are you kidding. marvel in the 90's (DC too was a cesspool of crappy comics with a very small amount of good. The only good through the 90's really is probably starman from DC which is a work of pure genius that anyone can enjoy. Then the start of the relaunch of JSA which is also quite amazing. outside of that the 90's were filled with terrible writing where the only really good stories were either small miniseries' or fill ins from good writers. but very little of it was good. far more style over substance with art taking priority. pretty much killed the comic industry. 90's titles to look for.....
The Spectre (John Ostrander/Thomas Mandrake)
Suicide Squad (John Ostrander)
Supergirl (Peter David)
Justice League of America (Grant Morrison)
The Flash (Mark Waid)
Preacher (Garth Ennis)
Stormwatch (Warren Ellis)
Starman (James Robinson)
Hellblazer (somee arcs were better than others)
JSA (Geoff Johns, James Robinson)
Swamp Thing
Deadpool (Joe Kelly/Gail Simone)
Animal Man (Grant Morrison)
League of Extraordinary Gentleman Volume 2 (Alan Moore)
Tom Strong (Alan Moore)
Supreme (Alan Moore)
Marvel Boy (Grant Morrison)
new Warriors (Fabian Nicezia)
Thunderbolts (Fabian Nicezia/Kurt Busiek)
Astro City (Kurt Busiek)
Rose & Thorn (Gail Simone)
The Entire Crossgen Line (All good. especially Scion, Route 666, Meridian, and's too bad they all had to end early)
Aquaman: Time & Tide (Peter David)
The Hulk (Peter David)
Most are either miniseries', complete runs with no other creative teams, or just went to hell after the listed creative teams left. and I do mean went tto hell. some got so bad afterward that it wasn't even funny. after most of these the exclusive contract boom hit and you started to see more of a focus on stories. Marvel started the ultimate line which has led to some amazing books and put Bendis on Daredevil. and I say this. Right now Daredevil and Captain America by Brubaker are 2 of the greatest books ever released. Just amazing stuff. anyone could check out Cap and daredevil right now and enjoy em. Not to mention Daredevil since Kevin Smith started his run. Kevin Smith was good then Bendis just built off of it and made it absolutely amazing. then brubaker just went with what was left to him and continued to blow the mind of me with amazing goodness. Check em out. I know Cap is all in trades and is well worth it.