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Warcraft III

PostPosted:Mon Apr 04, 2005 12:55 pm
by Julius Seeker
Well, I found my copy a few months ago, it was lent out to a friend from Ontario over the summer. I had no idea he had it, anyways, I have it back now. If anyone wants to play, I'll play, I just got a new computer, so I'm working through the campaigns on the first game, and then I'm going to try to tackle Frozen Throne which I haven't played through yet.

On another note, if anyone has any of the Civilization III multiplayer expansions, I'll gladly play that sometime as well.

PostPosted:Mon Apr 04, 2005 1:25 pm
by Andrew, Killer Bee
Playing WOW makes me want to play WC3 over again so I can get properly caught up on the story. But if I'm playing WC3, I'm not playing WOW! The choice, the horrible choice! :)

PostPosted:Mon Apr 04, 2005 3:31 pm
by Julius Seeker
I've actually been considering WoW, but the problem is that I have never enjoyed Online RPG's, the only one I think I had any fun with was the first Phantasy Star Online back on Dreamcast, and even that wasn't an incredible experience; and I only played it because it was free.

PostPosted:Mon Apr 04, 2005 3:35 pm
by Shellie
If you can find a download for the game, I can give you a 10 day trial key.

Everyone who bought the collectors edition got a trial key to give someone.

If you decide to keep your char, I think you can continue and just purchase a retail key.

PostPosted:Mon Apr 04, 2005 4:31 pm
by Nev
i can't do mmorpgs anymore...i have way too much to do in real life. last one i tried (a MUD called Achaea) was everything i wanted a virtual world to be: complex, freeform, inventive, and well-thought-out. i started playing and then realized that if i put half the time into "real life" - working out or whatever - that i was likely to put into the MUD, i might reap some more tangible benefits. but to each his own, i guess.

but as far as WC3 goes, i might be willing to get a new copy (i broke the old one because it was too addictive :( - yes, physically broke it) and give it a try.

PostPosted:Mon Apr 04, 2005 4:52 pm
by the Gray
Crap... I just got involved with the Evil that is WoW last night.

I don't know what server I'm on as of yet. Durgoth? Whatever.

I mistakenly started a Troll/Warrior last night when I wanted a Rogue so I'll be starting over tonight. Oh yeah, I plan on doing my WoW weekdays and my other activities on the weekend. Plenty of time for RL and WoW.

PostPosted:Mon Apr 04, 2005 4:58 pm
by Eric
Awww dude WC3 rocked. Espcially in WoW when you visit Stratholme, you have flashbacks of when Arthas burned it to the ground.

"This entire city must be purged..."

PostPosted:Mon Apr 04, 2005 5:51 pm
by Julius Seeker
Eric wrote:Awww dude WC3 rocked. Espcially in WoW when you visit Stratholme, you have flashbacks of when Arthas burned it to the ground.

"This entire city must be purged..."
Interesting, I just finished that mission a moment ago, I won 100-21 using a strategy that had my main attack force hitting Mal'Ganis and the rest shooting peasants. At the end though, Mal'Ganis overpowered my main force and destroyed the Cannon Towers I put in his way, so he managed to get some peasants, but I ended up killing him and only had two more houses to destroy. Now it's time to sail to Northrend.

PostPosted:Mon Apr 04, 2005 9:48 pm
by Eric
Oddly enough, but not unexpected, Northrend isn't in WoW. I imagine they'll save it for an expansion set.

PostPosted:Mon Apr 04, 2005 10:20 pm
by Torgo
Andrew, Killer Bee wrote: But if I'm playing WC3, I'm not playing WOW! The choice, the horrible choice! :)
Now you can do both! :) ... unds01.jpg ... unds02.jpg

PostPosted:Tue Apr 05, 2005 1:31 pm
by Flip
Ugh, dont get me started playing that game again. Like all Blizz RTS's i got crazy addicted to climbing the solo ladder. Man, i used to keep on top of all the cheap tricks and tactics of the week to have an edge in that game. The guys on top, all they truly know how to do is exploit maps and items.

PostPosted:Tue Apr 05, 2005 2:12 pm
by Andrew, Killer Bee
Haha, I think I played maybe four games of WC3 online. Every time I got owned, and <i>hard</i>. I'm too much the turtle.

I saw that on April Fool's day :). Man, Blizzard are awesome. "I challenge you to the Battlegrounds!" Bwah!

