The Other Worlds Shrine

Your place for discussion about RPGs, gaming, music, movies, anime, computers, sports, and any other stuff we care to talk about... 

  • Remakes

  • Because playing them is not enough, we have to bitch about them daily, too. We had a Gameplay forum, but it got replaced by GameFAQs.
Because playing them is not enough, we have to bitch about them daily, too. We had a Gameplay forum, but it got replaced by GameFAQs.
 #87672  by EsquE
 Thu May 26, 2005 12:58 am
Okay, with Eric's little post about the idea of a FFVII remake, and the fact that I've been playing the Resident Evil remake on GC a lot lately...I thought I'd ask what games, from any era or system, would you like to see redone on the next gen systems along the lines of the Resident Evil remake...meaning fancy graphics, improved dialogue and some extra gameplay elements to liven things up.

Here's mine...just off the top of my head:

FFVII - anyone who's been here long enough knows my love of this game, my favorite RPG ever. That teaser from E3 just about killed me. I'd love a graphic overhaul and a cleaned up translation...

Resident Evil 2 - My fav in the series, the best in the series...why they didn't give this the spitshine treatment in lieu of making the pretty awful Resident Evil Zero I do not know.

Persona 1 & 2 - Cleaned up, translated properly and complete. That means Snow Queen quest, that means Innocent Sin...maybe a nice box set for all 3...deepest and most well written stories ever in an RPG...would love to have them in their proper form....

Ocarina of Time - seeing the screens of the latest Zelda just has me drooling...would love to see Ocarina with those quality graphics and the Wind Waker fighting system...

Xenogears - see FFVII...Xenosaga hasn't been what I was hoping for...

Panzer Dragoon Saga - Would love to see it sparkle and shine...

That's all I can think of now...when I started thinking back to Sega Genesis games I couldn't think of any I would like re-made...going back that far...those games had a magic of their own...Shining Force 1 & 2, Phantasy Star 2 & 4...those stand alone.

 #87673  by Tortolia
 Thu May 26, 2005 1:06 am
As I finally got around to playing through/beating Persona 2 last week, I'm inclined to agree.

Also, give me modern day Wasteland.

 #87681  by Eric
 Thu May 26, 2005 3:41 am
If a remake is gonna happpen it's gonna happen, Tort, I don't get why you wouldn't want an updated and polished version of some of our favorite outdated games.

Co-Sign on Resident Evil 2. Resident Evil 2, I mean that game was WOW on the environment, and it wasn't regulated to that tiny mansion, it would be amazing to see the outdoor environments after witnessing Resident Evil 4. Very nice choice. :)

Final Fantasy VII is my favorite Final Fantasy, even though Seeker and Zeus have a vendetta out against it, I'd love to see it get a polished makeover, Square was cruel for that E3 thing, hell alot of people said it, I'm hoping they were just teasing us saying it was a tech demo and hope to go the whole 9 yards, after all FF: Advent Children is around the corner as well as Vincent's solo game. I'd also like to see FFIV & FFVI. I enjoyed them both even if I think FFVI gets way to much praise.

Instead of remaking Zelda: TooT, remake the original NES Zelda. :) I got an updated omgwtf Zelda:TooT when I preordered Wind Waker anyways. I always appreciated TooT's graphics as well. But the original Zelda would be a quick game to remake, give us our basic dungeons and such, updated bosses, etc.

They gave us a remake of the original Metroid game on the GBA, which was hot btw.

I'd also take a remake of those earlier castlevanias, specifically a remake of 3, with SotN's engine.

And finally, a remake/sequel to the best Genesis series ever, Streets of Rage.

 #87690  by SineSwiper
 Thu May 26, 2005 4:31 am
Alternate Reality, but it's not going to happen.

Zelda 2, alas, such a good game and so spit upon.

