Update, and more on Civilization III
PostPosted:Fri Oct 19, 2001 5:58 am
<div style='font: 9pt ; text-align: left; '>Well, as it went, war broke out between me and the Spanish, then the Persians. Eventually the Spanish acquired Machine Tools and Conscription, and began bumping out my Riflemen from their territory, I lost about 8 of them in that conflict. I knew I had to act soon, so I brought in all of my Cavalry (I had discovered tactics and machine tools on my quest to advanced flight) and Artillery to my border cities, I landed about 10 Artillery and 5 Cavalry from the Brittish Isles which had become a prosperous province in the Roman Empire. With that force, we took a few Spanish cities on the Northern Coast of France. By the time, we had begun moving, my first bombers had been built, just on time too, the Spanish were rallying, and may have taken a city. They were quite powerful. I first bombed their capital and took it. Then sent my Bombers North to help with the war in France. I lost more riflemen to their artillery and riflemen, and several artillery units as well, both on the defensive and offensive. The Campaign was a hard one, but succesful, and eventually the Spanish were driven from Europe, and their Asian Cities were soon bombed and taken.
Persians surprise attacked me, and smashed through my defenses, they had machine tools and Leadership, at the time, I didn't even have Leadership yet. They managed to take 2 of my cities in the north-eastern Middle East. I took them back by bribery, and also two more cities including the old Mongol Capital which was under the Persian control, and one other Persian built city. With those 4 cities bribed, my thousands of Gold pieces were expended, this allowed the Aztecs to REALLY push ahead in the Wonders race, they have the 2nd and 3rd tp cities in the World, I had the #1, but the 4th and 5th belonged to the Zulu's and Spanish respectively. Anyways, I had launched an attack from China/Japan and got behind the Persian defenses, taking several key port cities. The Naval battles between me and Persians and the Spanish weren't anything major, maybe 8 ships each, however, the Persians stole Steel technology from me when they captured one of my cities, and were able to take out a few of my ships with cruisers before I captured their ports. Eventually my Bombers came and bombed their Capital, and my Armies from the Middle East and Asia Combined defeated them.
The Zulu's, surpirse attacked me, but failed, I lost a lot of units holding them back, and they recieved the Steel Tech from the Persians before our war began, my navy was defeated by theirs until I discovered the Automobile late in the war and brought Battleships down. Once I had finished off the Spanish and the Persians, I immedietly sent all of my armies South, railroads made things fast, though the Paritizans from both civs had destroyed a lot of my railroads, slowing things down a bit. Once my bombers got down, I was able to crush the Zulu offensive, I took them quickly in a land war as I no longer had a fleet of major size, thanks to their Cruisers. There were many losses in my hasty offensive, but I wasn't too worried, as once they were taken, then there would be no threats that could reach me by land any longer. The major factor in my swift crushing of the Zulu's was actually not my air-force, it was my tank push against them. I lost 3 out of 20 or so tanks that I sent against them.
I discovered that the Egyptians (Blue), had taken over all of Australia, and that their technology was almost on par with mine, impresive for a Civilization that started in 600 AD. War began with them shortly after I began my offensive against the Zulu's... I discovered where they got their technology when I finall landed some tanks in Australia and attacked them. The Aztecs declared war on me immedietly. I managed to take a single city in Western Australia, and I attacked a city in the North, but failed to take it, I moved all my Units to the city I had taken. It was unwalled, that's the reason I could take it. The World was at war with me, basicly.
Celts and Aztecs? The Aztecs look like they own all of South America now, taken from the Zulu's. Also, where my largest City is size 17 (Pisae, which is built on the Tigris River, where Babylon should be, the most fertile area in the game) their largest city was 29 in population, and they looked to have a lot of large cities in the area of 22+ pop, I guess they had a lot of time to develop without war and having settlers and Engineers killed. The Celts had greatly improved technology as well, they were in Greenland with several cities, and had a few in Eastern and Northern North America. Also allied to the Aztecs, which is aparent. If I hadn't taken the Brittish Isles much earlier when I did, they would have been a major problem. I attempted a minor invasian of the Celts in North America, but that proved disasterous, and I lost all my ships and all of my Cavalry and Infantry to their forces. Again, I made a poor judgement call by landing forces around their city. I didn't expect them to have Artillery and railway linked cities with Alpine troops and Cavalry involed, needless to say, I stood no chance against an Army 5 times larger than mine that could reach me on the next turn. I lost 4 Riflemen, 4 Artillery, and 3 Cavalry, plus my only transport ship in the Atlantic, and 2 destroyers, all to their Destroyers, they didn't have anything more. If they don't get flight technology soon, it won't be hard for me to move my battleships in. Especially now that I have Magelans expedition, which was in the Zulu Capital. My Newfoundland Colony is secure, built on Forest, Walled, Naval base, and 5 Defending Riflemen, a population of 7, not to mention, newfoundland is only acessable by sea. It doesn't seam like the Aztecs or the Celts have anything more for a navy than a combined 6 or 7 destroyers scattered in the Atlantic, the Pacific forces are irrellivant, since I'm going to attack from the Atlantic.
