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Mind-blowing news from Microsoft

PostPosted:Thu Jun 09, 2011 6:45 pm
by Zeus
As the bastion of cutting-edge technology, Microsoft has announced that soon - a couple short months, hopefully - you will be able to watch YouTube on the Xbox 360 ... fc-youtube

Man, I'm excited. Imagine being able to watch YouTube from the comfort of your own couch? How awesome is that going to be? Sine, if you didn't have your PC hooked up to your TV, you'd be pretty stoked, admit it. Man, I hope to hell I don't need Gold to use this. I got the Bestests Hardware in the Whole Wide World, I really wanna take advantage this feature that'll be years ahead of its time.

Re: Mind-blowing news from Microsoft

PostPosted:Thu Jun 09, 2011 7:16 pm
by Kupek
Platform trolling? Really?

Re: Mind-blowing news from Microsoft

PostPosted:Thu Jun 09, 2011 8:01 pm
by Shrinweck
Hah. And trolling us over this without even using Microshaft or M$. Extra points for you editing your post to add your surprise at it not costing money :D

Re: Mind-blowing news from Microsoft

PostPosted:Thu Jun 09, 2011 8:05 pm
by Eric
In an attempt to turn this into a meaningful conversation.

Microsoft's press conference came off to me as them trying to turn the X-Box from a gaming system, into some sort of do it all entertainment system. It was like Halo 4->Kinect Kinect Kinect for 2 hours, then all this talk about the other crap that's coming to the system.

I mean, I think that's cool and all but I imagine most people buy their gaming systems first and foremost for games, if the console has Netflix, or Youtube, or WHATEVER attached to it in addition to that, to me, it just comes off as a boon.

I wouldn't go out and buy an X-box because I can watch youtube on my couch, I would however buy one for Halo 4. I don't know how large the market is for the former. And the Wii, as awful as it was, proved the latter this generation would buy one for cheesey games.

Re: Mind-blowing news from Microsoft

PostPosted:Thu Jun 09, 2011 9:02 pm
by Zeus
Kupek wrote:Platform trolling? Really?
Yes, I despise the 360 and never, ever will buy a game for it. I've hated the system since its announcement, every game that's been released on it is a piece of shit, and I look for every opportunity to bash them. It's to me what the Wii is to Sine.....

There is, shockingly, a little more to my mocking Microsoft's (no, I never edited the original post) big announcement during their E3 conference than trolling. My history here SHOULD tell you this, at least Eric picked up on it. And he deserves a response as opposed to turning this into a Zeus-bash for no reason whatsoever other than some people's biased views.

Eric, for sure it's nothing to make anyone actually purchase the system. The question is more is anyone even going to care anymore? This has been on both of the other systems since they launched. Really, this is something you wanna announce as opposed to just release quietly as a feature when you "upgrade" with Bing? It's so 4 years ago it's actually laughable. Hence my mocking of them

Re: Mind-blowing news from Microsoft

PostPosted:Thu Jun 09, 2011 9:10 pm
by Shrinweck
Meant editing it in the future.

Re: Mind-blowing news from Microsoft

PostPosted:Thu Jun 09, 2011 9:12 pm
by Zeus
Shrinweck wrote:Meant editing it in the future.
Oh, I already included that. The whole "I hope I don't need Gold" was me saying "I hope I don't have to pay extra". We actually don't know if it's going to require Gold (unless I missed that part of the announcement) but I bet it will. Shouldn't be any different than Facebook or Twitter, a "premium" service in their eyes. Do I get my extra points for adding in the original post? :-)

Re: Mind-blowing news from Microsoft

PostPosted:Thu Jun 09, 2011 9:28 pm
by Shrinweck
Haha okay but I lost the arbitrary 'cool points' system I created when I was a teenager.

Re: Mind-blowing news from Microsoft

PostPosted:Fri Jun 10, 2011 9:59 am
by Kupek
If you want to talk about real things, talk about them. Don't troll then be disappointed that no one talked about real things.