Secret of Mana. I WANT SOME FUCKING MULTIPLAYER RPGS! Jesus, is that so hard to ask? And no, I don't want to buy a fucking GBA for all of my friends. It seems like everybody would be making at least multiplayer to be an option for RPGs. (Secret of Evermore could have VERY VERY easily been a multiplayer game.) I guess they did Crystal Cronicles, so that doesn't count.

A Boy and His Blob. They don't make games like that any more.

River City Ransom. Don't just say it's overrated. You know you want it, too.

Somebody did a neat remake of Star Raiders called Star Rangers.

 #87709  by Julius Seeker
 Thu May 26, 2005 9:27 am
If I ever hear of a game with the name "Mana" in it again, I am going to puke. Secret of Mana and Sword of Mana are HORRIBLE games =P

There are a few I would like remade, but mostly I am for porting them over to handheld. Chrono Trigger and Earthbound being the prime candidates.

On Ocarina of Time, yeah, there is already a VERY good remake of it available. Graphically it isn't as good as the new Zelda, but the resolution is A LOT better than it originally Ocarina of Time was making the game very pleasing to the eye. The dungeons are also A LOT better as well. I am still trying to get through it, it is one of my favourite titles currently. This game is about as close to perfection as I have ever seen.

For a remake, I bought the Skies of Arcadia remake which only had very minimal upgrades graphically (they put in greater detail, like fingers, hair, and such) but the gameplay was improved quite a bit; it is to this day possibly my favourite RPG (with only Final Fantasy 8 in contendership for it).

Final Fantasy 8, the graphics are a HELL of a lot better than FF7, but the 3D portion of the game still has its limitations due to the hardware. Musically the game is flawless, it has the best music of any game ever made; though I would add in more piano tracks, I like the Piano version of "The Oath" quite a bit which is on the soundtrack but not int he game. As for Gameplay, I would change things around a bit, I would scrap the level up system completely and put it all into AP. I would make final bosses give significantly more AP in battle than they do, and make other ways of gaining AP and refinable items (easier through cards, mini-games, and other things). Random battles can be turned off from the beginning (they can already be turned off near the beginning). Also, refinability skills would be better balanced; instead of having a skill which can refine items into all types of fire magic, the skill will be able to refine items into level 1 fire magic, then later on the level 2 spell can be learned, and the level 3 spell, and so on. Another solution would be to take out SeeD tests and make other factors stronger, because the economy in that game loads you up with a lot of money that unballances the gameplay in the beginning. In a similar fassion to the Skies of Arcadia remake, add in more background story; every RPG could benefit from that. One other thing, I think the world map should be changed around a little more so that there is more use for vehicle travel, and so vehicles (such as trains and cars) are used a lot more. If all this were done, then in my opinion Final Fantasy 8 would be absolutely perfect. I do not think any of the other Final Fantasy games could be made perfect without a severe overhaul of the entire game.

I would also like to see updates of all of the early castlevania games kept in 2D, I would say the 2D plane with 3D backgrounds but I don't trust Konami enough not to make the backgrounds too destracting. I would probably buy all of them (except that monstrosity called Simons Quest).

FAXANADU! I want FAXANADU remade, actually I want a complete overhaul of the game, making it a lot longer and putting in a lot more dialogue and back story =)

 #87713  by Kupek
 Thu May 26, 2005 10:27 am
I'd like to see a remake of FF7. When I first played FFX, I remember thinking "So <i>this</i> is what they wanted to do with FF7." I recognize that most of the reason that I like FF7 so much has to do with my own emotional attachment to the game, and I'm okay with that. I got into RPGs about a year or two before FF7 came out; in that time, I played FF4, FF6, SoM, BoF, CT, SMB RPG - basically any SNES RPG I could get my hands on. Due to the fact that I hadn't been aware of any prior Final Fantasy releases, and due to the major hype around the game, the release of FF7 felt like the second coming. So, yeah, I'd love to see a treatment of the game where the graphics and sound are improved to today's standards.

A remake of the original Zelda would be cool, but not to 3D. Give it the same beautiful treatment that Metroid: Zero Mission got. (Whoops, looks like Eric and I had the same idea.)

