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PostPosted:Thu Feb 21, 2013 1:22 am
by bovine
I dunno. It's a thing, I guess.

Re: PS4

PostPosted:Thu Feb 21, 2013 2:21 am
by Eric

Most underrated series of this generation.

As for the conference, Dragon's Dogma 2 & Killzone looked great.




And let's not forget Watch Dogs


Re: PS4

PostPosted:Thu Feb 21, 2013 8:11 am
by Zeus
Guess we'll have to wait 'til E3 to find out what it really is (specs) and how it's actually gonna work. Showing a few games ain't nothin', really. I figured they'd try to do their own Apple-like announcement but this was more of an "it exists" teaser

Re: PS4

PostPosted:Thu Feb 21, 2013 9:07 am
by Lox
Actually, they released more detailed tech specs later.


Re: PS4

PostPosted:Thu Feb 21, 2013 9:22 am
by Flip
They showed the new controller, too. Looks like a regular PS2 dual shock, but with a touch sensative area. ... controller


Re: PS4

PostPosted:Thu Feb 21, 2013 10:09 am
by Blotus
It was a pretty good show. It was nice to get excited about a new console, though I expect I will wait a while to pick up either... and keep telling myself to just build a PC instead.

Is Square just the biggest bunch of losers in recent years or what? Referring to the Japanese development end anyway, not their Western-published games (Eidos). Fuck they suck.

Does Killzone actually have a fanbase?

Watch Dogs looks rad.

Re: PS4

PostPosted:Thu Feb 21, 2013 2:27 pm
by Eric
Versus XIII is supposed to be a PS3 exclusive, so maybe they're just gonna reannounce it for the PS4?

Only other thing I could think of is a FFVII remake(TROLLFACE)

Re: PS4

PostPosted:Thu Feb 21, 2013 5:05 pm
by Zeus
Isn't anyone else pissed that they can't seem to evolve their controller? Really, a Dual Shock with a touch area? I'm longing for the Batrang controller more and more......

I'm not sure what to think yet. Sure it's powerful but really, what else are you gonna offer me? It's not like my PS3 games look bad and don't have all the online functionality or anything (no, the Share button ain't notin'). The PS4 ain't even supporting 4k resolution off the bat if I'm not mistaken. Really, why do I need to upgrade? This isn't an anti-Sony thing. I really have no desire to get a Nextbox or Wii U right now either.

Re: PS4

PostPosted:Thu Feb 21, 2013 8:08 pm
by Eric
Killzone 4 is running 1080p 30FPS, grrr, world needs more shooters running @ 60FPS, hopefully Battlefield 4 is 1080/60, or at least 720/60 in MP.

To answer your question Zeus, there's no real reason to early adopt just yet.

Unless there's a 1st party/exclusive game coming out @ launch you desperately want(Think Mario 64), and from what I've seen there's no official day 1 launch day list for the PS4 yet, or the next Xbox, and obviously the Wii U is hurting for some exclusive/1st party system sellers.

The reason you'll ultimately end up purchasing a new system is because the games stop coming for the current ones, but yeah, there's nothing that makes me want to run out and preorder a PS4/Nextbox just yet.....unless they're like "Infamous: Second Son PS4 bundle on launch day!" and then I'll be all over that. ;p

Re: PS4

PostPosted:Thu Feb 21, 2013 10:28 pm
by bovine
I find the PS3 controller to be a big reason why I dislike playing the system, and to see no real evolution from that design has me a bit disappointed. The terrible L2/R2 buttons and the analog placement and feel really bothered me. Playing a racing game that had me holding down one of those mushy, uncomfortable triggers, or the feeling of lacking accuracy with the analogs were always a bummer to me.

My personal feelings on the controller aside, the talk of the sharing functionality seemed really interesting to me. I have enjoyed the rise of Let's Play on Youtube and Quicklooks on Giantbomb are something I look forward to. Having a system that lets anyone have that ability to stream out their game hopefully means a rise in that sort of media. Will it be behind a paywall? Probably, but I think that as a consumer of media, it will benefit me if Ustream is packed with people playing games I would like to see. I hate spoilers, but I enjoy watching people play games that I will never play.