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Help Kali pick a game to play

PostPosted:Sun Mar 21, 2010 5:57 pm
by kali o.
So uhhhh...what's the verdict? Is the game good and worth buying?

I have to decide between Mass Effect 2 and this... Shame I don't have more time and could play both.

Re: Final Fantasy 13 out now

PostPosted:Mon Mar 22, 2010 7:52 am
by SineSwiper
Eric wrote:Disc...3? Oh you bought the X-box version, ho ho ho.

Gee, I get to switch discs two times during the course of 20-40 hours. That is sooooo amazingly hard.
kali o. wrote:So uhhhh...what's the verdict? Is the game good and worth buying?

I have to decide between Mass Effect 2 and this... Shame I don't have more time and could play both.
Well, I've played both, and both of them are good. I love me some sci-fi games with the both of them. What do you mean you won't have more time? Hell, the summer drought is coming soon. I looked at the new releases and it's already starting to slow down.

FF13 takes a bit of build up first (probably 4-5 hours), but it gets more and more fun and intriguing as you go along, both in gameplay and story. Much much better story than FF12, and probably the best gameplay out of any of them, close to the best combat out of any RPG. Even beating FF12's excellent auto-combat thing; it's similar to that in some regards, except you also have this fast paced manual action. It's what ATB mode should be. I've being shitting on most JRPGs for being lackluster and poor quality, but FF has being getting more and more westernized with better stories, so I would definitely recommend this game.

ME2 is also an excellent game with improved combat, and a great story. Cover is a huge factor now, and there is no more item mgmt, unlike ME1. The sheer amount of detail with the encyclopedia and exploring every planet is just as fun as it was last time. Excellent voice acting, of course, since half of the cast are famous actors/actresses.

I would not pass up either game. As far as which one you play first, that's hard to decide. Both have good character development, and good stories. Both has good gameplay, but honestly I got bored with the combat on ME2 after a while (similar to ME1 in that regard). I haven't reached the "open area" yet in FF13, so I don't know about the side quests, but every FF is good with the extra quests. ME2 has good side quests, too, even if they are short. The characters in ME2 are much better than FF13, but FF13 still has good character development, and after a while, all of them have redeeming qualities. I think ultimately FF13 is the better game, but just barely.

Re: Final Fantasy 13 out now

PostPosted:Tue Mar 23, 2010 8:17 pm
by kali o.
Thanks for the opinions. I'm still undecided after reading all that. I'll probably just flip a coin next time I make it to EBGames.
SineSwiper wrote:What do you mean you won't have more time? Hell, the summer drought is coming soon. I looked at the new releases and it's already starting to slow down.
I have so much on my plate, I'm barely finding time to clean my house, let alone play videogames.

Games I've missed lately that I want to play:
Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening
Final Fantasy XIII
Mass Effect 2
Star Trek Online
BioShock 2
Tropico 3
Alien vs Pred.
Smackdown vs Raw (ya ya)

And that's just off the top off my head (I missed most RPGs last year too)...I even have tons of games I have not finished or even touched:

Force Unleashed
UFC Undisputed
Dead Space


I won't see a "drought" until next gen.

Re: Final Fantasy 13 out now

PostPosted:Tue Mar 23, 2010 11:41 pm
by Zeus
Suggestion Kali: put Batman very high on your list. It's no more than 15 hours, and that's with 100% and some challenges, but it's an incredible game

Re: Final Fantasy 13 out now

PostPosted:Wed Mar 24, 2010 8:06 am
by SineSwiper
Same with Prototype. I don't need to remind you that:


Plus, it's about a 10-15 hour romp. The action is motherfucking badass, and the story is actually intriguing enough to keep you playing.

Re: Help Kali pick a game to play

PostPosted:Wed Mar 24, 2010 1:18 pm
by Blotus
I thought you didn't care for Dragon Age, Kali? In any event, if somebody plays Awakening let me know what you think 'cause I loved DA even if I didn't even scratch the surface of it's combat.

I played the game on Normal difficulty, never set up a single gambit (or whatever they're called here), and never used a spell, bow, or class specialization ability aside from berserk with my human warrior. Pretty much just hacked my way through it. I also never read any codex entries and didn't finish about 5 of the side-quests I had remaining near the end of the game. Furthermore, I used my hero, Morrigan, Leliana, and either Ohgran or Alaistar throughout the game except where I was made to use somebody else. I could play through the game several times over if I didn't have so much else going on.

Anyway, I haven't played but half of the games you listed. I'd go with ME2 or Dead Space.

Re: Help Kali pick a game to play

PostPosted:Wed Mar 24, 2010 1:27 pm
by bovine
Blotus wrote:I'd go with ME2 or Dead Space.
I agree with blotus. Both of these games are amazing.

Re: Help Kali pick a game to play

PostPosted:Wed Mar 24, 2010 10:32 pm
by Shrinweck
Blotus wrote:I thought you didn't care for Dragon Age, Kali? In any event, if somebody plays Awakening let me know what you think 'cause I loved DA even if I didn't even scratch the surface of it's combat.

I played the game on Normal difficulty, never set up a single gambit (or whatever they're called here), and never used a spell, bow, or class specialization ability aside from berserk with my human warrior. Pretty much just hacked my way through it. I also never read any codex entries and didn't finish about 5 of the side-quests I had remaining near the end of the game. Furthermore, I used my hero, Morrigan, Leliana, and either Ohgran or Alaistar throughout the game except where I was made to use somebody else. I could play through the game several times over if I didn't have so much else going on.

Anyway, I haven't played but half of the games you listed. I'd go with ME2 or Dead Space.

I already posted about Awakening in the Dragon Age thread. It's easy and short and not worth $40 unless you really want a continuation.

Re: Help Kali pick a game to play

PostPosted:Wed Mar 24, 2010 11:24 pm
by SineSwiper
My ordered list of recommendations, based on Kali's list:

Mass Effect 2
Final Fantasy XIII
BioShock 2
Dead Space

and fuck all the rest.

Re: Help Kali pick a game to play

PostPosted:Thu Mar 25, 2010 12:51 am
by kali o.
Why is this a new thread? Why am I being helped in a choice? Why is anyone expanding the choice to random games I want or already own?

So many why's...I just asked if, amidst all the FF bickering, whether it was a "good buy".