<div style='font: 10pt Arial; text-align: left; '>I'm living in a house with 3 other people next semester. it's the only thing close to campus I could find that is within walking distance. Bascially, if I could get enough air pressure in my lungs right now, I could spit across the street and it would land on campus. Ain't that great? It's like, three spits away from my old dorm that I was in last year. I'll tell the land lady right now I'll hook-up the DSL in the house and route it. Gotta get a linksys router though. I'm living with two girls and another guy possibly. I know I'm living with the land lady's daughter. I went to see the house today while I looked at some other apartments that were...well...not to my liking. It's a nice little 4 BR, no yard though. Oh well, I won't have to mow it, yay!</div>
"An old man dies, a young girl lives, fair trade." - Bruce Willis from Sin City.