Democracy also does not serve to prevent ruthless dictators from coming into power, it is just one method of a peaceful transition of power from one regime to the next. It works, but not always: The Gracchi brothers, Marius, Sulla, Pompey, Crassus, Caesar, Antony, Lepidus, and Augustus. Then later on you have the Antonine regime of Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Pius, and Aurelius; their regime of peace and prosperity was longer and greater than any other western power to date, and they were a fucking dictatorship!
What's the difference between the high years of Rome and Cambodia? It's wealth, the Romans were wealthy, the Cambodians were poor.
If the Romans are any indication, democracy isn't always going to work, and sometimes dictatorship can work a lot better. Sometimes dictatorship exists decades before it is even acknowledged: The late Roman Republic is proof of that, Julius Caesar, Crassus, and Pompey may as well have been Co-Emperors of Rome, they ruled with the same iron grip, they were the richest and most powerful people in the Republic, and could do whatever they wanted. The successors of Caesar wielded similar power, and this was a period that went on for decades.
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