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DLC, the new premium price for games

PostPosted:Fri Mar 26, 2010 7:46 am
by Zeus
Pretty decent article on how the DLC is used 'cause the publishers wanna get around the $60 ($50 for Wii games) cap imposed by the manufacturers on the retail prices of the games

He also mentions how not all games are worth $60. I hope companies pick up on that and start budgeting accordingly

Re: DLC, the new premium price for games

PostPosted:Fri Mar 26, 2010 8:09 am
by Tessian
Only time so far I've come to hate DLC is in games like Bioshock 2 and Dragon Age where the DLC was BUILT INTO THE ORIGINAL GAME! That's just so f'ing low it's insulting... to sell a game with content you need to pay MORE to unlock.

Games like Fallout 3 are a good example of DLC done right and those models I don't have a problem with at all.

Re: DLC, the new premium price for games

PostPosted:Fri Mar 26, 2010 6:26 pm
by Zeus
Dragon Age you actually got it for free if you picked up the game brand new. That doesn't really count, that's more of a punishment for buying used not a way to suck more money out of the people who buy new. What about Assassin's Creed 2? They left out 2 sequences specifically to charge for DLC. Or the new map packs coming for CoD6? Only 3 of the 5 are new (2 are retreads from CoD4) and considering their comments before, they planned to hold back maps for DLC (and these 5 are a premium cost of $15 instead of the regularly insane $10).

EA I'm OK with what they're doin, punishing you for buying used and taking away their profits. But what Ubi and Activision are doin should be something we consumers punish them for, not reward them by buying them.

Re: DLC, the new premium price for games

PostPosted:Fri Mar 26, 2010 6:35 pm
by Flip
I remember when games used to release content/mods just to keep the game fresh and players happy to keep playing. Some genius figured out people will pay for it...

Re: DLC, the new premium price for games

PostPosted:Fri Mar 26, 2010 10:53 pm
by Zeus
Flip wrote:I remember when games used to release content/mods just to keep the game fresh and players happy to keep playing. Some genius figured out people will pay for it...
Isn't that what I've been bitching about this entire generation?

Re: DLC, the new premium price for games

PostPosted:Fri Mar 26, 2010 11:01 pm
by Kupek
Zeus wrote:What about Assassin's Creed 2? They left out 2 sequences specifically to charge for DLC.
How are you sure they did it for that reason? Having DLC ready on day one does not mean that content could have gone into the physical disc sold at retail. What you buy in the store is code that was completed maybe as long as two months prior. There's significant QA testing the developers have to do internally, and then there's the approval process through Microsoft, Sony or Nintendo.

It's conceivable that developers could commit final code for this process, continue development, and then have some DLC ready on day one.

Re: DLC, the new premium price for games

PostPosted:Sat Mar 27, 2010 12:49 am
by Zeus
Kupek wrote:
Zeus wrote:What about Assassin's Creed 2? They left out 2 sequences specifically to charge for DLC.
How are you sure they did it for that reason? Having DLC ready on day one does not mean that content could have gone into the physical disc sold at retail. What you buy in the store is code that was completed maybe as long as two months prior. There's significant QA testing the developers have to do internally, and then there's the approval process through Microsoft, Sony or Nintendo.

It's conceivable that developers could commit final code for this process, continue development, and then have some DLC ready on day one.
This is a bit of a long post 'cause I got some unexpected extra info after my initial response (first three paragraphs). Read through it all, it's a good learning experience. Was for me.

Because there was an article back during the Xmas season where they basically admitted that they held it back for DLC. Back before the game was released, they said "yeah, we couldn't finish them in time so we held them back" (yeah, that didn't reek of BS) but in that article they basically admitted to holding them back specifically for DLC. Not only that, if you play the game, you can CLEARLY tell they cut out the chapters (it just jumps from one part of the game to the ending sequence suddenly) so they basically gave us an unfinished game and forced you to pay extra to get the "complete experience". If I recall, I posted here and bitched about it back then. I can't remember if I posted the article (I THINK it was a 1up article but I can't find it).

If I remember correctly, it's a little under a month between code hand it (going gold) and distribution to retail. I can ask my bud if you'd like to get a clearer lead time.

