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Oh also, keep this one hush hush, cause I don't want it getting AM2R'd out of existence, but I'm super excited about it. (This is on S-tier difficulty, not standard boss gameplay)
Re: @Don/Zeus/Megaman fans :)
PostPosted:Fri Feb 22, 2019 10:52 pm
by Don
I always thought Megaman would be better if they just license it out for people to make. It'd be like the various Touhou spinoffs that are actually pretty decent. Sure you'll have a bunch of junk in there too but it's not like all the Capcom Megaman games are that great, or even the official spinoffs like Gunvolt. I'm sure people would love a Gunvolt game where he's not totally shafted (loses his girlfriend to a homicidal maniac who don't seem to realize Adepts could've wiped out all of humanity anytime they wanted to).
Re: @Don/Zeus/Megaman fans :)
PostPosted:Sat Feb 23, 2019 8:53 pm
by Eric
They did that with Street Fighter x Megaman although they didn't/couldn't charge for it. I think Sonic Mania is probably the greatest advocate for just giving a license to fans that show a certain degree of talent, and hell maybe they did that with Megaman 11? I don't know
That being said Megaman 11 kinda made me question if I actually enjoyed traditional Mega Man games, or if I've just been spoiled by indies that have taken the formula and done far more with it over the past decade or so, but then I didn't really like 9 or 10 either, I feel like anytime I die in 9-11 it's because the devs put cheap bullshit on the screen to murder you if you aren't aware of it beforehand. The checkpoints are also a great deal of horseshit, but again maybe I don't actually like Megaman anymore? I dunno. Edit: Then again I did like SF x Megaman, the game wasn't stupidly difficult or cheap for no reason.
Would like to see what Capcom's modern take on X is. This fan game seems to be hitting you with Advent ZX's world exploration and some pretty tricky bosses on higher difficulties, but at the same time giving you alot of tools to navigate through stages with.
Re: @Don/Zeus/Megaman fans :)
PostPosted:Sun Feb 24, 2019 9:39 pm
by Don
Capcom's idea of Megaman now seems to be that it's only for hardcore guys who are stuck with graphics from 20 years ago. Sure there's plenty of that in the fan made games but I think most decent efforts acknowledge that dying for stupid reasons isn't really all that interesting. I notice the same thing for all the Gunvolt games where the game assumes the average Megaman fan is some one obsessed with speed runs so the entire game is build around speed runs. I think they really missed the boat here. Megaman games are fun enough that you want to get good enough to be able to blitz through the level as an indicator of your mastery, but the draw is not the speed run aspect of the game.
Re: @Don/Zeus/Megaman fans :)
PostPosted:Sat Dec 07, 2019 8:16 pm
by Zeus
So that first game....what is it?
Also, if you're in need of AM2R it did get released with a v1.01. Let me know if you need it.
I never did play MM11 yet amazingly (I know) but I heard it was good just a little "dumbed down" with the Gear system. Part of the greatness of MM is the challenge, especially with X/Zero. I'll try it sooner rather than later I'm sure.
I think all old series, especially the 2D ones need to be taken out of the hands of most big developers, particularly Konami who doesn't make games anymore. But that's a pipe dream.
That being said, Mighty Gunvolt Burst is a great MMX/Zero game
Re: @Don/Zeus/Megaman fans :)
PostPosted:Sun Dec 08, 2019 5:02 am
by Eric
The twitter clip is just a fan recreation of the end of Megaman Zero 3!
Re: @Don/Zeus/Megaman fans :)
PostPosted:Sun Dec 08, 2019 6:47 am
by Zeus
Dude, I played that game once like 12 years ago. I don't remember it THAT well ;-)
Re: @Don/Zeus/Megaman fans :)
PostPosted:Mon Dec 09, 2019 4:04 pm
by Eric
Excuses, we're all old now and I remember all the things! lol.
On a side note, there's another Megaman fan game I'm looking forward to, it's the AM2R of Megaman fan games, that's been in development for longer.
Megaman X: Corrupted, and it looks like the guy had the wisdom to make various difficulties so people aren't banging their head against the wall with some of the more traditional annoying nonsense in MM games.
and the fight on S-Class difficulty
Re: @Don/Zeus/Megaman fans :)
PostPosted:Tue May 12, 2020 12:12 am
by Zeus
Gotta love them nerds. AM2R is still getting updated
In case you guys don't pay attention, 20XX is available for free on Epic Games starting next Thursday for a week. Even the name is a blatant MM ripoff
Re: @Don/Zeus/Megaman fans :)
PostPosted:Thu Jul 23, 2020 3:25 pm
by Eric
I backed it on Kickstarter been enjoying it for a while now.
