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RIP LucasArts

PostPosted:Fri Apr 05, 2013 12:25 pm
by Zeus
A good article with one of the original minds behind LucasArts and why it ended up dissolving ... it-failed/

Re: RIP LucasArts

PostPosted:Fri Apr 05, 2013 1:33 pm
by Flip
Yeah i read about that a couple days ago. Really sad for a lot of us that grew up on their adventure games! I couldnt care less about all their new Star Wars stuff, i wish they had stuck to being small and awesome game makers.

Re: RIP LucasArts

PostPosted:Fri Apr 05, 2013 8:39 pm
by Shrinweck
They weren't the company that made cool Star Wars games let alone those adventure games that we all loved for a very, very long time. 1313 looked promising but they weren't doing anything notable let alone on par with their glory days and they almost certainly were never going to be near that standard ever again. Disney probably did the right thing here.

Re: RIP LucasArts

PostPosted:Fri Apr 05, 2013 11:44 pm
by SineSwiper

As an old ATARI 800XL vet, I always seem to remember them from their first four games.

Re: RIP LucasArts

PostPosted:Sat Apr 06, 2013 4:05 am
by Don
Did LucasArts make TIE Fighter? That's like the only real good game for them, and that's just because you get to play as the Empire.

Re: RIP LucasArts

PostPosted:Sat Apr 06, 2013 9:56 am
by SineSwiper
Don wrote:Did LucasArts make TIE Fighter? That's like the only real good game for them, and that's just because you get to play as the Empire.
Do you have to make these off-the-cuff half-baked comments all the time? No, Tie Fighter was not "the only good game" they made.

Re: RIP LucasArts

PostPosted:Mon Apr 08, 2013 11:15 am
by bovine
I will give X-Wing and Tie fighter (I did not play the fabled X-Wing vs Tie Fighter) the status of "the only great star wars games", but definitely not the only good games made by LucasArts. I enjoyed Sam and Max, Day of the Tentacle, Dark Forces, Shadows of the Empire (not a good game, but I really liked it at the time), and Republic Commando.

Re: RIP LucasArts

PostPosted:Tue Apr 09, 2013 7:44 am
by Zeus
bovine wrote:I will give X-Wing and Tie fighter (I did not play the fabled X-Wing vs Tie Fighter) the status of "the only great star wars games", but definitely not the only good games made by LucasArts. I enjoyed Sam and Max, Day of the Tentacle, Dark Forces, Shadows of the Empire (not a good game, but I really liked it at the time), and Republic Commando.
You do mean "the only great star wars games....made by LucasArts", right?

Re: RIP LucasArts

PostPosted:Tue Apr 09, 2013 12:35 pm
by Blotus
Zeus wrote:
bovine wrote:I will give X-Wing and Tie fighter (I did not play the fabled X-Wing vs Tie Fighter) the status of "the only great star wars games", but definitely not the only good games made by LucasArts. I enjoyed Sam and Max, Day of the Tentacle, Dark Forces, Shadows of the Empire (not a good game, but I really liked it at the time), and Republic Commando.
You do mean "the only great star wars games....made by LucasArts", right?
I assumed that's what he meant. Can't say I've ever played any LucasArts-developed games to any extent as to praise them, but KOTOR and the SNES Star Wars games were all dope.

Re: RIP LucasArts

PostPosted:Tue Apr 09, 2013 9:47 pm
by Don
X-Wing versus TIE Fighter was pretty terrible so far as multiplayer goes because TIE Advanced are stronger than anything else and all the unshielded TIE are weak just because they don't got shields. If you're in a TIE Fighter you can literally have your engine taken out by a chaff that's supposed to do one point of damage to knock out a missile because a TIE Fighter has like 3 HPs.

Re: RIP LucasArts

PostPosted:Tue Apr 09, 2013 10:17 pm
by SineSwiper
Don wrote:X-Wing versus TIE Fighter was pretty terrible so far as multiplayer goes because TIE Advanced are stronger than anything else and all the unshielded TIE are weak just because they don't got shields. If you're in a TIE Fighter you can literally have your engine taken out by a chaff that's supposed to do one point of damage to knock out a missile because a TIE Fighter has like 3 HPs.
I dunno. My dad enjoyed it for the single player missions. Yeah, the unshielded TIEs were challenging, but that was part of the fun.

Re: RIP LucasArts

PostPosted:Tue Apr 09, 2013 10:48 pm
by Don
SineSwiper wrote:
Don wrote:X-Wing versus TIE Fighter was pretty terrible so far as multiplayer goes because TIE Advanced are stronger than anything else and all the unshielded TIE are weak just because they don't got shields. If you're in a TIE Fighter you can literally have your engine taken out by a chaff that's supposed to do one point of damage to knock out a missile because a TIE Fighter has like 3 HPs.
I dunno. My dad enjoyed it for the single player missions. Yeah, the unshielded TIEs were challenging, but that was part of the fun.
Sure, the single player part is fine, but there's nothing fun about multiplayer when you're in an unshielded craft and even a lucky shot can take you out. Also the AI on TIE Fighter versus X Wing is better than the last two games, so you're going to have a very hard time beating a Top Ace AI A-Wing in a TIE Fighter, except that kind of scenario is pretty common. In the original TIE Fighter, if you're flying a TIE Fighter you usually aren't expected to make bombing runs on capital ships or fight Rogue Squadron A-Wings. You'd need at least a TIE Interceptor to do that. Sure some of the challenge mission the point is that you're flying a TIE Fighter against TIE Defenders and you're only able to succeed because your pilot is supposed to be a living god (and that the enemy AI is fairly bad), but it can't be unshielded craft versus A-Wing calibur opponents every mission or it just gets stupid.

Re: RIP LucasArts

PostPosted:Thu Apr 11, 2013 7:10 pm
by Zeus
Blotus wrote:
Zeus wrote:
bovine wrote:I will give X-Wing and Tie fighter (I did not play the fabled X-Wing vs Tie Fighter) the status of "the only great star wars games", but definitely not the only good games made by LucasArts. I enjoyed Sam and Max, Day of the Tentacle, Dark Forces, Shadows of the Empire (not a good game, but I really liked it at the time), and Republic Commando.
You do mean "the only great star wars games....made by LucasArts", right?
I assumed that's what he meant. Can't say I've ever played any LucasArts-developed games to any extent as to praise them, but KOTOR and the SNES Star Wars games were all dope.
Dark Forces and Jedi Knight were amazing for their time

Re: RIP LucasArts

PostPosted:Thu Apr 11, 2013 11:04 pm
by kali o.
I kinda liked LucasArts, because it seemed to me they still took chances on interesting games (at least, before the last few years), even though gems were few and far between. Obviously Galaxies was a pretty ambitious MMO most people remember fondly. Afterlife was pretty cool and one of my first games I had for my own PC. And Gladius was an underrated game.

But I'm not a huge Star Wars fan, and that's about all I expect Disney to pimp out from past IPs.