Kup, I don't mean to sound like an ass, but it's really common sense and a "good business move" for them to hold back content that could be in the game and ready to be put on the disc before it goes gold 'cause they know the sheep will pay for it. I mean, are you not doin' your job as an employee of these companies unless you "explore all possible revenue streams"? What the article in this thread was sayin' is that they're doing this to get past the cap set by M$ and Sony which I believe (my opinion) makes a lot of sense. The whole "well, we couldn't finish it in time before it went gold" is just a BS PR schpeil that really means "we think you'll pay extra for it so we'll just hold it back and nickle and dime you some more later".

That doesn't mean that all DLC is held back on purpose or BS or not worth it. Look at Fallout 3 or Borderlands, they're like extensions of the game not missing core experiences. But what we're starting to see now is planned holdback in-game content that is a part of the core game in order to charge for DLC later. Assassin's Creed 2 is the most blatant example of that, along with Mega Man 9 and 10 (specific modes and even playable characters held back on purpose and available day 1 as a DLC) but they certainly aren't the only games to try this (lookin' at you, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2; oddly, that's an Activision game, the other company I was bitching about above for employing this same tactic; EA also tried it and got reemed big time for the unlock codes for Need for Speed Carbon, which is why they may have gotten away from that).

To further consider the possibility of a time crunch vs a planned dick move, I specifically asked my friend (happened to be online at the time) who used to work at Ubisoft whether or not it's a possibility that they held it back on purpose instead of them just running out of time. He said that the studio is internally famous for trying to do too much and running out of time, which is why the first game had great ideas but was ultimately a shitty gaming experience (but great storyline). He specifically called it a "tech demo" which is also what his one friend on the team called it as well. But that's for original games, not sequels. As far as AC2 is concerned, he indicated that since it was a sequel and that they were well beyond the tech demo stage, so it's a very real possibility that this was planned as opposed to a time crunch. He didn't say "fuck yeah, they did it" but he did say that it was a real possibility. He said the only way it would be a "for sure" is if the actual content was already on the disc. I argued that they'd be smart enough to just exclude it from the disc since so many of the DLC customer base are savvy enough to know that a 108kb download is simply an unlock code whereas a 500MB download is real content. You know what his exact response was word for word? "This is Ubisoft we're talking about. They have disdain for their customers" (I copied that from MSN). I would think that his responses lend a lot more credence to my theory than yours.

On an even further note, after I asked him about this, he mentioned something which intrigued me. Here's a partial transcript of our conversation (complete with typos) copied from my MSN log:

Him:"There's no way in hell any company makes the DLC outside of the dev cycle"
Me: "But doesn't the dev cycle now extend beyond retail release?"
Him:"No, at least I don't think so. They develop both the core game and DLC at the same time. The studio heads now expect more from the same amount of time".
Me: "OK, so now they're actually developing DLC at the exact same time? So really, it could ALL be ready for retail release?"
Me: "You're fucking kidding me........basically, it's all ready to go and they just hold it back for DLC?"
Him:"If there's one I know, it's that they grab people away from projects nearly done to put them onto other projects. So before that Art Director leaves for his next assignment, or those 4 senior levels designers leave, the studio heads want to damn well make sure they also work on the DLC. Which makes sense because you want the DLC to have the same "look" and "feel" as the core game"
Me:"SO they have to finish the DLC before that dev cylce is over to ensure it feels like the rest of the game, yes?"
Him:"I mean, I'm not saying the DLC and the core are started simultaneously....but at some point, they do dovetail."
Me:"But they are both finished by the time the game goes gold 'cause if they're not, the other people are off of the projects and the heads don't want that"
Him:"Right. It makes perfect sense. The programmers and the QA Testers have to make sure both the DLC and the core function together without bugs"

And from a business point of view, I completely agree with that strategy and it makes sense. If I were a game developer and I knew the sheep would fall for it, I'd do it too. But as a consumer, this means it's actually far worse than I initially feared. He basically just confirmed that nearly all DLC, even the perceived "extra chapters" like in Fallout 3 (he specifically mentioned that in his opinion, those were ready when the game went gold; that's why they were available relatively early after release, particularly for an RPG), are actually specifically-planned portions of the game that could be on a disc but are not in an attempt to increase and extend revenue streams. Basically, ALL DLC is a slap in the face not just the blatant ones like AC2. Sure, there's a possibility that some companies follow a different business model and development cycle (Valve would be the most likely company considering their relatively small size, independence, and curator of Steam) but they would likely be more the exception than the rule.