PostPosted:Tue Apr 05, 2005 4:56 pm
by the Gray
All day today, all I can think about is my damn Nightelf Rogue. The stupid thrill when I test out new combo's, and grouping to squeeze out some precious xp so I can get those nifty new abilities.

And damn is it ever hard to save money early. Shiny new items impress me, I'll admit it. I must have them. I'm back down to 6 silver damnit.

I'm hooked. However, I still have a life. Going for a good rollerblade session after work and then out with a Redhead tonight. Yeah, I'll be thinking about WoW while we're out...

PostPosted:Tue Apr 05, 2005 6:04 pm
by Derithian
oh god oh oh oh god who's yer shaman, whose your shaman c'mon say it. who'se yer shaman......OOOOOHHHHH

PostPosted:Tue Apr 05, 2005 8:10 pm
by Eric
Yeah I have a female Gnome Rogue, she's so vicous. ;p

I just run around omgwtfpwning people all day.

The other night, I sapped a Hunter, killed his pet, laughed at him and vanished. LOL

PostPosted:Tue Apr 05, 2005 10:33 pm
by Manshoon
I'm getting back into WC3 at the same time I'm losing interest in WoW. Mostly I play with a couple of friends but I still do ladder games here and there. I just don't have the huge amount of time needed to put into WoW, so I'm probably going to unsubscribe here soon. But frankly, if Starcraft had an AMM like WC3 does I'd be all over that shit.

PostPosted:Wed Apr 06, 2005 3:54 am
by SineSwiper
Andrew, Killer Bee wrote:Haha, I think I played maybe four games of WC3 online. Every time I got owned, and hard. I'm too much the turtle.
I'm disliking RTSs where the whole point of two-player games is to get the perfect build order so that you can defeat your opponent in under 2 minutes. I don't mind games where you might find an advantage and mow down your enemy early, but exactly what you do with your peons shouldn't affect that. If I decide to build a fourth peon to gather materials and the fifth peon to scout, instead of the other way around, that shouldn't force me to lose the game.

PostPosted:Wed Apr 06, 2005 7:00 am
by Eric
And it doesn't really....WC3 was very forgiving on build orders, because having 2 buildings didn't mean you had the ecnomey to support it.

5 Peasants on Gold, you're set. Start building! Scout with your peons, I know I did, throw some on wood. It wasn't hard at all

I usually used about 11 total food as UD on econemy, 5 Acy, and 3 Ghouls. >_>

Unlike StarCraft where you need like 16 SCVs on 8 Mineral patches, and you NEED to get gas out.

In WC3 you needed wood, but 2-4 peasants worked at any given time, and it wasn't much of a rush.

PostPosted:Wed Apr 06, 2005 8:45 am
by Julius Seeker
I agree with Eric. Warcraft III has a highly improved base management system over Starcraft and Warcraft II.

Anyways, I am on the siege of Dalaran in the Undead Campaign now, almost back to my beloved Orcs =)

PostPosted:Wed Apr 06, 2005 7:21 pm
by Don
WC3 is forgiving on build order but NOT what you build. What most 1on1 games goes like this: one person builds army X and other guy builds army Y. Assuming Y < X (because you don't know exactly what counters what), then army X will romp around the whole map killing every creep to deny you the xp/items. Assuming you're good, you can avoid confrontation with that army because of fairly strong base defenses, but you'll be denied the creeps.

While it is not as easy to overpower with resources like it is in SC, what ends up happening is the person with army Y eventually will have much higher level heroes & items which translates to a huge advantage when he does attack your main base. Unlike SC where typically the person starting behind has no chance of overcoming a bad build, the person defending could conceiveably pull off a really good defense, but again the odds are not in his favor.

PostPosted:Wed Apr 06, 2005 8:13 pm
by Eric
I'll give you that one, a little. Heroes dominated the core of the gameplay in WC3, if you fell behind in levels you'd have a hard time.

But early tier armies weren't seriously imbalanced, at least not in my opinion. Grunts lived forever, Ghouls could run away easily, Archers had meld, footmen....well I think Humans tended to let their footmen die on purpose to make room for Riflemen lol.

But in all honesty, at higher levels, and I'm sure Flip might back me up on this one, if you ignored creeping and just went for early harrassment you'd also come out on top alot. As UD, I'd skip creeping alot to go and harrass the other guy, specifically to try and screw him over in the early game, his army = my exp. The only items I ever really worried about creeping were yellow/red ones, which you couldn't do without tier 2 anyway, so it made sense to harrass until you had army.

