<div style='font: 9pt ; text-align: left; '>The game's short, though - did a little bit of optional content, but not a ton of it (and not the Abyss), and still finished in 31 hours.
Basically, if you explore some, you find items that raise your ECM gauge, so you can skip more random battles and harder ones. I capped out my gauge and ended up having to find a total of one random battle in the entire final dungeon (which was an ambush).
It's not the greatest RPG ever, but it's a nice diversion, and the fact that you can tone down random battles and get adequate money and experience from the boss battles (Mystic + Lucky Card = 2x exp for a battle, plus an additional .1 modifier for every Personal Skill activated) means that you really don't need to fight the random battles in order to make it through.
My only recommendation is that you look up a Boss FAQ - not for the boss strategies, but to see which bosses actually give you experience and money, and which don't - Lucky Cards are very limited, and you don't want to waste them on a battle that won't actually reward you with the exp you need.</div>
"For one thing to live, another thing must be killed. God, or whoever is responsible, deserves respect for creating such a system. It reveals that we cannot take all matters into our own hands. We need only to focus on doing our best--a simple, yet profound way to live, is it not?"