You know, I may bitch and complain a lot but quite often, there's a real reason for it (look at my endless bitching about Bell and Rogers; the more we learn about their behind-the-scenes business practices, the worse it is). Many corps give me tons of reasons to bitch and complain and, as pessimistic as I may seem (I'm actually not; you'd know that if you talked to me in real life), I actually underestimate the extent to which companies will fuck us. Of course, when I find out, it just makes me bitch and complain even more :-)

Re: DLC, the new premium price for games

PostPosted:Sat Mar 27, 2010 11:19 am
by Tessian
Zeus, what you say is very untrue about Dragon Age. I bought DA:O new on Steam, you did not get the DLC unless you bought the collectors edition or whatever for an extra $15... that then came with the DLC mission and hero. That still counts in my opinion.

I think you pretty much have to plan to add DLC beforehand... you can't ship a game and THEN go "ok what can we add to it now?" I just get very bent out of shape when they have it ON THE DISC already and make you pay extra for it.

Re: DLC, the new premium price for games

PostPosted:Sat Mar 27, 2010 6:02 pm
by Chris
Tessian wrote:Zeus, what you say is very untrue about Dragon Age. I bought DA:O new on Steam, you did not get the DLC unless you bought the collectors edition or whatever for an extra $15... that then came with the DLC mission and hero. That still counts in my opinion.

I think you pretty much have to plan to add DLC beforehand... you can't ship a game and THEN go "ok what can we add to it now?" I just get very bent out of shape when they have it ON THE DISC already and make you pay extra for it.
the console versions had 2 free with the game and another paid DLC. The paid DLC was free if you bought the collectors edition though. And none of them were on the disk. Bioshock is fucking lame because it was on the disk. Same with the early Resident Evil five and Street Fighter 4 content that was DLC. That is fucking lame. If it's on the disk I already fucking paid for it. Day One DLC is different. because once the game is finished and even before it goes gold some of the team is already working on DLC. Once it's gold everyone is off to work on the DLC or the next game. The teams needed to make DLC aren't as large as it is to make a full retail game it also doesn't take near as long since the assets are already there and all you are doing is building upon what already exists which makes DLC a much easier process than just regular content. Unless it's something big like with the latest Borderlands DLC or the stuff that came from Fallout 3 which takes a lot longer since they built and bug tested a lot of new assets in getting it ready for release. There is a reason it took a while for a lot of that to come out. But stuff that uses the same assets and engine and doesn't need new animations? You can get a pretty fast turnaround and build some pretty cool shit pretty fast.

Re: DLC, the new premium price for games

PostPosted:Sat Mar 27, 2010 9:00 pm
by Zeus
Tessian wrote:Zeus, what you say is very untrue about Dragon Age. I bought DA:O new on Steam, you did not get the DLC unless you bought the collectors edition or whatever for an extra $15... that then came with the DLC mission and hero. That still counts in my opinion.

I think you pretty much have to plan to add DLC beforehand... you can't ship a game and THEN go "ok what can we add to it now?" I just get very bent out of shape when they have it ON THE DISC already and make you pay extra for it.
Sorry, I forget to mention it every once in a while: I don't play games on my PC so I don't care about the PC gaming market, I only look at the console one. On the consoles, if you bought the game new, regular or collector's, you got a download code for the $15 expansion. I'm not sure if it was the original shipment or if it's still available now, but you didn't need to pay extra to get it. That's why I'm OK with it. The PC gaming market is getting more and more ignored every year and in a lot of cases, the publishers actually treat the market with disdain (look at all the DRM issues or the gimped multiplayer with games like CoD6).