Colonization? I sent Settlers into Japan and built 3 cities, which grew very quickly. I also built one more in Africa to replace a Zulu City I had destroyed (walless, with many defending units). I built several more in Northern Asia, and now with the Persians gone, I'd say it's safe to build more in Southern Asia, as I have a military presance in Australia now, also, I hope to build some more in Scandinavia and Northern Eurasia, which has a lot of profitable resources. I built a city in Newfoundland to keep an eye on the Aztecs and Celts (who migrated o North America and Greenland from the Brittish Isles).
www.civfanatics.com, they also have about 50 new screenshots, and 4 new movies of gameplay action.
Settlers and workers also no longer require food support and are simply supported like normal units. Settlers captured by the enemy become two worker units to reflect the concept of nationality.
The Manhattan Project can't be built without a source of uranium.
All the luxury resources: incense, dye, wine, fur, spice, silk, ivory, and diamonds.
The concept of firepower has been eliminated and replaced with a simple system based on attack, defense, and hit points. Regular units have three hit points, veteran units have four, and elite units have five. Each combat round has a chance of inflicting a single hit-point loss on a unit, which is simply a probability based on the relative attack and defense strengths of the combatants. If a unit has an attack factor of nine and attacks a unit with a defense factor of one, it has a 90 percent chance of inflicting a hit-point loss on it during that round.
Zones of control have been eliminated, so movement is much more fluid.
Related diplomatic changes include the need to pay money to establish embassies, as well as the elimination of diplomats and spies in favor of an intelligence agency improvement that enables spying activities.
There are 10 small wonders and 24 great wonders. Wall Street, a small Wonder, lets you earn interest on your treasury balance each turn.
Units no longer have home cities.
A new concept called "war weariness" has replaced the home-city-based system. This takes into account several factors, such as having military units in enemy territory (as opposed to simply being away from their home city), the presence of enemy units in your own territory, and just engaging in battles. All of this makes going to war a much more serious event than it was in previous game in the series. The old Senate that interfered with decisions in republics and democracies has been eliminated, but the war weariness model takes government type into account and provides a similar constraint to decision-making in these societies.
Civ3 no longer allow bribing of enemy units.</div>
Persians surprise attacked me, and smashed through my defenses, they had machine tools and Leadership, at the time, I didn't even have Leadership yet. They managed to take 2 of my cities in the north-eastern Middle East. I took them back by bribery, and also two more cities including the old Mongol Capital which was under the Persian control, and one other Persian built city. With those 4 cities bribed, my thousands of Gold pieces were expended, this allowed the Aztecs to REALLY push ahead in the Wonders race, they have the 2nd and 3rd tp cities in the World, I had the #1, but the 4th and 5th belonged to the Zulu's and Spanish respectively. Anyways, I had launched an attack from China/Japan and got behind the Persian defenses, taking several key port cities. The Naval battles between me and Persians and the Spanish weren't anything major, maybe 8 ships each, however, the Persians stole Steel technology from me when they captured one of my cities, and were able to take out a few of my ships with cruisers before I captured their ports. Eventually my Bombers came and bombed their Capital, and my Armies from the Middle East and Asia Combined defeated them.
The Zulu's, surpirse attacked me, but failed, I lost a lot of units holding them back, and they recieved the Steel Tech from the Persians before our war began, my navy was defeated by theirs until I discovered the Automobile late in the war and brought Battleships down. Once I had finished off the Spanish and the Persians, I immedietly sent all of my armies South, railroads made things fast, though the Paritizans from both civs had destroyed a lot of my railroads, slowing things down a bit. Once my bombers got down, I was able to crush the Zulu offensive, I took them quickly in a land war as I no longer had a fleet of major size, thanks to their Cruisers. There were many losses in my hasty offensive, but I wasn't too worried, as once they were taken, then there would be no threats that could reach me by land any longer. The major factor in my swift crushing of the Zulu's was actually not my air-force, it was my tank push against them. I lost 3 out of 20 or so tanks that I sent against them.