PostPosted:Wed Apr 06, 2005 11:32 pm
by Flip
Erics comment can work. When i was up there on the ladder, i got there by basically winning in the first 15 min or i would lose. Most of the first 5-10 min was some serious harassing to kill peons and destroy being built buildings.

When they made the patch to where your hero didnt have to be with your army to gain exp it was all the better, you could harass with your hero to keep your opponent on his toes while creeping with your tier 1.

I also invented the DL single hero 'rush' (not really a rush) that was popular for a while; where you would not harass but single hero creep until lvl 5 in the first 8 min and then attack with a shitload of ghouls and your lvl 5 DL, who would become lvl 6 in no time and out came the Infernal. Those two, plus ghouls, would rape 2 lvl 3/4 heroes, especially since sleep used to be good at that time.

Ah, the memories. The expansion set things back a lot because all the exploits became the new rage.

PostPosted:Fri Apr 08, 2005 6:28 am
by SineSwiper
I don't think I'm going to get hooked on another Blizzard RTS until SC2 comes out. I dunno; I just like the sci-fi flavor better, and I thought the story was much better than WC2.

PostPosted:Fri Apr 08, 2005 8:49 am
by Julius Seeker
Starcraft was a lot better than Warcraft II, better characters, a better story, better gameplay. Yet, Warcraft III is a lot better than Starcraft; characters again are much better, story is much more solid and entertaining; and the gameplay is an even larger leap from Starcraft as Starcraft was from Warcraft 2. Starcraft 2 probably won't be out for another 6-7 years though, if it is out in any less time it will be a dissapointment since I think it will take a hell of a lot of development time to top Warcraft III.

PostPosted:Fri Apr 08, 2005 9:41 am
by Eric
SineSwiper wrote:I don't think I'm going to get hooked on another Blizzard RTS until SC2 comes out. I dunno; I just like the sci-fi flavor better, and I thought the story was much better than WC2.

Yeah we'll see SC2, maybe in 2020.

PostPosted:Fri Apr 08, 2005 10:26 pm
by Manshoon
Starcraft is Blizzard's sacred cow, they'd be utter fools not to be working on a sequel already. I imagine the only reason they haven't announced it yet is because they want to get Ghost out there first. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a teaser disc for SC2 included with Ghost, frankly. What else could they be working on? Warcraft 4? Give me a break. Diablo 3? The story pretty much ended in LoD, there's nowhere they can take it unless they want to think up a lame excuse to fight Diablo all over again.
Starcraft 2 probably won't be out for another 6-7 years though, if it is out in any less time it will be a dissapointment since I think it will take a hell of a lot of development time to top Warcraft III.
Graphics-wise, maybe. Gameplay, story, and everything else, hell no. Besides, if they go too far with graphics they'll have to lower the unit cap like they did in WC3 so the average computer doesn't get slowed to a crawl by huge battles.

Yeah we'll see SC2, maybe in 2020.
Umm, this is SC2 we're talking about here, not Duke Nukem Forever.

PostPosted:Fri Apr 08, 2005 11:27 pm
by Eric
What blind faith makes you believe they're working on StarCraft 2? I mean really.

PostPosted:Sat Apr 09, 2005 12:52 am
by Manshoon
Think about it. Why wouldn't they be working on it? It's been long enough since the first one (7 years between WC2 and WC3), and there's enough demand for it so that it's guaranteed to sell a few million right from the get-go (Korea alone will see to that). SC2 doesn't necessarily need to look better than WC3, it just needs to look better than SC, and that's a cinch to do.

PostPosted:Sat Apr 09, 2005 11:05 am
by Julius Seeker
7 years between Starcraft and Warcraft III you mean. Anyways, Warcraft is their flagship series, but Starcraft will come when the latest bit of Warcraft fever has died off, and then the cycle will repeat.

PostPosted:Sat Apr 09, 2005 11:55 am
by Nev
(sits around patiently waiting for Warcraft IV)

PostPosted:Sat Apr 09, 2005 2:23 pm
by Eric
Even if they were working on it, you have to give Blizzard a 4 year curve after they officially announce it before you can expect to actually put it in your hands and play it.

Besides you sound like the SC fanboys saying "Well they've got to be..because of this!"

