At least with all of the stuff you buy, like the extra songs, etc., it carries over to other Rock Band games. That makes the price sting a bit less, and definitely carries replay value.
PostPosted:Fri Oct 03, 2008 7:38 pm
by Lox
Don't get me wrong, I plan on buying the RB2 bundle at some point. I was going to get it at launch if it weren't for Gears 2. I think the new drums look awesome as does the new guitar. And you're right...I'd much rather pay a little more for good quality than pay less for crap. I think they're just a little more expensive than they should be. $70 would feel like a better price to me, but I'll deal with $90.
Also, Tessian, the 3rd party one you're talking about is actually $300. It's a real electronic drum kit made by Ion customized to work with a console. You can actually buy a brain for $300 (or less) and turn it into a real kit. Of course, to complete it, you'd also need a real pedal, kick pad, and an extra cymbal. A guy on the RB forums priced the entire thing around $750 including the game disc. That isn't too bad for a full kit though. I'm incredibly tempted to get it and start taking drum lessons.

PostPosted:Fri Oct 03, 2008 7:52 pm
by Blotus
I bought a set of the RB2 drums to replace my shattered set from RB1. They're definitely better than the first set, but maybe not twice the price better for some people. You can get the set from RB1 for $40-50 now.