To finish this
Zeus wrote:You completely miss the point of any post of that nature regarless of how many times I try to explain it
I call complete bullshit. You haven't been explaining anything, you bombard me on an almost weekly basis with stupid comments, then try to find whatever means you can to back out of it when I point this out. The best copout is that you always bullshit "I am not going to argue with you anymore" even though you try to start some sort of argument on a very regular basis; again, bullshit.
Let me make this perfectly clear, right here by reviewing your last three threads:
1) After you posted 4 or 5 posts about Matt Damon, and then spoke about Dogma being the best of Kevin Smith's films, I wrote "this is an argument we will surely have", not even myself derailing the thread. I even kept it light hearted by posting a smiley face. In response, you come on with an aggressive tone in this:
Zeus wrote:Start another thread if you wish to continue this argument. No derailing here
So what am I missing here in calling your post in my direction, foolish sounding? What am I missing here? After I made fun of your foolishly funny blatant hypocracy; you come back with this joke of a response:
Zeus wrote:Even though Kup and I derailed this one I ain't letting it happen again
I guess that explanation somehow makes your hypcoracy alright?
Later on, I post message clearly stating my opinions on the Kevin Smith movies, others also stated their opinions.
I then stated that it speaks well for his movies to see such a wide diversity in the opinions on his movies.
I then gave further opinions, CLEARLY stating that these are the opinions of critics. on Kevin Smith movies.
You then out of left field you post:
Zeus wrote:Titanic got an 82% so critics loved that too.
Does that make it a great film to you?
Do you know how retarded that question sounds? I never stated I agreed with critics on Titanic! I didn't even mention Titanic.
So you come up with this:
Yes it's a coincidence, I wasn't even aware I was supposed to be in an argument. If I was, my position would be "diversity in opinion for his films speaks well about them" which was stated above; which isn't supported by Rotten
What's with the posting of the definition of imply? I know you were trying to patronize me, but that's just the another stupid post from you as your link doesn't serve your point, but it does explain EXACTLY what I am trying to tell you.
imply - "To involve by logical necessity."
What logical path are you using? In fact, by stating my own opinions, posting other opinions, and clearly stating they are someone else's opinion; what is implied is that it is not my own opinion.
#3 - Even if you were joking in this thread, are you at all surprised that I would be taking you seriously after months of this sort of crap like what I have posted above?
I don't see for what purpose you go out of your way to try and start shit up with me all the time. Especially when your lead off is a dumbass comment.
You have kids to worry about don't you? Just chill out, next time you see my post, don't go out of your way to try and start shit up, especially to the point where you are just posting stupid shit to try and get something going.