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Black Ops 3 Campaign (spoiler free)

PostPosted:Wed Nov 11, 2015 12:16 pm
by Zeus
I assume only a few of you get this game and that you only play multi, generally. But I only play the campaign, it's become somewhat of a yearly 8-hour tradition for me to beat it on Veteran since I can basically play what I want of the game for free every year. So here's my take on the campaign only.

I was a little surprised that they went all-in on the campaign this year, particularly considering the last-gen versions are only multiplayer. It's like they said "hey, you guys, the ones who only play multi, here's a real reason give single player a shot". The campaign is about twice as long as last year's (took me about 15.5 hours vs 8.5 for Advanced Warfare; that last chapter was HUGE) which was already one of the longer CoD campaigns. They give you level rankings and customizations which, I assume, is available in multi as well since it's just one account. They made a pretty damned extensive storyline too....sometimes a little too much (end of Chapter 8 and 11 were overdone). Lots of little boss fights and some major ones (kinda reminiscent of traditional MGS, actually). And it certainly was as hard as any campaign since the original Modern Warfare or Blops

It's still cheap as fuck. I don't know how many times I died from someone shooting me with a machine gun from over 100m away (I'm playing on Veteran, don't forget) and how many times I was forced to snip people with my hand gun (I got the "kill 5 or more guys from over 100m away" trophy just because of that). You still have to step out and get shot to figure out where guys are (classic CoD) just so you can have a chance of killing them. So even thinking about Realistic is folly and just insanity.

But overall, it's a very good campaign, certainly worthy of your time. I hope future campaigns are as extensive and long (longest FPS game since Bioshock 2 that I've played). I just wish they'd stop getting so lazy and cheap with their higher end difficulties and make them more reasonable. They've been using the same cheap techniques (minus respawning enemies) since CoD 2. In this one, they found a way to make it even cheaper (I won't spoil it, it's linked to the story). It's time for something different