Anyway. As a counterpoint to Eric, my PS3 very much is a media device more than a gaming console for me. I use it everyday to watch Netflix. I use it for games about once or twice a week. I don't have cable, so Netflix is how I watch everything. If Sony announced something similar, I'd be very happy because then I could watch UFC events live at home. Before this, I would say that the PS3 is better as a media device than the 360 because of Bluray, but now it depends on what you'd rather have.

Re: Mind-blowing news from Microsoft

PostPosted:Fri Jun 10, 2011 4:53 pm
by Zeus
With all the sarcasm you've heard from me and the way I've discussed all the systems over the last decade, you should never think I'm system trolling.....EVER. I have both praised and slammed nearly every system that has ever come out for differening reasons. As a scientist, aren't you supposed to be a little more objective and have evidence to support your hypothesis? :-)

UFC Live events, you mean on YouTube? The PS3's browser already has a link to YouTube, does that not work for you? It is iffy sometimes for sure, but you can't get it to work at all? Sadly, the Wii has a far superior browser than the PS3s, really should be the opposite.

And for sure the PS3 and 360 are used more as full media systems. I probably turned them on more to watch stuff and stream than to play.

Re: Mind-blowing news from Microsoft

PostPosted:Fri Jun 10, 2011 6:20 pm
by Kupek
Did you not read the whole story? UFC is in the title, they mention being able to get live television events, and they had Dana White come on and talk about getting UFC events on the 360. The story was not about YouTube. The story was about being able to watch live events that normally are only on network tv or pay-pre-view.

Re: Mind-blowing news from Microsoft

PostPosted:Fri Jun 10, 2011 6:33 pm
by Zeus
Kupek wrote:Did you not read the whole story? UFC is in the title, they mention being able to get live television events, and they had Dana White come on and talk about getting UFC events on the 360. The story was not about YouTube. The story was about being able to watch live events that normally are only on network tv or pay-pre-view.
Sorry, I forgot that the UFC announced a special partnership with the 360 as well.

Re: Mind-blowing news from Microsoft

PostPosted:Fri Jun 10, 2011 7:47 pm
by Kupek
Which is why I accused you of trolling, because YouTube was an aside in that article.

Re: Mind-blowing news from Microsoft

PostPosted:Sat Jun 11, 2011 11:14 am
by Zeus
Kupek wrote:Which is why I accused you of trolling, because YouTube was an aside in that article.
Not in Live announcement, which is where I saw it. Along with Bing, it was front and centre. And the reason I forgot about the UFC thing is because I really don't care about the sport, so it was forgotten instantly. It wasn't until you mentioned it that I remember Dana White at the end of that video talking about it.

That's besides the point. You should know me far better than to assume my extremely sarcastic mocking of Microshaft (happy, Shrin?) is not trolling in any way. Even if that's what you think initially, you should be at the very least saying "hold on, this is Zeus, wasn't he schilling the 360 for years until shifting to the PS3 as his main system? There may be another explanation for his post other than trolling, perhaps I should think about this for a second".

Re: Mind-blowing news from Microsoft

PostPosted:Sat Jun 11, 2011 4:15 pm
by kali o.
I am sure zeus is trolling -- whether he is aware of it or not anymore is a different story.

That said, Microsoft has done an excellent job of going out with a *fizzle*. Hell, including last year, they've done nearly nothing to secure any real exclusives or big announcements (ie: games). Kinect, a me too product from MS, has been the focus along with it's casual game library. Zeus might be overly exaggerating the small Youtube bit but it's susbtantial news simply because there is little else to talk about lately -- which is the issue.

MS's shoddy hardware & support (my 360 is still in pieces), coupled with their total lack of focus on actual games this last year and a bit, makes it pretty likely I'll throw my lot in with Sony next gen....unless something really spectacular happens regarding the next gen systems.

Re: Mind-blowing news from Microsoft

PostPosted:Sat Jun 11, 2011 10:42 pm
by Eric
Kupek wrote:If you want to talk about real things, talk about them. Don't troll then be disappointed that no one talked about real things.

