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Fate Grand Order review

PostPosted:Tue Aug 11, 2015 12:57 am
by Don
I was going to say this game has its ups and downs, but today someone worked out the class affinity chart, you know, the usual rock-paper-scissor mobile game model and found that Joan of Arc has a 200% damage bonus against every class besides her own in the game and a very high innate resistance to every form of damage in the game. This game was a bigger lovefest for Joan of Arc than I even originally thought. I thought she was just the character with the #1 stats, fastest growth rate, and best super in the game. It's not like anybody actually spent the thousands of dollars in the token pull system that's shadier than Zeus and Kali's evil empires put together, of course (you probably need at least $2000 on average before you'll pull her on the tokens buying at the best premium currency ratio). People just rerolled for about 20 hours in a row until you pulled Joan of Arc since your first pull is roughly worth 10 of the standard premium currency pulls (guaranteed to be a hero as opposed to a 90% equipment dud rate) so it's worth about $40 or so. I mean, I can get that if it's Saber who is this overpowered because Saber is like the flagship of Typemoon's entire existence, but nobody cares about Joan of Arc even amongst the Typemoon fans. I guess she suddenly had a lot of converts because she's something like 10 times better than anyone else in the game, but that's like saying Shin Akuma is your favorite character in Street Fighter.

I could get behind the game's unbelievably hard difficulty (was actually surprisingly challenging without Joan of Arc) and the story, although always overrated for a Typemoon game, is fairly decent since Saber sacrificed her body for the prologue (Saber always randomly becomes evil for absolutely no reason when they need an epic boss in a Typemoon game). Sure it's a cheap trick but Saber carried the Typemoon franchise on her back and she's amazingly epic when she turns evil for absolutely no reason, right down to her Excalibur doing 17K team damage which is more than your whole team's total HP times 5. Even though shieldgirl continues the line of the hero who cries wolf, I looked up her bio and at least she's not like Saber strong and since you do start out fighting Saber on the prologue it actually makes sense that your hero is the huge underdog for once, and the prologue runs through every typical cliché imaginable that ends up somehow incredibly epic and makes you think that a random wooden shield a newbie hero dug up from the trash can is really supposed to stop Saber's Excalibur (it doesn't). I can even sort of get behind how the hard daily requires 1200 minutes of stamina to do (which leaves 4 hours to do anything else in the game if you never had any idle time). But Joan of Arc goes well beyond P2W or fanboy territory. Heck, it's even beyond both combined. It's like this game literally only exists to show how cool she is and it's not even going to make any meaningful money that way because people figured out really quick that you should just reroll instead of pulling the nonexistent drop rates (massive refunding going on after the pull rate turned out to be a total lie).

My foray into the mobile games makes me wonder why anyone would ever play these games knowing how rigged they are let alone play them. I think the most reasonable one I've seen is Summoner's War, and I know that's pretty rigged for P2W too but at least you can sort of pretend you're progressing somewhere by playing. I don't like how there appears to be no possible way you could ever catch up to someone who has been playing all along, P2W or otherwise, though Summoner's War was at least a game I played long enough to start thinking about that. All the other games I stopped playing long before I hit a point where you can start seeing people who played earlier than you have an advantage you can't possibly catch up, even if you spent money because they spent money too and have that much of a head start.