PostPosted:Sat Apr 09, 2005 2:49 pm
by Julius Seeker
Mental wrote:(sits around patiently waiting for Warcraft IV)

I have a feeling that by the time we see that game, we'll be grandfathers.

PostPosted:Mon Apr 11, 2005 9:35 am
by the Gray
I've got to agree with Manshoon on this. Blizzard is a business, as such they would be idiots to not be working on a followup to SC.

Why haven't they announced it? E3 is right around the corner, if they want to drop a bomb on people. And with the new API's from Microsoft, the XNA or whatever the NG DirectX is called, it may be easier to program than we know.

SC was one of those rare games that Hardcore enthusiasts loved, and casual gamers like my good friend Steve loved as well. He's not a gamer in the slightest, and yet he keeps asking me if Blizzard is working on a new one. He actually just bought a Console so he can play Ghost when it comes out. Dedication to SC is huge. Blizzard isn't dumb, a sequel is coming.

PostPosted:Mon Apr 11, 2005 11:07 am
by Eric
Heh you and Manshoon fail to realise that SC Fanboys have been saying the same thing for about 7 years.

PostPosted:Mon Apr 11, 2005 12:15 pm
by Manshoon
Unlike SC fanboys though, I haven't been expecting them to come out with a sequel right away. It's only natural that they work on their other franchises for a while. But by now they've come out with sequels for everything else, not to mention a brand new MMO that is technically a sequel to Frozen Throne. Simply put, it is time for SC2.

PostPosted:Mon Apr 11, 2005 2:13 pm
by Julius Seeker
Starcraft may be popular, but the Warcraft series is 10 times more popular and one of the most popular gaming franchises in the world. I believe the only way they will release Starcraft is when the Warcraft fever dies down. They do not want anything to cut into their Warcraft III profits yet.

PostPosted:Mon Apr 11, 2005 2:30 pm
by Eric
Ok, I'll be a little flexable.

StarCraft 2, they'll announce it for 2007-08, and it'll come out in 2009-2010. This is the most you'll get outta me. ;p

PostPosted:Mon Apr 11, 2005 3:34 pm
by Julius Seeker
And I am agreeing with Eric completely on this one. Plus, no one is a larger Blizzard fan than Eric, trust me...

PostPosted:Mon Apr 11, 2005 3:34 pm
by Julius Seeker
And I am agreeing with Eric completely on this one. Plus, no one here is a larger Blizzard fan than Eric, trust me...

PostPosted:Mon Apr 11, 2005 3:35 pm
by Julius Seeker
And I am agreeing with Eric completely on this one.

PostPosted:Mon Apr 11, 2005 9:47 pm
by Manshoon
Starcraft may be popular, but the Warcraft series is 10 times more popular
I'm sorry, but that's a load of BS. Check the stats on sometime. Starcraft is still by far the most widely played game on any server, whereas Warcraft 3 is getting played less than Diablo 2. And in Korea SC is immensly popular, to the point where they televise matches between professional league players.
They do not want anything to cut into their Warcraft III profits yet.
Maybe you meant to say WoW profits here, because then you might have a point. Warcraft 3 has pretty much sold all it's going to at this time.

PostPosted:Mon Apr 11, 2005 11:15 pm
by Eric
It's ok, I don't need to say anymore. ;p

When was SC: Ghost announced again? Nuff said. hehe

PostPosted:Wed Apr 13, 2005 4:30 am
by SineSwiper
Huh? I thought SC:Ghost was out already.

(Fucking goddamn shit...I can never find a PA pic when I need one. Where's that "These mean STEALTH!" pic?)

PostPosted:Wed Apr 13, 2005 3:03 pm
by Julius Seeker
By the time Starcraft II comes out, we really will have humans in outerspace fighting Zerg and Protoss.

PostPosted:Wed Apr 13, 2005 3:53 pm
by Kupek
SineSwiper wrote:Huh? I thought SC:Ghost was out already.

(Fucking goddamn shit...I can never find a PA pic when I need one. Where's that "These mean STEALTH!" pic?)
You might be thinking of a Mac Hall comic. They don't have a search function, so good lucking finding it. The PA ones go something like <a href= ... =l>this</a> and <a href= ... 23>this</a>.

PostPosted:Wed Apr 13, 2005 4:54 pm
by Eric
Heh that first strip is for September 20 2002, and we're in April 2005. Yeah, they're working on SC2, it'll be our soon. RIIIIGHT.