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There was a LOT of new stuff at this E3, but so little of it appealed to me. I thought the new 1/2 gen consoles were an utterly stupid idea. I did find four things that do somewhat excite me though:
Days Gone (looks like a Norman Reedus inspired World WarZ rip off)
The Fractured But Whole (heheh...)
Bethsoft getting in the VR game with a Fallout 4VR.
I am undecided on Horizon Zero Dawn...
Still, for everything they showed, surprised so little excited me. Must be getting old.
Re: Pretty Boring E3
PostPosted:Sat Jun 18, 2016 7:30 am
by Eric
Days Gone appealed to you? Aren't we all zombied out by now heh.
There were no bombs like FFV Remake, Last Guardian, Shenmue this year, but I liked alot of what I saw.
Game of the Show that I can't wait to get my hands year.
Persona 5, GIVE IT TO ME NOW, it looks fucking glorious
The new God of War looks....interesting, the perspective change to Last of Us/Resident Evil 4 style I'm not exactly sold on, since the original GoW games were all combo heavy action games, but we'll see. I understand alot of franchises like to reinvent themselves after some time and it doesn't always turn out awful. Also holy shit at trying to make Kratos seem more likable.
Zelda, yeah, one of the 3 reasons I bought my Wii U besides Bayonetta & Xenoblade.
Spider-man from Insomniac(Ratchet & Clank, Sunset Overdrive)? Fuck the hell yes! The rumor was it was Sucker Punch(Infamous) doing it, but this is just as good if not better, I never really liked ANY of the old Activision Spider-man games, I thought they were trash throwaway games and never saw much of the appeal even to the first one. So I'm excited for this from an actual talented developers, I'm hoping they do for Spider-man what Rocksteady did for Batman.
Detroit, looks like Heavy Rain, Until Dawn, I like these games sooo
Dishonored 2, this trailer actually made me finally play Dishonored since I apparently bought it on Steam a year ago during a sale. ^_^
Nier 2, I made a thread about this but I'm gonna post it here too, it looks fucking amazing.
Personal small blip for me is Shantae: Half Genie Hero, I backed the kickstarter and love the character, finally got a release date.
Shit that disappointed me:
Scalebound, looks awful, wanted Devil May Cry with Dragons, got...whatever the fuck that demo was @ Microsoft's Press Event.
Resident Evil 7, turning into a walk scare simulator. I really don't like games like Amnesia, Outlast, Alien Resurrection. I don't find the format particularly scary, and it all bores me to fucking tears, maybe it'll work in VR, but even then this is so far removed from anything RE has done I wonder why they even called it Resident Evil. I just said above for God of War I understand franchises remaking themselves, but I feel like the 1-3 + Code Veronica formula had so much room to grow and it only got 1 truly fantastic game in the REmake.
Quake Champions, so begins the Hero Shooter Overwatch chase for glory.
Random shit that caught my Eye:
We Happy Few, weird, check it out:
Tekken 7 Story tease, I guess SFV's failure with the casual market forced even Namco to take notice and step it up.
Re: Pretty Boring E3
PostPosted:Sat Jun 18, 2016 1:29 pm
by Replay
Tekken 7 looks fantastic. The QTE's don't really bother me. The "Akuma in Tekken" thing is not a big draw for me, but if the Street Fighter fans eat it up and it sells, that could be a good thing.
I just hope they don't adjust the timing to make it too Street Fighter-ish - some of that felt a little like recent SF's more so than Tekken, in terms of overall "feel". The whole "pause on hits" thing isn't the way real fights work, and while Tekken certainly isn't Virtua Fighter in terms of realism, it's always stayed reasonably true to the feel of a real-world fight. If that goes away I won't be thrilled.
Re: Pretty Boring E3
PostPosted:Sat Jun 18, 2016 1:31 pm
by Replay
Spidey's looking pretty damn good too.
Re: Pretty Boring E3
PostPosted:Sat Jun 18, 2016 5:28 pm
by Shrinweck
Persona 5 looks so amazing. I played P4G (and then P3P) earlier this year for the first time on my PSTV and they were both glorious. I've been considering buying a used/refurbished PS3 so I can play Persona 5. It doesnt matter if the machine ends up being total shit, as long as it lets me complete Persona 5 before breaking :D
Re: Pretty Boring E3
PostPosted:Sat Jun 18, 2016 6:32 pm
by kali o.
Well, Persona 5 wasn't really new - so I didn't mention it. Obviously it's a must buy in...2017.
Detroit I considered adding...but it's david cage, how many times should I get excited for his games that never really deliver?