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After playing StarFox Adventures for a while, I've come to the conclusion that it blows booty, and sucks diseased dick.

PostPosted:Tue Oct 22, 2002 1:00 pm
by Eric
<div style='font: 11pt ; text-align: left; '>Let's start off with the plot.

The dinosaurs on Dinosaur Planet, are being bitched smacked around by a big bad sharp tooth dino, named well, I forget his name, you never see him that much anyway, and when you do he just looks like a typical punk for a villian. Problem #1, I don't think the villian is that bad, or intimidating, he's not somebody I hate! ANyway, he's trying to destroy the planet, just for the hell of it, but removing some magic stones that ususally kept the planet together. A female Fox girl who speaks dino tries to help, but she's captured, so it's up to Fox and crew to save the day, and get paid(They haven't had a good Job since they killed Andross 10 years prior). Did I mention Falco left he crew? The only other character I was hoping to see besides Fox.

The characters in SFA, are downright annoying, save Fox, who is still well, Fox. Slippy is as annoying as ever. Peppy is old as hell, and sounds like a damn grandfather about to die. Falco is cool, but you don't see him for a minute, and you have to deal with Slippy and Peppy for a very long time. The dinosaurs are equally annoying, because they're the annoying types who can't do anything for themselves but ask you for help. You also get this annoying little dino side-kick named Tricky, who you have to feed, and play with, and send to do certain activities, it would be cool, but Tricky is just as annoying as the rest of the characters.

I'll start off by saying, the gameplay is a Zelda clone, gone horribley bad. First you don't have to lock on, you automatically lock on when you have your weapon out, which is this magic little staff. Combat includes you running these combos on the enemy, and that's about it, the enemies you face get bigger and have more HP in the long run, and you have to do the combos on them a little more, the combos AREN'T FUN TO DO. It's extremely dull to just sit there and mash the button doing combos on these annoying sharp toothed dinos. It sucks, it's not polished, and it's extremely boring. Luckly the game doesn't require alot of combat.....wait, that's not a good thing, Zelda's combat was fun, I LIKE FUN COMBAT. The game focuses on puzzles, you have so many dull puzzles to do in this game, which requires you to, yes, interact with the dull annoying characters, or ask Slippy for help ugh...Sometimes you have to ask Peppy for help to find out where you need to go, and Peppy isn't very specific with you on his extremely horribley laid out map 80% of the time. The one thing I liked about this game was the Arwing stages, it was like playing Star Fox 64 again, I sincerely hope there's a StarFox III coming for the Gamecube, because for the 5 minutes you're flying around in the arwing it's just downright pretty.

Let's see Plot, Gameplay....replay value? None. Innovation? nah.

OK I'm done here.</div>