Re: @Don/Zeus/Megaman fans :)
PostPosted:Fri Jul 24, 2020 1:03 am
by Don
I saw Megaman X Dive on mobile and they seem to know how to milk the cool characters pretty well with Awakened Zero coming out recently with no regard to balance. Still not sure how anybody plays Megaman style games on mobile and I heard having some kind of controller, emulated or otherwise, is pretty much a necessity unless you want to try to double jump and stuff by swiping.
This trailer actually looks pretty cool. Too bad they can't put the effort into a Megaman game that looks more advanced than something back in the NES.
I think it's a great idea that they're not even pretending this is balanced. Why would you even want Awakened Zero to be balanced against like... anybody besides Omega possibly?
Like the video says, the biggest thing this means is that boss characters can be playable! Though I was thinking of Omega Zero, not Magma Dragoon. Though Magma Dragoon with Street Fighter input for moves would be quite hilarious.
Re: @Don/Zeus/Megaman fans :)
PostPosted:Wed Jan 06, 2021 1:10 pm
by Eric
Inject this straight into my veins, incredible.
Re: @Don/Zeus/Megaman fans :)
PostPosted:Wed Jan 06, 2021 7:39 pm
by Don
Looks pretty interesting but hasn't this been in development for a long time?
Re: @Don/Zeus/Megaman fans :)
PostPosted:Fri Jan 08, 2021 5:42 pm
by Eric
Haha yeah, they started development way back in 2009.
Omega Zero came out a few months ago but somehow he didn't seem as cool as he was back in the Zero series. Now you can finally do street fighter moves on your opponents in a Megaman game.
Re: @Don/Zeus/Megaman fans :)
PostPosted:Mon Jan 25, 2021 12:47 am
by Eric
But on a main thread note he's also in Corrupted, it hasn't been revealed the story reason he shows up.
And based on the demo, Magma Dragoon is in it too. I guess he's really popular.
Re: @Don/Zeus/Megaman fans :)
PostPosted:Mon Jan 25, 2021 1:00 am
by Eric
I've always thought the Megaman Zero games had some really unsatisfying hit-stop when it came to combat. That trend continues in that fangame game. I'm sure it'll be decent though(outside the voice acting, jesus).
In the mainline games when X hits an enemy with a fully charged buster they usually feel that. There's some power behind it, same with a lot of Zero's saber techniques.
Re: @Don/Zeus/Megaman fans :)
PostPosted:Mon Jan 25, 2021 12:17 pm
by Don
Zero series had some weird invincibility frame on enemies that basically breaks up the combo and it feels pretty weird. It's actually better to single slash with a small pause usually than the signature 3 hit combo. You can also combo with buster + saber slash but I always thought mixing those up is like totally against how the series play, not to mention it's actually pretty difficult to pull off without TAS since you usually hold 3 buttons in a Megaman game (dash, jump, primary attack) and now you have to hold an additional one for buster. It's the same issue I have with Gunvolt where you're trying to do like an air dash attacking with your gun and try to lightning shield at the same time.
Re: @Don/Zeus/Megaman fans :)
PostPosted:Mon Feb 08, 2021 1:47 pm
by Don
Colonel as boss in Megaman X Dive: Another popular "I come back from the dead because I'm cool" candidate in Megaman fan games.
They got his original Japanese voice actor and I don't know, MMX4's voice acting is pretty bad but somehow the Repliforce guys being British actually sounds pretty unique, as opposed to just some generic Japanese guy.
There's also a Valentine Iris now which makes 3 of her. I guess they finally figured out that people don't actually like Alia.
Re: @Don/Zeus/Megaman fans :)
PostPosted:Tue Feb 09, 2021 12:11 am
by Eric
They made Alia a little more attractive, but Iris was waaaaaaay easier to make waifu tier that nerds would open their wallets for.
Alia's sprite just looks like one of the guys with a fem head.
Re: @Don/Zeus/Megaman fans :)
PostPosted:Tue Feb 09, 2021 11:21 am
by Don
They went through 4 games (X5-X8) to try to make Alia a viable female companion. Well, I don't know about X7, because nobody played X7. Well, the entire supporting crew in X5 was probably meant to be like a long term cast but nobody really pays attention to them. Like what's even the point to have Signas who looks exactly like Colonel but isn't Colonel for some reason?
From what I've gathered, Megaman X Dive behaves more like a fan game in terms of character releases. Capcom seem to just sub contract out to some random guys in Taiwan and they pretty much got to redesign everything because nobody in Capcom really cares about the X era anymore.
Re: @Don/Zeus/Megaman fans :)
PostPosted:Fri Apr 23, 2021 9:28 pm
by Eric
Waifu's sell.
