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Assassin's Creed 2 Destructoid Review

PostPosted:Sun Dec 27, 2009 11:01 pm
by Zeus
I haven't really heard too many of you hear talk about it. For the most part, I've been hearing "it's better than the first" (I would hope so, the original was very mediocre and my second time trying to play it is yielding the same impression) and "all the issues have been fixed, it's great". This is from both reviews and people who have played it. I haven't heard too much negative about it so I, along with a bunch of the Canadians here, decided to grab it at $30.

But what about this very, very negative review from Destructoid? Sure this guy might be rampaging a bit, but does he make good points?

PostPosted:Sun Dec 27, 2009 11:11 pm
by SineSwiper
ZP, the absolute king of negative reviews, seemed to give it a decent review, even if he complained that the gameplay was too easy.

PostPosted:Sun Dec 27, 2009 11:31 pm
by Eric
Assassin's Creed is the type of game where the immersion makes you forgive some of its shortcomings. Walking into a crowd, finding your target, stabbing them, and then making your way out of the crowd before the crowd reacts to body hitting the ground is just fun.

PostPosted:Mon Dec 28, 2009 12:00 am
by Lox
Yes, what Eric said. There are some weird control things and the game is very easy even with finding all of the glyphs and other stuff, but it's a really, really interesting and fun game. It'll keep you hooked throughout and you'll enjoy all of the missions. None of them felt repetitive and the story has more of a draw than the first one.

I couldn't stop playing it. Thank goodness for leftover vacation days. :)

PostPosted:Mon Dec 28, 2009 3:29 pm
by bovine
Jim Sterling did the review.

PostPosted:Wed Dec 30, 2009 1:26 am
by Chris
fucking hell. this pops up here too? Welcome to a month ago dude. fuck.

PostPosted:Wed Dec 30, 2009 1:22 pm
by Zeus
A bunch of us only got the game recently so it's a little more relevant to us

PostPosted:Wed Dec 30, 2009 2:00 pm
by Chris
Zeus wrote:A bunch of us only got the game recently so it's a little more relevant to us
but you are still fucking idiots if you get upset by any review. some people have a hard time believing that people might disagree with them on a game. You probably like Fallout 3. Personally I thought it was complete tripe and only had a couple of even decent parts to go through with it's shitty as hell horrible gameplay system

PostPosted:Wed Dec 30, 2009 3:51 pm
by Zeus
Chris wrote:
Zeus wrote:A bunch of us only got the game recently so it's a little more relevant to us
but you are still fucking idiots if you get upset by any review. some people have a hard time believing that people might disagree with them on a game. You probably like Fallout 3. Personally I thought it was complete tripe and only had a couple of even decent parts to go through with it's shitty as hell horrible gameplay system
I wasn't upset, just asking people here if they agree with any of the points he made. I even admitted in the original post he might be rampaging a bit but that doesn't mean you ignore the points he's trying to make. I didn't like the tone or the direction of the article much either.

What was wrong with Fallout 3?

PostPosted:Wed Dec 30, 2009 4:21 pm
by SineSwiper
Chris wrote:
Zeus wrote:A bunch of us only got the game recently so it's a little more relevant to us
but you are still fucking idiots if you get upset by any review. some people have a hard time believing that people might disagree with them on a game. You probably like Fallout 3. Personally I thought it was complete tripe and only had a couple of even decent parts to go through with it's shitty as hell horrible gameplay system
Just because you have a single example of a conflicting review doesn't mean all reviews are totally inaccurate. After all, if the entire gaming public agrees that a game is total shit, then it's probably total shit. If the opposite is true, than it's probably good, or at least trying out. If you don't like it, that's too bad, but at least you tried, and 80-90% of the time, the reviews are going to be accurate to what you like.

Hell, I read some comics based on YOUR reviews, and they have been pretty accurate so far.

PostPosted:Wed Dec 30, 2009 6:57 pm
by Chris
yep. But it's a matter of taste. We share some similarly but you also know mine on a lot of things. The advantage really of having communiocated with one another for so long. Every reviewer has different tastes. Some people can look past a games flaws if the game built around them has promise. same with comics. An amazing story can get me past most shitty art and amazing art has actually gotten me through some damned mediocre or bad stories. I wouldn't recommend either of those thing to people because I know most people can't look past one or the other. I absolutely have been loving the living shit out of The Sabbateur which not a good game. But it has personality and is fun. It's like every other game they put out. You play it and really the only thing you can think is that my god this could be so so much better.