A remake of all of the NES Castlevania games would be fantastic. I'd like to play them with SotN style graphics and controls.

I don't think that any SNES era games are in the need of a remake. It's actually less startling to go back to SNES games than it is to go back to PS games. I think that's because SNES games showed 2D games in their prime, while PS games were 3D in its infancy.
SineSwiper wrote:A Boy and His Blob. They don't make games like that any more.
<a href= ... Granted</a>. Although <a href=>Jeremy Parish</a> said it looks awful.

 #87714  by Agent 57
 Thu May 26, 2005 10:38 am
Damn, Seek, good call on Faxanadu! I'll second that.

I would also love to see The Guardian Legend given an upgrade.

River City Ransom is intriguing, and don't get me wrong I love the game, but wouldn't remaking it take away the definitive Technos Japan style?

RE2 in RE4 style <i>would</i> be pretty sweet...and heck, they've got the Leon model already.

They're already remaking WarHawk, but can we go back into the SingleTrac pool and get a new Jet Moto game that has good graphics and yet uses the control scheme and physics from the first one (which they mysteriously abandoned in the crappy-ass sequels)?

Ohhhhhhhh, Panzer Saga. *drooldrooldrool*

Heck, while we're at it, let's take a look at the laundry list of Saturn games that could use a facelift...

-Burning Rangers: Fun, but the graphics and camera were so bad as to render it nearly unplayable (how I managed to almost beat it, I'll never know).
-NiGHTS: Somebody tell me a modern version of this game wouldn't be fscking BEAUTIFUL. Go ahead, try.
-Dragon Force: Just imagine 1000 fearsome, screeching harpies flying in massive formation across the screen...and getting wasted by 300 puny archers.
-Guardian Heroes: 3D, Cel-shaded, no slowdown...I'd buy it.
-Not to mention that you could upgrade the graphics, fix the translation, and *still* fit all three chapters of Shining Force III on one current/next-gen game disc.

And finally, I wouldn't say no to a new game with modern visuals & gameplay elements set in the FFI universe...whether it uses FFI's story or my story. ;)

 #87715  by Zeus
 Thu May 26, 2005 10:43 am
Here's my list:

1) Panzer Saga - they NEED to remake this one, easily the best game no on played

2) Metroid 2 - make a Zero Mission like update, it would just rule

3) FF6 - the way Square does CG today, it would be incredible *pictures the opera scene with PS3 graphics*

4) Ocarina/Majora's/Windwaker - to see them look like Twilight Princess would be great

I also agree on the classic Zeldas and Castlevanias, but on the GBA so they're just suped up versions of the NES ones. I just don't want to see 3D versions of those. SNES games really don't need remakes for the reasons Kupek said, they need re-releases with extras and that's it. And definetely some PSX games (RE2 and RE3, Soul Blade, first three Tekkens, etc.), the ones that stuggled a little with the 3D (same with some Saturn ones; which reminds me, they need to redo Radiant Silvergun since that's the second best game no one ever played).

I'd have to sift through my NES and original Gameboy games to see what else. They've already done the original MM GB games (if it EVER comes out)

 #87732  by Don
 Thu May 26, 2005 12:24 pm
I don't believe in remakes just for the sake of updated stuff, so things I think should have a remake I'll also list what they can do better this time.

Terranigma - Make the game even more exploratory than it was. I like how you're given fairly vague objectives in the human phase, i.e. 'build an airplane' 'find the starstones' and you get to just roam around. For example they don't say 'take 5 starstones and take it to Dryvale in Antarctica', you're supposed to just explore until you find them all and make note of the fact that Dryvale is probably a special place when you come across it from earlier. Explain more about the lightside guys. What was Light Elle's mission? Royd's past? What exactly happened in Astarica in ages past? I also really like the fact that while Ark might have been the chosen he wasn't necessarily the strongest. The lightside guys pretty much tore Beruga's fortress apart just by themselves while Ark is merely watching, but that's okay because he's the only one who can go through the portal to the darkside to finish the battle (at least I'd assume that's the case, otherwise Royd & Fyda would've taken care of Dark Gaia already).