Every good gacha game has like 4+ different versions of their most popular char that made people pull. Either with a slightly different kit or even a different skin heh.
Re: @Don/Zeus/Megaman fans :)
PostPosted:Sat Apr 24, 2021 2:17 am
by Don
Well, in this case, it was always pretty bizarre that they always had this setting that Iris and Colonel were supposed to be fused into like a super Reploid which never actually happened, despite the fact that they're popular characters in one of the most popular games in the franchise. I think MMZ was supposed to play on that unless the point was that Zero at the time of X6 knew a lot of girls way back in the X series which is how he knew the Mother Elf. There's literally no point to mention that Mother Elf was some girl Zero knew back in the X series unless she's Iris since Capcom sure isn't even capable of adding another plot-relevant female character in the X series.
Re: @Don/Zeus/Megaman fans :)
PostPosted:Mon Apr 26, 2021 8:22 pm
by Don
The voice sounds like nothing you'd think Iris sounds like, but I guess that's the point.
I guess the only thing related to Colonel is the sword.
They went through 4 games (X5-X8) to try to make Alia a viable female companion. Well, I don't know about X7, because nobody played X7. Well, the entire supporting crew in X5 was probably meant to be like a long term cast but nobody really pays attention to them. Like what's even the point to have Signas who looks exactly like Colonel but isn't Colonel for some reason?
I played it....fuck it sucked. I tried, I really did. Got to the first boss in the Sigma level then couldn't deal with it anymore. Been trying to forget about that traumatic experience ever since. Many years of therapy and abstinence have helped
I don't understand what it is with Capcom and MM. But they are treating it like the red-headed step child they are forced to feed and acknowledge their existence but really don't want to.
Re: @Don/Zeus/Megaman fans :)
PostPosted:Sun Jun 27, 2021 3:08 am
by Eric
You played X7 Zeus? You poor soul, even x6 was hard for me to get through heh.
Capcom doesn't know how to make big money off of Megaman, and they have franchises now that rake in millions upon millions(Monster Hunter & Resident Evil).
Honestly they've probably made more money off Megaman X Dive then any other Megaman property. I'm convinced the only reason they crap out a normal Megaman game every now and then is to keep the brand recognition alive.
I've bitched about this before on these forums, but I was never impressed with Megaman 9 & 10, retro style nostalgia cash ins that were annoying to play and mechanically bankrupt.
Megaman 11 I'll give credit where it's due at least tried to be different with the overclock system, but it still looked worse then Megaman 8's gorgeous sprite work and of course it's traditional Megaman gameplay so it's annoying enemy placement with cheap deaths and made me realize I might hate the old formula of the baseline series heh.
Like Shovel Knight exists. Hollow Knight exists, a bunch of other Indie games have come out with a more polished/fun megaman-esque forumla at this point. Megaman 4 Minus Infinity in all of it's batshit innovation to the NES version of Megaman exists. I don't think I'm really crazy for having a higher standard from this series, but I expect nothing at this point.
Also why this is the point of this thread, I'm greatly looking forward to this fan game MMX: Corrupted. Hopefully it comes out before I die or Capcom kills it.
Re: @Don/Zeus/Megaman fans :)
PostPosted:Sun Jun 27, 2021 10:36 am
by Don
Assuming Megaman X Dive isn't losing money just to turn out stuff it's got to have delivered a more quality product for fans than probably anything besides maybe X4. The only reason I didn't play X Dive is because playing an action game on mobile seems like total crazy talk and it sounds like people just use emulators so you actually have equivalent of buttons/direction pad rather than swipe things really fast and hope something good happens.
Megaman might not be a huge moneymaker anymore but it's not like it can't do reasonably well just churning out updates using its huge existing library of stuff like X Dive yet. I mean people are excited for being able to play as Magma Dragoon! Throw out the obvious swimsuit editions all of X Dive is using existing stuff and the few new stuff they do like Another Iris and the guy that looks like Zero or RiCO looks pretty well received, or at least they didn't screw anything up. You can pretty much make any generic decent game and you got like free IPs to use for virtually every character you might ever need, and they're fairly recognizable ones too.
Re: @Don/Zeus/Megaman fans :)
PostPosted:Wed Jun 30, 2021 6:25 pm
by Don
It just occurred to me that Megaman X Dive is only available in some Asian countries even though there's an English version of it out there, not that you really need to be able to read anything to play a Megaman game.
I never understand the motivation to have an English version for some small SEA countries and yet not releasing it in North America. I understand the idea is to test the waters or something, but testing only really make sense if you think your game is horrible that nobody will play it that you got to confirm that it's really bad. SEA's English population isn't exactly very big, so it's almost never possible to get a positive confirmation unless your game is amazing, but in that case you shouldn't need to reassure yourself of that.