<div style='font: 12pt ; text-align: left; '>However, I always felt that certain RPG's of the FMV and post FMV era, namely Final Fantasy Tactics, Skies of Arcadia, and Final Fantasy 8. have managed to stay very solid. I also argue that Xenogears falls into this category, I also feel that the game actually wasn't long enough, because the second disk seemed to be very rushed (they cut a lot of character development short, as well as adventure elements that they could have put in). So if Xenosaga was a 90 -100 hour game that maintained the quality of a shorter RPG, then of course I would prefer getting that over three different games.
Skies of Arcadia could have been two different games as well, but it was one game, disc one and two of Skies of Arcadia are very different. Disk one is sort of where everything gets introduced, the situation, main characters get developed, and the second disk is where the story is. Disk one of Xenosaga is like disk one of Skies of Arcadia, and I assume that disk 2 and 3 of Xenosaga will be more like Disk 2 of Skies of Arcadia. There is one major difference between Skies and Xenosaga though, and that is that I have found that Skies has some of the best adventure elements of any game ever (particularilly in the gamecube version with the lower encounter rates outside, and then with the white map which allows you pretty much to circle the massive world and get in only 1-2 battles, plus all the extras added in); Xenosaga on the otherhand, so far, seems to have very limited adventure elements, and there are two gameply locations in the game that I didn't enjoy playing. On the bright side though, the battles are all very easy, very little leveling up involved, but be warned that you should know the gameplay system before jumping into the game, it can save you a lot of hours; ten minutes of reading through the tutorials and such could save you a lot of pain in the late game.
In my opinion the largest flaw with Xenosaga is the battle system, some of the later standard moves take around 3-5 seconds each, whereas a stabndard attack in say FF8 or FF10 takes less than 1 second; if you can get around this (as I did) then you will likely love the game (if you like long cutscenes), if not then I would recommend against playing it. Another thing about Xenosaga is that probably less than half the game takes place in battle zones, for sure less than 3/5ths, so about half the game takes place in town locations, story scenes, and other non-battle areas. For me, I find that enjoyable, so it is not an issue for me, but for others, they might not like it. I do know that in some games like Sword of Mana, the added story was painful to watch, I just wanted to kick some ass =) But that is a different style of game, and the Sword of Mana story read like a bad Fanfic for Final Fantasy Adventure.
I've rambled on a bit, but essentially, I would have liked to have played the actually moving plot of Xenosaga right after playing Episode 1. Episode 2 isn't far behind now. Xenosaga has stunning graphics for the most part, but I would have easily given all of this up for something similar to Xenogears if it meant getting all of Episode 1 of Perfect Works out faster.</div>
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