Tort wins this thread.Tortolia wrote:Get off your ass and walk to the goddamn phone, you lazy piece of shit.
I order my pizza online exclusively. Albeit, it is from papa john's website and not from a game. I do it because it is easier to order a complicated order like half pineapple half onion and i can rest assured i will get regular crust instead of thin crust, etc. People that work at those places are idiots and if i can avoid them i will, even if it takes a few more minutes.Tortolia wrote:Pfft. My point stands. It takes almost no time at all to pick up the phone and call a pizza place, and it'd certainly be no faster ordering online, if not outright slower.
This is nothing but Sony managing to sweettalk their way into some money from Pizza Hut. It's not some sort of gift to the gamers or some revolutionary idea.
It's stupid. It's brilliantly stupid, but it's still stupid.
I will continue to disagree. Once you are set up, your address is saved as is your credit card # (paying by credit is also an adavtage). Again, you dont have to worry about knuckleheads messing up your order, either.Torgo wrote:I've ordered pizza online before, but it's not like it's any more convenient. You still have to take the time out to check the boxes and fill in the address and whatnot. Might as well grab the phone and play while placing your order.
LOL! Almost bash-worthy.Tortolia wrote:<CrashCat> it is disturbing how the 'health care professional' is making the universal gesture for 'tasty italian food'