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Anyone else catchin' the crazy deals on XBLA this week?

PostPosted:Thu Sep 29, 2011 9:26 pm
by Zeus
Right now:

XBLA Extreme Shopping Sale. Ends October 4th.
Bionic Commando: Rearmed - 400 (800)
Bionic Commando: Rearmed 2 - 600 (1200)
Blade Kitten - 400 (800)
Islands of Wafku - 400 (800)
Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime - 400 (800)
The Maw - 400 (800)
Monday Night Combat - 600 (1200)
Moon Diver - 600 (1200)
Outland - 400 (800)
Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter - 400 (originally 1200)
Section 8 Prejudice - 800 (1200)
Shank - 600 (1200)
Star Raiders - 400 (800)
Trials HD - 600 (1200)
Trouble Witches Neo - 400 (800)
Yar's Revenge - 400 (800)

Supposedly, some "big one-day deals" on Friday, not sure what they are yet.

I'm getting Outland and Re-Armed 2 for sure, been waiting a while for those to drop.

Re: Anyone else catchin' the crazy deals on XBLA this week?

PostPosted:Fri Sep 30, 2011 4:53 pm
by Zeus
Fri deals ain't up yet, which is odd. Anyone else see any one-day Friday deals? Just curious if it's my Silver acct that's causing it to not appear for me

Re: Anyone else catchin' the crazy deals on XBLA this week?

PostPosted:Fri Sep 30, 2011 6:27 pm
by Eric
Probably you filthy Silver account peasant. :)

Re: Anyone else catchin' the crazy deals on XBLA this week?

PostPosted:Fri Sep 30, 2011 9:22 pm
by Zeus
Eric wrote:Probably you filthy Silver account peasant. :)
Oh no, the real story is much more interesting than that.

I checked a few times today just to see if the "one-day" deals popped up, no dice. So, at 8:30pm, while chillin' with the kiddies, I decided to just sit in the Xbox queue and let them find out why it ain't appearin' for me. Finally get a guy on the phone. He hasn't heard of the deals this week. He looks online and all he can find is the March 29 to April 4 deals (the original Extreme Shopping sale). I tell him it's right there in both the Spotlight and Game Marketplace menu options as one of the buttons you can select. So he turns on the Xbox he's got sitting beside him....still can't see the button. After a little searchin' with no luck, I simply ask him to go to the marketplace directly and see how much he can buy Outland for. It's 400 points for him so it's on sale from his end too, except he don't get the button that collected everything together. Because of that, he really has no idea what the Friday deals are since he didn't even really know about the week-long ones. In other words, I knew more than they did.

The only thing I can think of is that they simply recycled a graphic from the April sale for the new sale (if you go to and look up Extreme Sale, you see the same artwork on the page but it only refers to the April sale) and didn't realize that there was a little note re: Friday one-day sales that were there for Friday April 1st, which is the sale the graphic was created for. So, not only did their front-line CSR guys seem to know jack shit about the sale, they falsely advertised an upcoming sale that didn't exist 'cause of someone not properly reviewing the shit before it goes live.

Guess I shouldn't be surprised of their lack of oversight after my security question fuck-up.

Re: Anyone else catchin' the crazy deals on XBLA this week?

PostPosted:Fri Sep 30, 2011 9:29 pm
by Shrinweck
I grabbed Outland, thanks for calling the sale to my attention heh

Re: Anyone else catchin' the crazy deals on XBLA this week?

PostPosted:Sat Oct 01, 2011 12:24 am
by Zeus
Shrinweck wrote:I grabbed Outland, thanks for calling the sale to my attention heh
I grabbed Outland and Re-Armed 2 myself

Re: Anyone else catchin' the crazy deals on XBLA this week?

PostPosted:Sat Oct 01, 2011 1:42 am
by Shrinweck
I had 440 points that were just sitting around doing nothing so it was a good deal heh.

Re: Anyone else catchin' the crazy deals on XBLA this week?

PostPosted:Sat Oct 01, 2011 10:11 am
by Zeus
Shrinweck wrote:I had 440 points that were just sitting around doing nothing so it was a good deal heh.
I've had 2280 points sitting on my account for the last 6 months just waiting for a good sale. I thought I would have to wait 'til Black Friday (last year I got 4 games for 880 points) so it was nice to be able to get two of the games I really wanted for a good price.