Flip wrote:That only scratches the surface, there is a ton of other stuff that definitely makes you think. I wouldnt call globam warming proven fact, THAT would be close-minded, IMO.
Nor is it valid science. Theories, by their very nature, can not become fact. You can never prove a theory correct, you can only prove a theory is false. The theory of relativity, for example, is not a fact. However, it has accurately explained and predicted observed phenomenon, which is about as good as we can get. The global warming theory is the same way. No scientist will claim that global warming is proved. They will, however, say that it is the best explanation that we have for the data. And once the majority of scientists agree that a particular theory is indeed the best explanation, they're not going to continue arguing about it. They're going to assume that the theory is correct, so that they can build on it to do more science.
A surprisingly good place to read up on this is the Wikipedia entry for the <a href="
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_war ... sy">global warming controversy</a>. And if you're looking for compelling arguments from a particular person, read what <a href="
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Wat ... 29">Robert Watson</a> has to say. I saw him speak about eight months ago. He's the <a href="
http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNA ... tml">Chief Scientist</a> for the World Bank, which cares about global warming because of the economic consequences, which can be significant.
A few direct responses to the points you brought up.<ul>
<li>Individual professors does not make a consensus, as I explained earlier. Further, do these people have identities, or is it just "I have a list of names"?
<li>There has been an increase in extreme weather events in the past decade, particulary in the number of hurricanes.
<li>Computer simulations are the <i>only</i> way to produce reliable forecasts. Where do you think daily weather forecasts come from? The Earth's weather is an extremely complex chaotic system. The only way we know how to deal with such systems is through simulation.
</ul>Be wary of people throwing out tiny little cirticisms like this. They are never in context, and often extremely narrow in scope.