Times appear to be rough for the subscription model MMORPG as even WoW has bad news, and every other week you seem to hear some news about some former subscription model MMORPG either shutting down or going F2P. Now cash shop generally are the backbone of F2Ps, and one thing I hear a lot about is that you shouldn't have a game where paying money is required to come out on the top. But if you're not paying for in game advantage, then what are you paying for?
We'll ignore stuff you might buy that's clearly content, like say LoTRO basically splits an expansion into 3 packs of stuff on cash shop at an equivalent cost. Obviously if you enjoy playing the game it'd make sense to buy that at some point. We'll also assume your game doesn't fulfill some special niche, like EQ2 and furniture. Your game can sell vanity items but you can't assume your players are going to be virtual interior designers who will shell out $50 for furnitures every month.
To me, as a gamer, at some point there has to be considerable power for me to put money in a cash shop. I'd like to buy power akin to pre Whirlwind nerf in Diablo 2 level of destruction. I understand you can't really do that for say, PvP, or the end PvE game, but I think it's perfectly reasonable to expect to rain down destruction on regular stuff if I have to pay for it. EQ2X sells the Rune of Annihilation and it does pretty much what you think it does: instantly kills any non heroic/epic stuff (i.e. everything that doesn't matter). I've never bought one of those since they're still a bit overpriced but that's the kind of power I'd expect to have if I actually pay money for.
What would you pay money for in a cash shop?
We'll ignore stuff you might buy that's clearly content, like say LoTRO basically splits an expansion into 3 packs of stuff on cash shop at an equivalent cost. Obviously if you enjoy playing the game it'd make sense to buy that at some point. We'll also assume your game doesn't fulfill some special niche, like EQ2 and furniture. Your game can sell vanity items but you can't assume your players are going to be virtual interior designers who will shell out $50 for furnitures every month.
To me, as a gamer, at some point there has to be considerable power for me to put money in a cash shop. I'd like to buy power akin to pre Whirlwind nerf in Diablo 2 level of destruction. I understand you can't really do that for say, PvP, or the end PvE game, but I think it's perfectly reasonable to expect to rain down destruction on regular stuff if I have to pay for it. EQ2X sells the Rune of Annihilation and it does pretty much what you think it does: instantly kills any non heroic/epic stuff (i.e. everything that doesn't matter). I've never bought one of those since they're still a bit overpriced but that's the kind of power I'd expect to have if I actually pay money for.
What would you pay money for in a cash shop?