Zeus wrote:Kupek wrote:If you're pissed off, and the first thing you call upon in your rage are racist insults, then I'm inclined to think you're a racist.
If a black man can use it and everyone knows he's either a) joking or b) just trying to piss someone off, then so can Richards. Otherwise, it's just hypocrasy that rules our society.
But, that's the way it is and always will be while people always look to treat the symptoms rather than the disease itself.
Zeus, you're out of your mind on this one. I expect this kind of nonsense from Seek at this point, but you ought to know better. You're completely lacking context here - did you even watch the video, or read the actual comments he made? Or note that Eric quoted them? How do you defend someone who brings up the specter of public lynching at a comedy club?
You're supposed to heckle comedians during stand-up. It's part of the deal. And if you're a comedian, you're supposed to handle that heckling in a fairly lighthearted way, something that throws back that energy at the audience in a way that's lightly antagonistic - and funny - without being hostile. It's generally considered to be part of the act, a way to show that you have the verbal wit and skill to think on your feet, and the ability to defend yourself verbally without really hurting anyone else.
Richards did exactly the opposite of that. He went right for the neck, in a very visceral and unfair way. It would be like, in a fencing match, lightly and humorously tapping your opponent on the mask with the tip of your saber, at which point your opponent flies into a murderous rage, breaks the end off of his own blade, and starts trying to stab you in the heart with the jagged pieces.
Also, Michael Richards has been acting this way for a very long time. My friends ran into him during the height of Seinfeld at a coffeeshop in Los Angeles near the high school we all went to at the time, about ten years ago. They asked him if they could take his picture - not an unreasonable request of a major television star from a bunch of teenagers. He told them that if they took his picture, he'd grab and take away their camera. You don't have to threaten teenagers in order to prevent a picture from being taken - a simple "I'd prefer it if you didn't take my picture today, please respect my privacy" would have sufficed very well for my friends.
My mother thinks Richards may have some mental health issues, and I have to say that there may be some validity to that viewpoint. We'll probably never know. But...seriously...what are you thinking here, man?