Yes, you need to plan to have DLC, for sure. No arguments there. But the problem is that they have it done and ready (it goes through the same Q&A testing to ensure it works properly) before the game even goes gold. Whether or not they include it on the disc or make you download it afterwards doesn't matter, it was done and coulda been on the disc when it shipped. If anything, I would prefer they just put it on the disc since that way it doesn't take up room on my very inadequate HDD on the 360. But either way, making you pay extra for something that can - and arguably should - be available in the original retail release isn't something we want to encourage as consumers, even if it is extra or side missions. That being said, I can live with it as long as the original game is value for the money and complete. I don't like it but I can live with it. But the Assassin's Creed 2 DLC, which is pieces of the core game being held for DLC? That's unacceptable. However, because consumers have proven they have no issues getting goosed by the companies and being happy about it ($10-$15 for 5 multiplayer maps? That's nuts), it's only gonna get worse.

Chris, read my novel above. The teams aren't working on the DLC after it's gone gold, the DLC is already done and gone through Q&A testing before the game ships to retail. All of it (well, nearly all) can be on the disc. Making you spend bandwidth and HDD space is actually a waste of time and just a smoke screen.

Re: DLC, the new premium price for games

PostPosted:Sat Mar 27, 2010 10:04 pm
by SineSwiper
You're describing one team. That's not the entirely of the gaming industry. For example, I seriously doubt the Fallout and Borderlands DLC were anywhere close to ready when the original game launched.

Re: DLC, the new premium price for games

PostPosted:Sun Mar 28, 2010 3:53 am
by Zeus
SineSwiper wrote:You're describing one team. That's not the entirely of the gaming industry. For example, I seriously doubt the Fallout and Borderlands DLC were anywhere close to ready when the original game launched.
Again, I'm not describing anything, I'm just telling you what I was told. And do you honestly think this is limited to Ubisoft? Seriously, you can't be that short-sighted.

Re: DLC, the new premium price for games

PostPosted:Sun Mar 28, 2010 11:22 am
by SineSwiper
Chris was talking about DLC from another company, and you response back with essentially "No, it's not; read my post", which is only evidence for Ubisoft. I don't doubt that other companies do that, but I'm not going to accept that every company does that, unless I have evidence from every company.

Re: DLC, the new premium price for games

PostPosted:Sun Mar 28, 2010 12:21 pm
by Zeus
SineSwiper wrote:Chris was talking about DLC from another company, and you response back with essentially "No, it's not; read my post", which is only evidence for Ubisoft. I don't doubt that other companies do that, but I'm not going to accept that every company does that, unless I have evidence from every company.
You won't accept that good business practices will be utilized by the majority of companies in an industry just to hang on to an unsubstantiated personal opinion?

Re: DLC, the new premium price for games

PostPosted:Mon Mar 29, 2010 12:03 am
by SineSwiper
Zeus wrote:You won't accept that good business practices will be utilized by the majority of companies in an industry just to hang on to an unsubstantiated personal opinion?
Define "unsubstantiated" and "personal opinion". I just cited Fallout 3 and Borderlands as evidence AGAINST your theory.

Re: DLC, the new premium price for games

PostPosted:Mon Mar 29, 2010 1:24 am
by Zeus
SineSwiper wrote:
Zeus wrote:You won't accept that good business practices will be utilized by the majority of companies in an industry just to hang on to an unsubstantiated personal opinion?
Define "unsubstantiated" and "personal opinion". I just cited Fallout 3 and Borderlands as evidence AGAINST your theory.
It's a little late and my eyes are a little tired, but did I not a) originally mention Fallout 3 as actual evidence against that theory myself early on in the thread and b) then get told otherwise by someone who knows these things a lot better than you or I that he strongly believes there's almost no chance that those expansions weren't done before the game came out considering the time frame in which they were released? That basically means that I originally agreed with everything you said but was told by someone with a lot more knowledge than I could possibly have that I am most likely wrong.

So to answer your question:

"unsubstantiated" - you have no supporting evidence of any kind for your theory, I at least have someone with industry knowledge setting me straight
"personal opinion" - everything you've said isn't evidence, it's conjecture. That's exactly all that I had until, again, I was set straight by someone who actually knows how these things work. This is why I abandoned my personal opinion and went with someone else's theory.