I discovered that the Egyptians (Blue), had taken over all of Australia, and that their technology was almost on par with mine, impresive for a Civilization that started in 600 AD. War began with them shortly after I began my offensive against the Zulu's... I discovered where they got their technology when I finall landed some tanks in Australia and attacked them. The Aztecs declared war on me immedietly. I managed to take a single city in Western Australia, and I attacked a city in the North, but failed to take it, I moved all my Units to the city I had taken. It was unwalled, that's the reason I could take it. The World was at war with me, basicly.
Celts and Aztecs? The Aztecs look like they own all of South America now, taken from the Zulu's. Also, where my largest City is size 17 (Pisae, which is built on the Tigris River, where Babylon should be, the most fertile area in the game) their largest city was 29 in population, and they looked to have a lot of large cities in the area of 22+ pop, I guess they had a lot of time to develop without war and having settlers and Engineers killed. The Celts had greatly improved technology as well, they were in Greenland with several cities, and had a few in Eastern and Northern North America. Also allied to the Aztecs, which is aparent. If I hadn't taken the Brittish Isles much earlier when I did, they would have been a major problem. I attempted a minor invasian of the Celts in North America, but that proved disasterous, and I lost all my ships and all of my Cavalry and Infantry to their forces. Again, I made a poor judgement call by landing forces around their city. I didn't expect them to have Artillery and railway linked cities with Alpine troops and Cavalry involed, needless to say, I stood no chance against an Army 5 times larger than mine that could reach me on the next turn. I lost 4 Riflemen, 4 Artillery, and 3 Cavalry, plus my only transport ship in the Atlantic, and 2 destroyers, all to their Destroyers, they didn't have anything more. If they don't get flight technology soon, it won't be hard for me to move my battleships in. Especially now that I have Magelans expedition, which was in the Zulu Capital. My Newfoundland Colony is secure, built on Forest, Walled, Naval base, and 5 Defending Riflemen, a population of 7, not to mention, newfoundland is only acessable by sea. It doesn't seam like the Aztecs or the Celts have anything more for a navy than a combined 6 or 7 destroyers scattered in the Atlantic, the Pacific forces are irrellivant, since I'm going to attack from the Atlantic.
Colonization? I sent Settlers into Japan and built 3 cities, which grew very quickly. I also built one more in Africa to replace a Zulu City I had destroyed (walless, with many defending units). I built several more in Northern Asia, and now with the Persians gone, I'd say it's safe to build more in Southern Asia, as I have a military presance in Australia now, also, I hope to build some more in Scandinavia and Northern Eurasia, which has a lot of profitable resources. I built a city in Newfoundland to keep an eye on the Aztecs and Celts (who migrated o North America and Greenland from the Brittish Isles).
www.civfanatics.com, they also have about 50 new screenshots, and 4 new movies of gameplay action.
Settlers and workers also no longer require food support and are simply supported like normal units. Settlers captured by the enemy become two worker units to reflect the concept of nationality.
The Manhattan Project can't be built without a source of uranium.
All the luxury resources: incense, dye, wine, fur, spice, silk, ivory, and diamonds.
The concept of firepower has been eliminated and replaced with a simple system based on attack, defense, and hit points. Regular units have three hit points, veteran units have four, and elite units have five. Each combat round has a chance of inflicting a single hit-point loss on a unit, which is simply a probability based on the relative attack and defense strengths of the combatants. If a unit has an attack factor of nine and attacks a unit with a defense factor of one, it has a 90 percent chance of inflicting a hit-point loss on it during that round.
Zones of control have been eliminated, so movement is much more fluid.
Related diplomatic changes include the need to pay money to establish embassies, as well as the elimination of diplomats and spies in favor of an intelligence agency improvement that enables spying activities.
There are 10 small wonders and 24 great wonders. Wall Street, a small Wonder, lets you earn interest on your treasury balance each turn.
Units no longer have home cities.
A new concept called "war weariness" has replaced the home-city-based system. This takes into account several factors, such as having military units in enemy territory (as opposed to simply being away from their home city), the presence of enemy units in your own territory, and just engaging in battles. All of this makes going to war a much more serious event than it was in previous game in the series. The old Senate that interfered with decisions in republics and democracies has been eliminated, but the war weariness model takes government type into account and provides a similar constraint to decision-making in these societies.
Civ3 no longer allow bribing of enemy units.</div>