Megaman Zero 1-4 - Put these 4 games together as either Legends style action game or a RPG. The Zero series have a good plot but literally runs out of stages before the plot can get anywhere. You'd see something interesting happening but you know it's not going to be fully explained because you're now on the 7th of 8 bosses.

Fate Stay Night - People call the Visual novels genre as novel probably because novel somehow sounds better than a game. Well, it's not. Fate has the graphics, music, and plot to be a great RPG, but it is not a game. Consider the entire's game 'combat' has a very lengthy D&D based explanation on how everything works this obviously lends itself into a RPG type of game.

 #87744  by Agent 57
 Thu May 26, 2005 2:10 pm
Black Lotus wrote:It's not actually a remake of Dragon Force, but I'll take it.
Dahbuh wuhguh bluhduh zuh buhwuh!

*cough* *cough*

*hem* 'Cuse me, lost the ability of speech there for a second.

Holy shit if this game comes to the US I will snap it up in a second - being able to play Dragon Force without having to deal with the Saturn's shitty memory system would be a godsend.


 #87745  by Zeus
 Thu May 26, 2005 2:12 pm
Agent 57 wrote:
Black Lotus wrote:It's not actually a remake of Dragon Force, but I'll take it.
Dahbuh wuhguh bluhduh zuh buhwuh!

*cough* *cough*

*hem* 'Cuse me, lost the ability of speech there for a second.

Holy shit if this game comes to the US I will snap it up in a second - being able to play Dragon Force without having to deal with the Saturn's shitty memory system would be a godsend.

Hopefully they'll do the same with the sequel....

 #87754  by Julius Seeker
 Thu May 26, 2005 3:25 pm
As for the Zelda's, I wouldn't buy any remakes of the 2D ones except maybe Zelda: Adventure of Link. Converting them to 3D would essentially be creating an entirely new game; so there'd be no point int hat. Link's Awakening received a fairly good remake.

Metroid 2, I actually really liked that game quite a bit, I don't think I would buy a remake though, unless it was cheaper. I was not really a fan of the Metroid series, but I did like 2 enough when it came out. I also really like the Prime series.

Terranigma, I would certainly buy a remake of this game, especially witht he suggestions Don put in. Since the DS came out I have thought of it as the perfect platform for a Terranigma style game as it would make navigating the menu system SO much easier.

 #87767  by Tortolia
 Thu May 26, 2005 5:36 pm
Now that I think about it, remake the Crusader games. Those were, and still are awesome, provided you can get them to run on your damn computer nowadays.

 #87769  by Blotus
 Thu May 26, 2005 5:43 pm
I wouldn't mind seeing a Bushido Blade remake, only with a lot more polish.

Megaman 2 (in really spiffy-looking 2D).

River City Ransom, as many of you have already mentioned.

And finally... Paperboy.

 #87773  by Derithian
 Thu May 26, 2005 6:32 pm
I want a remake of one of my favorite all time action RPG's. Terranigma. oh my god that would rule. Something like Dark Cloud 2 only it would be a hell of a lot better......which with DC 2 being a fantastic game Terranigma could be as well.

 #87774  by Eric
 Thu May 26, 2005 6:37 pm
Hey they're actually remaking the original Wild ARMs game. Comes out August 16th.

 #87775  by Derithian
 Thu May 26, 2005 6:40 pm
are we gonna get innundated and have to change the name and location of the board again?

 #87822  by Blotus
 Fri May 27, 2005 5:33 pm
New board name, eh?

I suggest "Black Lotus' Snuff Warehouse."

 #87855  by SineSwiper
 Sat May 28, 2005 7:13 am
Derithian wrote:are we gonna get innundated and have to change the name and location of the board again?