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FCC Commissioner Terms WoW a Leading Cause of College Dropou

PostPosted:Tue Dec 30, 2008 2:26 pm
by Louis
<a href=" ... pouts">FCC Commissioner Terms WoW a Leading Cause of College Dropouts</a>

Well, since I'm from the MMO age of about eight years ago, my initial collegiate demise was related to the original EverQuest. I've learned to balance my life since that time. I work full time, go to school part time (all online I should add; public institutions in Kentucky actually have a fairly elaborate online curriculum; all As this semester), and average about 40 hours a week playing video games. Beer probably played a larger role around that time too. One day I'll graduate. By the time I decide to finish a degree in something I'll probably have enough credits for two or three. I'm in no hurry though. I've already got a pretty decent job and they reimburse my tuition.

PostPosted:Tue Dec 30, 2008 4:39 pm
by Zeus
Well for me, university courses was the leading cause of me leaving my MBA program. God they sucked

PostPosted:Fri Jan 02, 2009 11:33 pm
by RentCavalier
Dammit, and Im already just starting to get into this game.

I'm concerned for my future.

PostPosted:Fri Jan 02, 2009 11:47 pm
by Anarky
My roomate in college dropped out/ took a leave of absence because of WoW. He stopped showering and going to classes... it was not pretty.

Oddly enough he landed on his feet and makes more than me doing Drafting work -_- there is no justice

PostPosted:Sat Jan 03, 2009 1:02 am
by Don
With the way some people play games, it'd be surprsiing if some MMORPG isn't a leading cause to dropout.

But I'm guessing these guys would just find something else to get addicted on if there was no MMORPG.

PostPosted:Sat Jan 03, 2009 2:37 am
by Eric
You spend less time in game if you're in one of the elitist jerk type guilds and you clear all the content available 2 nights a week. :)

PostPosted:Sat Jan 03, 2009 7:34 pm
by Louis
Eric wrote:You spend less time in game if you're in one of the elitist jerk type guilds and you clear all the content available 2 nights a week. Smile
I used to be one of those elitist jerks back when I played EverQuest. I still managed to rack up a career log time on my main of over 400 days. Its truly sad when I think back on how much time I wasted.

PostPosted:Sat Jan 03, 2009 8:18 pm
by Anarky
Eric wrote:You spend less time in game if you're in one of the elitist jerk type guilds and you clear all the content available 2 nights a week. :)
You're forgetting you usually have to do a lot of game time to get into one of those elitest jerk guilds.