Anyway. As a counterpoint to Eric, my PS3 very much is a media device more than a gaming console for me. I use it everyday to watch Netflix. I use it for games about once or twice a week. I don't have cable, so Netflix is how I watch everything. If Sony announced something similar, I'd be very happy because then I could watch UFC events live at home. Before this, I would say that the PS3 is better as a media device than the 360 because of Bluray, but now it depends on what you'd rather have.
Well, yeah, NOW it is, Netflix is on all 3 systems at this point.

My question is when you were first deciding on which system to buy, was Netflix a deciding factor? I mean I could understand going forward if you were concerned with whether or not Netflix is on the next gen consoles. But if none of them have services you've heard of or are using, I'd ASSUME you'd probably buy based on the library, and other built in features primarily related to gaming.

Re: Mind-blowing news from Microsoft

PostPosted:Sun Jun 12, 2011 1:37 pm
by Zeus
Eric wrote:
Kupek wrote:If you want to talk about real things, talk about them. Don't troll then be disappointed that no one talked about real things.

Anyway. As a counterpoint to Eric, my PS3 very much is a media device more than a gaming console for me. I use it everyday to watch Netflix. I use it for games about once or twice a week. I don't have cable, so Netflix is how I watch everything. If Sony announced something similar, I'd be very happy because then I could watch UFC events live at home. Before this, I would say that the PS3 is better as a media device than the 360 because of Bluray, but now it depends on what you'd rather have.
Well, yeah, NOW it is, Netflix is on all 3 systems at this point.

My question is when you were first deciding on which system to buy, was Netflix a deciding factor? I mean I could understand going forward if you were concerned with whether or not Netflix is on the next gen consoles. But if none of them have services you've heard of or are using, I'd ASSUME you'd probably buy based on the library, and other built in features primarily related to gaming.
Most probably would. But Netflix has become a huge deal for some people, it may very well become a deciding factor should one of the systems not support it. But since they all do support it, there's really no reason to use that as a factor. Unless you REALLY care that the Wii allows for WAY more titles on screen at once than the PS3, but that's really nothing.

The systems should always be based on libraries mostly IMO. But there's enough other things now the systems do that are becoming increasingly important. I want for all of my systems to be able to support TVersity or another media server. That's how I watch most of my stuff now, it's very important to me to have that backup just in case my TV doesn't recognize that particular format with its own built-in server program. As of right now, though, games library still rule.

Re: Mind-blowing news from Microsoft

PostPosted:Sun Jun 12, 2011 2:53 pm
by Shrinweck
Many cheap blu-ray/DVD players can give you Netflix on a television at this point. Consoles providing this future is just a luxury. There aren't that many people spending hundreds of dollars on a console who can't afford a Netflix compatible player of another sort. Also, if I had to choose between running a semi-expensive gaming system or a cheapo blu-ray player to watch instant watch, I'm gonna choose the player. Moving parts only last so long and cutting down on hours of usage is worth it in my book.

I'm a little off base on this topic, though. I've never really had a yearning to watch instant watch on my television instead of my computer. That's probably cause my TV has sucky sound and if I turn on the amplifier at night I'm probably bothering neighbors.

Re: Mind-blowing news from Microsoft

PostPosted:Sun Jun 12, 2011 5:39 pm
by Zeus
Aren't a lot of TVs coming out with Netflix support now too? A lot certainly are coming with full browsers for surfing. If that's the case, these features by consoles may become redundant in the next few years

Re: Mind-blowing news from Microsoft

PostPosted:Sun Jun 12, 2011 6:28 pm
by Shrinweck
Probably. It can't possibly be that complicated - all a device needs is internet connectivity and the ability to run Silverlight.

Re: Mind-blowing news from Microsoft

PostPosted:Mon Jun 13, 2011 8:49 am
by Lox
My in-laws have a Vizio with Netflix built-in. It's fantastic. I keep my account set up there just so I can watch my shows whenever I'm over. :)